// Tests the parsing of the timeZoneInfo parameter and file use. (function() { // Test that a bad file causes startup to fail. assert.throws( () => MongoRunner.runMongod({timeZoneInfo: "jstests/libs/config_files/bad_timezone_info"}), [], "expected launching mongod with bad timezone rules to fail"); assert.neq(-1, rawMongoProgramOutput().search(/Fatal assertion.*40475/)); // Test that a non-existent directory causes startup to fail. assert.throws( () => MongoRunner.runMongod({timeZoneInfo: "jstests/libs/config_files/missing_directory"}), [], "expected launching mongod with bad timezone rules to fail"); // Look for either old or new error message assert(rawMongoProgramOutput().includes("Error creating service context") || rawMongoProgramOutput().includes("Failed to create service context")); function testWithGoodTimeZoneDir(tz_good_path) { let conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({timeZoneInfo: tz_good_path}); assert.neq(conn, null, "expected launching mongod with good timezone rules to succeed"); // Test that can use file-provided timezones in an expression. const testDB = conn.getDB("test"); const coll = testDB.parse_zone_info; assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({x: new Date()})); assert.doesNotThrow( () => coll.aggregate([{$set: {x_parts: {$dateToParts: {date: "$x", timezone: "GMT"}}}}])); assert.doesNotThrow( () => coll.aggregate( [{$set: {x_parts: {$dateToParts: {date: "$x", timezone: "America/Sao_Paulo"}}}}])); // Confirm that attempt to use a non-existent timezone in an expression fails. const err = assert.throws(() => coll.aggregate( [{$set: {x_parts: {$dateToParts: {date: "$x", timezone: "Unknown"}}}}])); assert.eq(err.code, 40485); // Test some dates which specifically exercise slim-format timezone files. The test-case below // produced incorrect output using `$dateToParts` on `timelib-2018.01` with slim timezone format // and the "America/New York" timezone, since timelib was unable to correctly extrapolate DST // changes from the slim-format files. This was fixed in the timelib 2021 series. const corner_coll = testDB.parse_zone_info_corner_cases; test_dates = [ { test_date: "2020-10-20T19:49:47.634Z", test_date_parts: { "year": 2020, "month": 10, "day": 20, "hour": 15, "minute": 49, "second": 47, "millisecond": 634 } }, { test_date: "2020-12-14T12:00:00Z", test_date_parts: { "year": 2020, "month": 12, "day": 14, "hour": 7, "minute": 0, "second": 0, "millisecond": 0 } } ]; for (let i = 0; i < test_dates.length; ++i) { assert.commandWorked(corner_coll.insert({_id: i, x: new ISODate(test_dates[i].test_date)})); } let res = corner_coll .aggregate([ {$set: {x_parts: {$dateToParts: {date: "$x", timezone: "America/New_York"}}}}, {$sort: {_id: 1}} ]) .toArray(); for (let i = 0; i < test_dates.length; ++i) { assert.eq(res[i].x_parts, test_dates[i].test_date_parts); } MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); } // Test that startup can succeed with a good file. testWithGoodTimeZoneDir("jstests/libs/config_files/good_timezone_info_fat"); testWithGoodTimeZoneDir("jstests/libs/config_files/good_timezone_info_slim"); }());