/** * Test that plans with $group and $lookup lowered to SBE are cached and replanned as appropriate. * @tags: [ * requires_profiling, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); load("jstests/libs/log.js"); // For findMatchingLogLine. load("jstests/libs/profiler.js"); load("jstests/libs/sbe_util.js"); // For checkSBEEnabled. load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); // For 'getAggPlanStages()' const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod(); const db = conn.getDB("test"); const coll = db.plan_cache_replan_group_lookup; const foreignCollName = "foreign"; coll.drop(); const sbeFullEnabled = checkSBEEnabled(db, ["featureFlagSbeFull"]); function getPlansForCacheEntry(match) { const matchingCacheEntries = coll.getPlanCache().list([{$match: match}]); assert.eq(matchingCacheEntries.length, 1, coll.getPlanCache().list()); return matchingCacheEntries[0]; } function planHasIxScanStageForIndex(planStats, indexName) { const stage = getPlanStage(planStats, "IXSCAN"); if (stage === null) { return false; } return indexName === stage.indexName; } function assertCacheUsage(multiPlanning, cacheEntryVersion, cacheEntryIsActive, cachedIndexName, pipeline, aggOptions = {}) { const profileObj = getLatestProfilerEntry(db, {op: "command", ns: coll.getFullName()}); const queryHash = profileObj.queryHash; const planCacheKey = profileObj.planCacheKey; assert.eq(multiPlanning, !!profileObj.fromMultiPlanner, profileObj); const entry = getPlansForCacheEntry({queryHash: queryHash}); assert.eq(cacheEntryVersion, entry.version, entry); assert.eq(cacheEntryIsActive, entry.isActive, entry); // If the entry is active, we should have a plan cache key. if (entry.isActive) { assert(entry.planCacheKey); } if (planCacheKey) { assert.eq(entry.planCacheKey, planCacheKey); const explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline, aggOptions); const explainKey = explain.hasOwnProperty("queryPlanner") ? explain.queryPlanner.planCacheKey : explain.stages[0].$cursor.queryPlanner.planCacheKey; assert.eq(explainKey, entry.planCacheKey); } if (cacheEntryVersion === 2) { assert(entry.cachedPlan.stages.includes(cachedIndexName), entry); } else { assert(planHasIxScanStageForIndex(getCachedPlan(entry.cachedPlan), cachedIndexName), entry); } } assert.commandWorked(db.setProfilingLevel(2)); // Carefully construct a collection so that some queries will do well with an {a: 1} index // and others with a {b: 1} index. for (let i = 1000; i < 1100; i++) { assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: 1, b: i, c: 5})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: 1, b: i, c: 6})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: 1, b: i, c: 7})); } for (let i = 1000; i < 1100; i++) { assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: i, b: 1, c: 5})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: i, b: 1, c: 8})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({a: i, b: 1, c: 8})); } assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({a: 1})); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({b: 1})); function setUpActiveCacheEntry(pipeline, cacheEntryVersion, cachedIndexName) { // For the first run, the query should go through multiplanning and create inactive cache entry. assert.eq(2, coll.aggregate(pipeline).toArray()[0].n); assertCacheUsage(true /*multiPlanning*/, cacheEntryVersion, false /*cacheEntryIsActive*/, cachedIndexName, pipeline); // After the second run, the inactive cache entry should be promoted to an active entry. assert.eq(2, coll.aggregate(pipeline).toArray()[0].n); assertCacheUsage(true /*multiPlanning*/, cacheEntryVersion, true /*cacheEntryIsActive*/, cachedIndexName, pipeline); // For the third run, the active cached query should be used. assert.eq(2, coll.aggregate(pipeline).toArray()[0].n); assertCacheUsage(false /*multiPlanning*/, cacheEntryVersion, true /*cacheEntryIsActive*/, cachedIndexName, pipeline); } function testFn(aIndexPipeline, bIndexPipeline, cacheEntryVersion, setUpFn = undefined, tearDownFn = undefined, explainFn = undefined) { if (setUpFn) { setUpFn(); } if (explainFn) { explainFn(aIndexPipeline); explainFn(bIndexPipeline); } setUpActiveCacheEntry(aIndexPipeline, cacheEntryVersion, "a_1" /* cachedIndexName */); // Now run the other pipeline, which has the same query shape but is faster with a different // index. It should trigger re-planning of the query. assert.eq(3, coll.aggregate(bIndexPipeline).toArray()[0].n); // The other pipeline again, The cache should be used now. assertCacheUsage(true /*multiPlanning*/, cacheEntryVersion, true /*cacheEntryIsActive*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, bIndexPipeline); // Run it once again so that the cache entry is