// Tests the parsing of the timeZoneInfo parameter. (function() { // Test that a bad file causes startup to fail. let conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({timeZoneInfo: "jstests/libs/config_files/bad_timezone_info"}); assert.eq(conn, null, "expected launching mongod with bad timezone rules to fail"); assert.neq(-1, rawMongoProgramOutput().indexOf("Fatal assertion 40475")); // Test that a non-existent directory causes startup to fail. conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({timeZoneInfo: "jstests/libs/config_files/missing_directory"}); assert.eq(conn, null, "expected launching mongod with bad timezone rules to fail"); assert.neq(-1, rawMongoProgramOutput().indexOf("Failed global initialization")); // Test that startup can succeed with a good file. conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({timeZoneInfo: "jstests/libs/config_files/good_timezone_info"}); assert.neq(conn, null, "expected launching mongod with good timezone rules to succeed"); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); }());