/** * Tests that non-durable writes on the primary can be successfully majority confirmed by the * secondaries. * * Skipping persistence on the primary will hold back its durable timestamp used for cross-replica * set write concern confirmation. * * First tests that writes can be majority confirmed without the primary by two secondaries. * Then tests that writes cannot be majority confirmed without the primary and only one secondary. * * @tags: [ * requires_persistence, * requires_replication, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/fail_point_util.js"); const checkTimestamps = (cmp, a, b) => { if (cmp === "gt") { assert.gt(timestampCmp(a, b), 0, `Expected timestamp to compare greater: ${tojson(a)} <= ${tojson(b)}`); return; } assert.eq(cmp, "eq", "Expected 'cmp' to be one of {'eq', 'gt'}"); assert.eq( timestampCmp(a, b), 0, `Expected timestamps to be equal: ${tojson(a)} != ${tojson(b)}`); }; const rst = new ReplSetTest({name: jsTest.name(), nodes: 3}); rst.startSet(); // Make sure there are no election timeouts. This should prevent primary stepdown. Normally we would // set the secondary node votes to 0, but that would affect the feature that is being tested. rst.initiateWithHighElectionTimeout(); const primary = rst.getPrimary(); const dbName = "testDB"; const collName = jsTest.name(); const primaryDB = primary.getDB(dbName); const primaryColl = primaryDB[collName]; assert.commandWorked(primaryDB.createCollection(collName, {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}})); // Do a write and then fetch and save the durable and majority timestamps on the primary. // Use {w: 3, j: true} write concern to make sure the timestamps are stable. const res = assert.commandWorked( primaryColl.insert({_id: "writeAllDurable"}, {writeConcern: {w: 3, j: true}})); const primaryReplSetStatus = assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand("replSetGetStatus")); const primaryPreFailPointDurableTs = primaryReplSetStatus.optimes.durableOpTime.ts; const primaryPreFailPointMajorityTs = primaryReplSetStatus.optimes.readConcernMajorityOpTime.ts; jsTestLog("Primary's optimes (initializing): " + tojson(primaryReplSetStatus.optimes)); assert.neq( primaryPreFailPointDurableTs, null, `Expected ${tojson(primaryPreFailPointDurableTs)} != null`); assert.neq(primaryPreFailPointMajorityTs, null, `Expected ${tojson(primaryPreFailPointMajorityTs)} != null`); checkTimestamps("eq", primaryPreFailPointDurableTs, primaryPreFailPointMajorityTs); // Configure the primary to stop moving the durable timestamp forward. The primary will no longer be // able to contribute to moving the replica set's majority timestamp forward because the replica // set's majority timestamp depends upon each member's durable timestamp, const failPoint = configureFailPoint(primaryDB, "skipDurableTimestampUpdates"); try { // Perform some writes with majority write concern. The primary cannot confirm them, so success // means that the secondaries have the writes durably. jsTestLog("Writes majority confirmed by secondaries."); assert.commandWorked( primaryColl.insert({_id: "majority1"}, {writeConcern: {w: "majority", j: true}})); assert.commandWorked( primaryColl.insert({_id: "majority2"}, {writeConcern: {w: "majority", j: true}})); // Check that the primary's durable timestamp has not moved forward, but the majority point has. const primaryStatus = assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand("replSetGetStatus")); const primaryPostWritesDurableTs = primaryStatus.optimes.durableOpTime.ts; const primaryPostWritesMajorityTs = primaryStatus.optimes.readConcernMajorityOpTime.ts; jsTestLog("Primary's optimes (when 3 nodes): " + tojson(primaryStatus.optimes)); checkTimestamps("eq", primaryPostWritesDurableTs, primaryPreFailPointDurableTs); checkTimestamps("gt", primaryPostWritesMajorityTs, primaryPreFailPointDurableTs); // Check that the secondaries' durable timestamps have moved forward. rst.getSecondaries().forEach(function(secondary) { const secondaryStatus = assert.commandWorked(secondary.adminCommand("replSetGetStatus")); const secondaryDurableTs = secondaryStatus.optimes.durableOpTime.ts; jsTestLog("One secondary's optimes (when 3 nodes): " + tojson(secondaryStatus.optimes)); checkTimestamps("gt", secondaryDurableTs, primaryPreFailPointDurableTs); }); // Shutdown a secondary so that there is no longer a majority able to confirm the durability of // a write. jsTestLog("Stopping one of the two secondaries"); let secondaries = rst.getSecondaries(); assert.eq(secondaries.length, 2); let stoppedSecondary = secondaries[0]; let runningSecondary = secondaries[1]; rst.stop(stoppedSecondary); // Now writes cannot reach majority without the primary. We will do {w: 2, j: false} writes to // get the writes on both remaining nodes. Then follow up with fsync commands againt the two // nodes to make sure the durable timestamps move forward if possible -- this will work only on // the secondary, the primary's durable timestamp will not move. jsTestLog("Writes cannot become majority confirmed."); assert.commandWorked( primaryColl.insert({_id: "noMajority1"}, {writeConcern: {w: 2, j: false}})); assert.commandWorked( primaryColl.insert({_id: "noMajority2"}, {writeConcern: {w: 2, j: false}})); jsTest.log("Force checkpoints to move the durable timestamps forward"); assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand({fsync: 1})); assert.commandWorked(runningSecondary.adminCommand({fsync: 1})); // Check that the primary's durable and majority timestamps have not moved forward. const primaryReplStatus = assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand("replSetGetStatus")); const primaryPostFsyncDurableTs = primaryReplStatus.optimes.durableOpTime.ts; const primaryPostFsyncMajorityTs = primaryReplStatus.optimes.readConcernMajorityOpTime.ts; jsTestLog("Primary's optimes (when 2 nodes): " + tojson(primaryReplStatus.optimes)); checkTimestamps("eq", primaryPostFsyncDurableTs, primaryPreFailPointDurableTs); checkTimestamps("eq", primaryPostFsyncMajorityTs, primaryPostWritesMajorityTs); // Check that the secondary's durable timestamp has moved forward, but the majority has not. // Durable timestamp is advanced by the journal flusher, not the fsync command. Keep retrying // until the secondary's durable timestamp has advanced past the majority timestamp. assert.soonNoExcept(() => { const secondaryStatus = assert.commandWorked(runningSecondary.adminCommand("replSetGetStatus")); const secondaryDurableTs = secondaryStatus.optimes.durableOpTime.ts; const secondaryMajorityTs = secondaryStatus.optimes.readConcernMajorityOpTime.ts; jsTestLog("Secondary's optimes (when 2 nodes): " + tojson(secondaryStatus.optimes)); checkTimestamps("gt", secondaryDurableTs, primaryPostFsyncMajorityTs); checkTimestamps("eq", secondaryMajorityTs, primaryPostFsyncMajorityTs); return true; }, "Secondary durable timestamp has not advanced past majority", 30000, 1000); } finally { // Turn off the failpoint before allowing the test to end, so nothing hangs while the server // shuts down or in post-test hooks. failPoint.off(); } rst.stopSet(); })();