reused. assert.eq(3, coll.aggregate(bIndexPipeline).toArray()[0].n); assertCacheUsage(false /*multiPlanning*/, cacheEntryVersion, true /*cacheEntryIsActive*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, bIndexPipeline); if (tearDownFn) { tearDownFn(); } coll.getPlanCache().clear(); } // This pipeline will be quick with {a: 1} index, and far slower {b: 1} index. With the {a: 1} // index, the server should only need to examine one document. Using {b: 1}, it will have to // scan through each document which has 2 as the value of the 'b' field. const aIndexPredicate = [{$match: {a: 1042, b: 1}}]; // Opposite of 'aIndexQuery'. Should be quick if the {b: 1} index is used, and slower if the // {a: 1} index is used. const bIndexPredicate = [{$match: {a: 1, b: 1042}}]; const expectedVersion = sbeFullEnabled ? 2 : 1; // $group tests. const groupSuffix = [{$group: {_id: "$c"}}, {$count: "n"}]; testFn(aIndexPredicate.concat(groupSuffix), bIndexPredicate.concat(groupSuffix), expectedVersion /* cacheEntryVersion */); // $lookup tests. const lookupStage = [{$lookup: {from: foreignCollName, localField: 'c', foreignField: 'foreignKey', as: 'out'}}]; const aLookup = aIndexPredicate.concat(lookupStage).concat(groupSuffix); const bLookup = bIndexPredicate.concat(lookupStage).concat(groupSuffix); function createLookupForeignColl() { const foreignColl = db[foreignCollName]; // Here, the values for 'foreignKey' are expected to match existing values for 'c' in 'coll'. assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.insert([{foreignKey: 8}, {foreignKey: 6}])); } function dropLookupForeignColl() { assert(db[foreignCollName].drop()); } const lookupPushdownEnabled = checkSBEEnabled(db); const lookupPushdownNLJEnabled = checkSBEEnabled(db, ["featureFlagSbeFull"]); function verifyCorrectLookupAlgorithmUsed(targetJoinAlgorithm, pipeline, aggOptions = {}) { if (!lookupPushdownEnabled) { return; } if (!lookupPushdownNLJEnabled && targetJoinAlgorithm === "NestedLoopJoin") { targetJoinAlgorithm = "Classic"; } const explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline, aggOptions); const eqLookupNodes = getAggPlanStages(explain, "EQ_LOOKUP"); if (targetJoinAlgorithm === "Classic") { assert.eq(eqLookupNodes.length, 0, "expected no EQ_LOOKUP nodes; got " + tojson(explain)); } else { // Verify via explain that $lookup was lowered and appropriate $lookup algorithm was chosen. assert.eq(eqLookupNodes.length, 1, "expected at least one EQ_LOOKUP node; got " + tojson(explain)); assert.eq(eqLookupNodes[0].strategy, targetJoinAlgorithm); } } // NLJ. testFn(aLookup, bLookup, expectedVersion /* cacheEntryVersion */, createLookupForeignColl, dropLookupForeignColl, (pipeline) => verifyCorrectLookupAlgorithmUsed("NestedLoopJoin", pipeline, {allowDiskUse: false})); // INLJ. testFn(aLookup, bLookup, expectedVersion /* cacheEntryVersion */, () => { createLookupForeignColl(); assert.commandWorked(db[foreignCollName].createIndex({foreignKey: 1})); }, dropLookupForeignColl, (pipeline) => verifyCorrectLookupAlgorithmUsed("IndexedLoopJoin", pipeline, {allowDiskUse: false})); // HJ. testFn(aLookup, bLookup, expectedVersion /* cacheEntryVersion */, () => { createLookupForeignColl(); }, dropLookupForeignColl, (pipeline) => verifyCorrectLookupAlgorithmUsed("HashJoin", pipeline, { allowDiskUse: true })); // Verify that a cached plan which initially uses an INLJ will use HJ once the index is dropped and // the foreign collection is dropped, and NLJ when 'allowDiskUse' is set to 'false'. // For the first run, the query should go through multiplanning and create inactive cache entry. createLookupForeignColl(); assert.commandWorked(db[foreignCollName].createIndex({foreignKey: 1})); verifyCorrectLookupAlgorithmUsed("IndexedLoopJoin", aLookup, {allowDiskUse: true}); setUpActiveCacheEntry( aLookup, expectedVersion /* cacheEntryVersion */, "a_1" /* cachedIndexName */); // Drop the index. This should result in using HJ. assert.commandWorked(db[foreignCollName].dropIndex({foreignKey: 1})); verifyCorrectLookupAlgorithmUsed("HashJoin", aLookup, {allowDiskUse: true}); assert.eq(2, coll.aggregate(aLookup).toArray()[0].n); // If SBE plan cache is enabled, a new cache entry will be created in the SBE plan cache after // invalidation. The corresponding cache entry in SBE plan cache should be inactive because the SBE // plan cache is invalidated on index drop. assertCacheUsage(sbeFullEnabled /*multiPlanning*/, expectedVersion /* cacheEntryVersion */, !sbeFullEnabled /*cacheEntryIsActive*/, "a_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, aLookup); // Set 'allowDiskUse' to 'false'. This should still result in using NLJ. verifyCorrectLookupAlgorithmUsed("NestedLoopJoin", aLookup, {allowDiskUse: false}); assert.eq(2, coll.aggregate(aLookup).toArray()[0].n); // Note