// SERVER-44366 Test that nesting of CodeWithScope works properly (function() { "use strict"; const nestedCWS = Code("function(){return 1;}", { f: Code("function(){return 2};", { f: Code("function(){return 3};", { f: Code("function(){return 4};", { f: Code("function(){return 5};", { f: Code("function(){return 6};", { f: Code("function(){return 7};", { f: Code("function(){return 8};", { f: Code("function(){return 9};", { f: Code("function(){return 10};", { f: Code("function(){return 11};", { f: Code("function(){return 12};", { f: Code("function(){return 13};", { f: Code("function(){return 14};", {f: Code("function(){return 15};", {})}) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }); var conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({setParameter: "maxBSONDepth=30"}); var testDB = conn.getDB("nestedCWS"); var coll = testDB.getCollection("test"); coll.insert({_id: nestedCWS}); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); })();