/** * Tests that detailed debug information is excluded from new plan cache entries once the estimated * cumulative size of the system's plan caches exceeds a pre-configured threshold. */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/sbe_util.js"); // For checkSBEEnabled. /** * Creates two indexes for the given collection. In order for plans to be cached, there need to be * at least two possible indexed plans. */ function createIndexesForColl(coll) { assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({a: 1})); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({b: 1})); } function totalPlanCacheSize() { const serverStatus = assert.commandWorked(db.serverStatus()); return serverStatus.metrics.query.planCacheTotalSizeEstimateBytes; } function planCacheContents(coll) { return coll.aggregate([{$planCacheStats: {}}]).toArray(); } /** * Retrieve the cache entry associated with the query shape defined by the given 'filter' (assuming * the query has no projection, sort, or collation). Asserts that a plan cache entry with the * expected key is present in the $planCacheStats output, and returns the matching entry. */ function getPlanCacheEntryForFilter(coll, filter) { // First, use explain to obtain the 'planCacheKey' associated with 'filter'. const explain = coll.find(filter).explain(); const cacheKey = explain.queryPlanner.planCacheKey; const allPlanCacheEntries = coll.aggregate([{$planCacheStats: {}}, {$match: {planCacheKey: cacheKey}}]).toArray(); // There should be only one cache entry with the given key. assert.eq(allPlanCacheEntries.length, 1, allPlanCacheEntries); return allPlanCacheEntries[0]; } function assertExistenceOfRequiredCacheEntryFields(entry) { assert(entry.hasOwnProperty("queryHash"), entry); assert(entry.hasOwnProperty("planCacheKey"), entry); assert(entry.hasOwnProperty("isActive"), entry); assert(entry.hasOwnProperty("works"), entry); assert(entry.hasOwnProperty("timeOfCreation"), entry); assert(entry.hasOwnProperty("indexFilterSet"), entry); assert(entry.hasOwnProperty("estimatedSizeBytes"), entry); } const debugInfoFields = ["createdFromQuery", "cachedPlan", "creationExecStats", "candidatePlanScores"]; function assertCacheEntryHasDebugInfo(entry) { assertExistenceOfRequiredCacheEntryFields(entry); for (const field of debugInfoFields) { assert(entry.hasOwnProperty(field), entry); } } function assertCacheEntryIsMissingDebugInfo(entry) { assertExistenceOfRequiredCacheEntryFields(entry); for (const field of debugInfoFields) { assert(!entry.hasOwnProperty(field), entry); } // We expect cache entries to be reasonably small when their debug info is stripped. Although // there are no strict guarantees on the size of the entry, we can expect that the size estimate // should always remain under 2kb. assert.lt(entry.estimatedSizeBytes, 2 * 1024, entry); } const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({}); assert.neq(conn, null, "mongod failed to start"); const db = conn.getDB("test"); const coll = db.plan_cache_memory_debug_info; if (checkSBEEnabled(db, ["featureFlagSbePlanCache"])) { jsTest.log("Skipping test because SBE and SBE plan cache are both enabled."); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); return; } coll.drop(); createIndexesForColl(coll); const smallQuery = { a: 1, b: 1, }; // Create a plan cache entry, and verify that the estimated plan cache size has increased. let oldPlanCacheSize = totalPlanCacheSize(); assert.eq(0, coll.find(smallQuery).itcount()); let newPlanCacheSize = totalPlanCacheSize(); assert.gt(newPlanCacheSize, oldPlanCacheSize); // Verify that the cache now has a single entry whose estimated size explains the increase in the // total plan cache size reported by serverStatus(). The cache entry should contain all expected // debug info. let cacheContents = planCacheContents(coll); assert.eq(cacheContents.length, 1, cacheContents); const cacheEntry = cacheContents[0]; assertCacheEntryHasDebugInfo(cacheEntry); assert.eq(cacheEntry.estimatedSizeBytes, newPlanCacheSize - oldPlanCacheSize, cacheEntry); // Configure the server so that new plan cache entries should not preserve debug info. const setParamRes = assert.commandWorked( db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryCacheMaxSizeBytesBeforeStripDebugInfo: 0})); const stripDebugInfoThresholdDefault = setParamRes.was; // Generate a query which includes a 10,000 element $in predicate. const kNumInElements = 10 * 1000; const largeQuery = { a: 1, b: 1, c: {$in: Array.from({length: kNumInElements}, (_, i) => i)}, }; // Create a new cache entry using the query with the large $in predicate. Verify that the estimated // total plan cache size has increased again, and check that there are now two entries in the cache. oldPlanCacheSize = totalPlanCacheSize(); assert.eq(0, coll.find(largeQuery).itcount()); newPlanCacheSize = totalPlanCacheSize(); assert.gt(newPlanCacheSize, oldPlanCacheSize); cacheContents = planCacheContents(coll); assert.eq(cacheContents.length, 2, cacheContents); // The cache entry associated with 'smallQuery' should retain its debug info, whereas the cache // entry associated with 'largeQuery' should have had its debug info stripped. const smallQueryCacheEntry = getPlanCacheEntryForFilter(coll, smallQuery); assertCacheEntryHasDebugInfo(smallQueryCacheEntry); let largeQueryCacheEntry = getPlanCacheEntryForFilter(coll, largeQuery); assertCacheEntryIsMissingDebugInfo(largeQueryCacheEntry); // The second cache entry should be smaller than the first, despite the query being much larger. assert.lt(largeQueryCacheEntry.estimatedSizeBytes, smallQueryCacheEntry.estimatedSizeBytes, cacheContents); // The new cache entry's size should account for the latest observed increase in total plan cache // size. assert.eq( largeQueryCacheEntry.estimatedSizeBytes, newPlanCacheSize - oldPlanCacheSize, cacheContents); // Verify that a new cache entry in a different collection also has its debug info stripped. This // demonstrates that the size threshold applies on a server-wide basis as opposed to on a // per-collection basis. const secondColl = db.plan_cache_memory_debug_info_other; secondColl.drop(); createIndexesForColl(secondColl); // Introduce a new cache entry in the second collection's cache and verify that the cumulative plan // cache size has increased. oldPlanCacheSize = totalPlanCacheSize(); assert.eq(0, secondColl.find(smallQuery).itcount()); newPlanCacheSize = totalPlanCacheSize(); assert.gt(newPlanCacheSize, oldPlanCacheSize); // Ensure that the second collection's cache now has one entry, and that entry's debug info is // stripped. cacheContents = planCacheContents(secondColl); assert.eq(cacheContents.length, 1, cacheContents); assertCacheEntryIsMissingDebugInfo(cacheContents[0]); // Meanwhile, the contents of the original collection's plan cache should remain unchanged. cacheContents = planCacheContents(coll); assert.eq(cacheContents.length, 2, cacheContents); assertCacheEntryHasDebugInfo(getPlanCacheEntryForFilter(coll, smallQuery)); assertCacheEntryIsMissingDebugInfo(getPlanCacheEntryForFilter(coll, largeQuery)); // Restore the threshold for stripping debug info to its default. Verify that if we add a third // cache entry to the original collection 'coll', the plan cache size increases once again, and the // new cache entry stores debug info. assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({ setParameter: 1, internalQueryCacheMaxSizeBytesBeforeStripDebugInfo: stripDebugInfoThresholdDefault, })); const smallQuery2 = { a: 1, b: 1, c: 1, }; oldPlanCacheSize = totalPlanCacheSize(); assert.eq(0, coll.find(smallQuery2).itcount()); newPlanCacheSize = totalPlanCacheSize(); assert.gt(newPlanCacheSize, oldPlanCacheSize); // Verify that there are now three cache entries. cacheContents = planCacheContents(coll); assert.eq(cacheContents.length, 3, cacheContents); // Make sure that the cache entries have or are missing debug info as expected. assertCacheEntryHasDebugInfo(getPlanCacheEntryForFilter(coll, smallQuery)); assertCacheEntryHasDebugInfo(getPlanCacheEntryForFilter(coll, smallQuery2)); assertCacheEntryIsMissingDebugInfo(getPlanCacheEntryForFilter(coll, largeQuery)); assertCacheEntryIsMissingDebugInfo(getPlanCacheEntryForFilter(secondColl, smallQuery)); // Clear the cache entry for 'largeQuery' and regenerate it. The cache should grow larger, since the // regenerated cache entry should now contain debug info. Also, check that the size of the new cache // entry is estimated to be at least 10kb, since the query itself is known to be at least 10kb. oldPlanCacheSize = totalPlanCacheSize(); assert.commandWorked(coll.runCommand("planCacheClear", {query: largeQuery})); cacheContents = planCacheContents(coll); assert.eq(cacheContents.length, 2, cacheContents); assert.eq(0, coll.find(largeQuery).itcount()); cacheContents = planCacheContents(coll); assert.eq(cacheContents.length, 3, cacheContents); newPlanCacheSize = totalPlanCacheSize(); assert.gt(newPlanCacheSize, oldPlanCacheSize); largeQueryCacheEntry = getPlanCacheEntryForFilter(coll, largeQuery); assertCacheEntryHasDebugInfo(largeQueryCacheEntry); assert.gt(largeQueryCacheEntry.estimatedSizeBytes, 10 * 1024, largeQueryCacheEntry); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); }());