that multi-planning is expected here when the SBE plan cache is enabled because the // 'allowDiskUse' value is part of the SBE plan cache key encoding. assertCacheUsage(sbeFullEnabled /*multiPlanning*/, expectedVersion /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*cacheEntryIsActive*/, "a_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, aLookup); // Drop the foreign collection. dropLookupForeignColl(); verifyCorrectLookupAlgorithmUsed("NonExistentForeignCollection", aLookup, {allowDiskUse: true}); assert.eq(2, coll.aggregate(aLookup).toArray()[0].n); assertCacheUsage(sbeFullEnabled /*multiPlanning*/, expectedVersion /* cacheEntryVersion */, !sbeFullEnabled /*cacheEntryIsActive*/, "a_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, aLookup); // Verify that changing the plan for the right side does not trigger a replan. const foreignColl = db[foreignCollName]; coll.drop(); foreignColl.drop(); coll.getPlanCache().clear(); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({a: 1})); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({b: 1})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert([ {_id: 0, a: 1, b: 1}, {_id: 1, a: 1, b: 2}, {_id: 2, a: 1, b: 3}, {_id: 3, a: 1, b: 4}, ])); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({c: 1})); for (let i = -30; i < 30; ++i) { assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.insert({_id: i, c: i})); } const avoidReplanLookupPipeline = [ {$match: {a: 1, b: 3}}, {$lookup: {from: foreignColl.getName(), as: "as", localField: "a", foreignField: "c"}} ]; function runLookupQuery(options = {}) { assert.eq([{_id: 2, a: 1, b: 3, as: [{_id: 1, c: 1}]}], coll.aggregate(avoidReplanLookupPipeline, options).toArray()); } // Verify that we are using IndexedLoopJoin. verifyCorrectLookupAlgorithmUsed( "IndexedLoopJoin", avoidReplanLookupPipeline, {allowDiskUse: false}); runLookupQuery({allowDiskUse: false}); assertCacheUsage(true /*multiPlanning*/, expectedVersion /* cacheEntryVersion */, false /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanLookupPipeline, {allowDiskUse: false}); runLookupQuery({allowDiskUse: false}); assertCacheUsage(true /*multiPlanning*/, expectedVersion /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanLookupPipeline, {allowDiskUse: false}); // After dropping the index on the right-hand side, we should NOT replan the cached query. We // will, however, choose a different join algorithm. assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.dropIndex({c: 1})); // Verify that we are now using NestedLoopJoin. verifyCorrectLookupAlgorithmUsed( "NestedLoopJoin", avoidReplanLookupPipeline, {allowDiskUse: false}); // If SBE plan cache is enabled, after dropping index, the $lookup plan cache will be invalidated. // We will need to rerun the multi-planner. if (sbeFullEnabled) { runLookupQuery({allowDiskUse: false}); assertCacheUsage(true /*multiPlanning*/, 2 /* cacheEntryVersion */, false /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanLookupPipeline, {allowDiskUse: false}); runLookupQuery({allowDiskUse: false}); assertCacheUsage(true /*multiPlanning*/, 2 /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanLookupPipeline, {allowDiskUse: false}); } runLookupQuery({allowDiskUse: false}); assertCacheUsage(false /*multiPlanning*/, sbeFullEnabled ? 2 : 1 /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanLookupPipeline, {allowDiskUse: false}); runLookupQuery({allowDiskUse: false}); assertCacheUsage(false /*multiPlanning*/, sbeFullEnabled ? 2 : 1 /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanLookupPipeline, {allowDiskUse: false}); // Run with 'allowDiskUse: true'. This should now use HashJoin, and we should still avoid // replanning the cached query. verifyCorrectLookupAlgorithmUsed("HashJoin", avoidReplanLookupPipeline, {allowDiskUse: true}); // If SBE plan cache is enabled, using different 'allowDiskUse' option will result in // different plan cache key. if (sbeFullEnabled) { runLookupQuery({allowDiskUse: true}); assertCacheUsage(true /*multiPlanning*/, 2 /* cacheEntryVersion */, false /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanLookupPipeline, {allowDiskUse: true}); runLookupQuery({allowDiskUse: true}); assertCacheUsage(true /*multiPlanning*/, 2 /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanLookupPipeline, {allowDiskUse: true}); } runLookupQuery({allowDiskUse: true}); assertCacheUsage(false /*multiPlanning*/, sbeFullEnabled ? 2 : 1 /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanLookupPipeline, {allowDiskUse: true}); runLookupQuery({allowDiskUse: true}); assertCacheUsage(false /*multiPlanning*/, sbeFullEnabled ? 