// Tests the behaviour of an agg with $_requestReshardingResumeToken on an oplog which rolls over. // @tags: [ // requires_journaling, // requires_majority_read_concern, // ] (function() { "use strict"; load('jstests/replsets/rslib.js'); // For getLatestOp, getFirstOplogEntry. const oplogSize = 1; // size in MB const rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 1, oplogSize: oplogSize}); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); const testDB = rst.getPrimary().getDB(jsTestName()); const testColl = testDB[jsTestName()]; const localDB = testDB.getSiblingDB("local"); const oplogColl = localDB.oplog.rs; // Insert one document into the test collection. const insertCmdRes = assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand( {insert: testColl.getName(), documents: [{_id: 1}], writeConcern: {w: "majority"}})); // Record the optime of the insert to resume from later in the test. const resumeTimeFirstInsert = insertCmdRes.operationTime; // Update the document to create another oplog entry. assert.commandWorked(testColl.update({_id: 1}, {$set: {updated: true}})); // Verify that an aggregation which requests a resharding resume token but does not include a filter // on 'ts' is rejected. assert.commandFailedWithCode(localDB.runCommand({ aggregate: oplogColl.getName(), pipeline: [{$match: {ns: testColl.getFullName()}}], cursor: {}, $_requestReshardingResumeToken: true }), ErrorCodes.InvalidOptions); // Verify that we can start an aggregation from the timestamp that we took earlier, and that we see // the subsequent update operation. let aggCmdRes = assert.commandWorked(localDB.runCommand({ aggregate: oplogColl.getName(), pipeline: [{$match: {ts: {$gt: resumeTimeFirstInsert}, ns: testColl.getFullName()}}], cursor: {}, $_requestReshardingResumeToken: true })); const aggCmdCursor = new DBCommandCursor(localDB, aggCmdRes); assert.soon(() => aggCmdCursor.hasNext()); let next = aggCmdCursor.next(); assert.eq(next.op, "u"); assert.eq(next.o2._id, 1); // Confirm that we can begin an aggregation at a timestamp that precedes the start of the oplog, if // the first entry in the oplog is the replica set initialization message. const firstOplogEntry = getFirstOplogEntry(rst.getPrimary()); assert.eq(firstOplogEntry.o.msg, "initiating set"); assert.eq(firstOplogEntry.op, "n"); aggCmdRes = assert.commandWorked(localDB.runCommand({ aggregate: oplogColl.getName(), pipeline: [{$match: {ts: {$gte: Timestamp(1, 1)}, ns: testColl.getFullName()}}], cursor: {}, $_requestReshardingResumeToken: true })); const startAtDawnOfTimeCursor = new DBCommandCursor(localDB, aggCmdRes); for (let expectedOp of [{op: "i", _id: 1}, {op: "u", _id: 1}]) { assert.soon(() => startAtDawnOfTimeCursor.hasNext()); next = startAtDawnOfTimeCursor.next(); assert.eq(next.op, expectedOp.op); assert.eq((next.o._id || next.o2._id), expectedOp._id); } // Roll over the entire oplog such that none of the events are still present. const primaryNode = rst.getPrimary(); const mostRecentOplogEntry = getLatestOp(primaryNode); assert.neq(mostRecentOplogEntry, null); const largeStr = new Array(4 * 1024 * oplogSize).join('abcdefghi'); function oplogIsRolledOver() { // The oplog has rolled over if the op that used to be newest is now older than the // oplog's current oldest entry. Said another way, the oplog is rolled over when // everything in the oplog is newer than what used to be the newest entry. return bsonWoCompare(mostRecentOplogEntry.ts, getFirstOplogEntry(primaryNode, {readConcern: "majority"}).ts) < 0; } while (!oplogIsRolledOver()) { assert.commandWorked(testColl.insert({long_str: largeStr}, {writeConcern: {w: "majority"}})); } // Test that attempting to start from a timestamp that has already fallen off the oplog fails, if we // specify $_requestReshardingResumeToken. assert.commandFailedWithCode(localDB.runCommand({ aggregate: oplogColl.getName(), pipeline: [{$match: {ts: {$gte: resumeTimeFirstInsert}, ns: testColl.getFullName()}}], cursor: {}, $_requestReshardingResumeToken: true }), ErrorCodes.OplogQueryMinTsMissing); assert.commandFailedWithCode(localDB.runCommand({ aggregate: oplogColl.getName(), pipeline: [{$match: {ts: {$gte: Timestamp(1, 1)}, ns: testColl.getFullName()}}], cursor: {}, $_requestReshardingResumeToken: true }), ErrorCodes.OplogQueryMinTsMissing); // However, the same aggregation succeeds if we do not specify $_requestReshardingResumeToken. Since // we have just rolled over the oplog, we may encounter a "CappedPositionLost" error, which can be // safely retried. assert.soon(() => { let commandRes = localDB.runCommand({ aggregate: oplogColl.getName(), pipeline: [{$match: {ts: {$gte: Timestamp(1, 1)}, ns: testColl.getFullName()}}], cursor: {}, }); if (!commandRes.ok && commandRes.code == ErrorCodes.CappedPositionLost) { jsTestLog("Encountered a CappedPositionLost error, retrying the command."); return false; } assert.commandWorked(commandRes); return true; }); // Requesting resume tokens on a find command does not imply 'assertMinTsHasNotFallenOffOplog'. // Since we have just rolled over the oplog, we may encounter a "CappedPositionLost" error, which // can be safely retried. assert.soon(() => { let commandRes = localDB.runCommand({ find: oplogColl.getName(), filter: {ts: {$gte: Timestamp(1, 1)}, ns: testColl.getFullName()}, tailable: true, hint: {$natural: 1}, $_requestResumeToken: true }); if (!commandRes.ok && commandRes.code == ErrorCodes.CappedPositionLost) { jsTestLog("Encountered a CappedPositionLost error, retrying the command."); return false; } assert.commandWorked(commandRes); return true; }); rst.stopSet(); })();