/** * Test that the plan cache memory estimate increases and decreases correctly as plans are added to * and cleared from the cache. */ (function() { "use strict"; const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({}); const db = conn.getDB('test'); const coll1 = db.query_metrics1; const coll2 = db.query_metrics2; coll1.drop(); coll2.drop(); const queryObj = { a: {$gte: 99}, b: -1 }; const projectionObj = { _id: 0, b: 1 }; const sortObj = { c: -1 }; function getPlanCacheSize() { const serverStatus = assert.commandWorked(db.serverStatus()); return serverStatus.metrics.query.planCacheTotalSizeEstimateBytes; } function assertCacheLength(coll, length) { assert.eq(coll.aggregate([{$planCacheStats: {}}]).itcount(), length); } function verifyPlanCacheSizeIncrease(coll) { // Add data and indices. for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: i, b: -1, c: 1})); } assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({a: 1})); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({b: 1})); let prevCacheSize = getPlanCacheSize(); // Populate plan cache. assert.eq( 1, coll.find(queryObj, projectionObj).sort(sortObj).itcount(), 'unexpected document count'); // Verify that the plan cache entry exists. assertCacheLength(coll, 1); // Verify that the plan cache size increased. assert.gt(getPlanCacheSize(), prevCacheSize); prevCacheSize = getPlanCacheSize(); // Verify that the total plan cache memory consumption estimate increases when 'projection' // plan cache entry is added. assert.eq(1, coll.find(queryObj, projectionObj).itcount(), 'unexpected document count'); assert.gt(getPlanCacheSize(), prevCacheSize); // Verify that the total plan cache memory consumption estimate increases when 'sort' plan // cache entry is added. prevCacheSize = getPlanCacheSize(); assert.eq(1, coll.find(queryObj).sort(sortObj).itcount(), 'unexpected document count'); assert.gt(getPlanCacheSize(), prevCacheSize); // Verify that the total plan cache memory consumption estimate increases when 'query' plan // cache entry is added. prevCacheSize = getPlanCacheSize(); assert.eq(1, coll.find(queryObj).itcount(), 'unexpected document count'); assert.gt(getPlanCacheSize(), prevCacheSize); assertCacheLength(coll, 4); } function verifyPlanCacheSizeDecrease(coll) { let prevCacheSize = getPlanCacheSize(); assertCacheLength(coll, 4); // Verify that the total plan cache memory consumption estimate decreases when 'projection' // plan cache entry is cleared. const planCache = coll.getPlanCache(); planCache.clearPlansByQuery(queryObj, projectionObj); assertCacheLength(coll, 3); assert.lt(getPlanCacheSize(), prevCacheSize); // Verify that the total plan cache memory consumption estimate decreases when 'sort' plan // cache entry is cleared. prevCacheSize = getPlanCacheSize(); planCache.clearPlansByQuery(queryObj, undefined, sortObj); assertCacheLength(coll, 2); assert.lt(getPlanCacheSize(), prevCacheSize); // Verify that the total plan cache memory consumption estimate decreases when all the // entries for a collection are cleared. prevCacheSize = getPlanCacheSize(); planCache.clear(); assertCacheLength(coll, 0); assert.lt(getPlanCacheSize(), prevCacheSize); } const originalPlanCacheSize = getPlanCacheSize(); // Verify that the cache size is zero when the database is started. assert.eq(originalPlanCacheSize, 0); // Test plan cache size estimates using multiple collections. // Verify that the cache size increases when entires are added. verifyPlanCacheSizeIncrease(coll1); // Verify that the cache size increases in the presence of cache from another collection. verifyPlanCacheSizeIncrease(coll2); // Verify that the cache size decreases as plans are removed from either collection. verifyPlanCacheSizeDecrease(coll2); verifyPlanCacheSizeDecrease(coll1); // Verify that cache size gets reset to original size after clearing all the cache entires. assert.eq(getPlanCacheSize(), originalPlanCacheSize); // Test by dropping collection. let coll = db.query_metrics_drop_coll; coll.drop(); // Populate cache entries. verifyPlanCacheSizeIncrease(coll); // Verify that cache size gets reset to original size after dropping the collection. coll.drop(); assert.eq(getPlanCacheSize(), originalPlanCacheSize); // Test by dropping indexes. coll = db.query_metrics_drop_indexes; coll.drop(); // Populate cache entries. verifyPlanCacheSizeIncrease(coll); // Verify that cache size gets reset to original size after dropping indexes. assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndexes()); assert.eq(getPlanCacheSize(), originalPlanCacheSize); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); })();