2 : 1 /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanLookupPipeline, {allowDiskUse: true}); // Verify that disabling $lookup pushdown into SBE does not trigger a replan, and uses the // correct engine to execute results. coll.getPlanCache().clear(); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.createIndex({c: 1})); const avoidReplanGroupPipeline = [ {$match: {a: 1, b: 3}}, {$group: {_id: "$a", out: {"$sum": 1}}}, ]; function runGroupQuery() { assert.eq([{_id: 1, out: 1}], coll.aggregate(avoidReplanGroupPipeline).toArray()); } // Verify that we are using IndexedLoopJoin. verifyCorrectLookupAlgorithmUsed("IndexedLoopJoin", avoidReplanLookupPipeline); // Set up an active cache entry. runLookupQuery(); assertCacheUsage(true /*multiPlanning*/, sbeFullEnabled ? 2 : 1 /* cacheEntryVersion */, false /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanLookupPipeline); runLookupQuery(); assertCacheUsage(true /*multiPlanning*/, sbeFullEnabled ? 2 : 1 /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanLookupPipeline); runLookupQuery(); assertCacheUsage(false /*multiPlanning*/, sbeFullEnabled ? 2 : 1 /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanLookupPipeline); runLookupQuery(); assertCacheUsage(false /*multiPlanning*/, sbeFullEnabled ? 2 : 1 /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanLookupPipeline); /** * Tests if replanning and cache invalidation are performed for hash-join plans, when foreign * collection size increases. * * 'singleSolution' indicates whether the initial aggregation pipeline run will result in a single * solution. */ function testReplanningAndCacheInvalidationOnForeignCollSizeIncrease(singleSolution) { if (!sbeFullEnabled) { return; } const coll = db.plan_cache_replan_group_lookup_coll_resize; const foreignColl = db.plan_cache_replan_group_lookup_coll_resize_foreign; const pipeline = [ {$match: {a: 2, b: 2}}, {$lookup: {from: foreignColl.getName(), localField: "a", foreignField: "a", as: "out"}} ]; function runLookup() { assert.eq([{_id: 2, a: 2, b: 2, out: [{_id: 1, a: 2, b: 1}]}], coll.aggregate(pipeline).toArray()); } // Asserts that the plan cache has only one entry and checks if it has a hash_lookup stage. function assertPlanCacheEntry(shouldHaveHashLookup) { const entries = coll.getPlanCache().list(); assert.eq(entries.length, 1, entries); assert(entries[0].isActive, entries[0]); const hasHashLookup = entries[0].cachedPlan.stages.includes("hash_lookup"); assert.eq(shouldHaveHashLookup, hasHashLookup, entries[0]); } // Set maximum number of documents in the foreign collection to 5. const initialMaxNoOfDocuments = assert .commandWorked(db.adminCommand( {getParameter: 1, internalQueryCollectionMaxNoOfDocumentsToChooseHashJoin: 1})) .internalQueryCollectionMaxNoOfDocumentsToChooseHashJoin; assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand( {setParameter: 1, internalQueryCollectionMaxNoOfDocumentsToChooseHashJoin: 5})); coll.drop(); foreignColl.drop(); if (!singleSolution) { assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({a: 1})); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({b: 1})); } assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 1, a: 1, b: 1})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 2, a: 2, b: 2})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 3, a: 2, b: 3})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 4, a: 3, b: 4})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 5, a: 5, b: 5})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 6, a: 6, b: 6})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 7, a: 6, b: 7})); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.insert({_id: 1, a: 2, b: 1})); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.insert({_id: 2, a: 3, b: 2})); // Ensure that plan cache entry has a plan with hash-join in it. runLookup(); runLookup(); assertPlanCacheEntry(true /* shouldHaveHashLookup */); verifyCorrectLookupAlgorithmUsed("HashJoin", pipeline); // Increase the size of the foreign collection assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.insert({a: 3, b: 3})); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.insert({a: 5, b: 4})); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.insert({a: 6, b: 5})); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.insert({a: 6, b: 6})); assert.commandWorked(foreignColl.insert({a: 7, b: 7})); // Ensure that plan cache entry does not have a plan with hash-join in it. runLookup(); runLookup(); assertPlanCacheEntry(false /* shouldHaveHashLookup */); // Ensure that hash-join is no longer used in the plan. verifyCorrectLookupAlgorithmUsed("NestedLoopJoin", pipeline); // Reset the 'internalQueryCollectionMaxNoOfDocumentsToChooseHashJoin' knob. assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({ setParameter: 1, internalQueryCollectionMaxNoOfDocumentsToChooseHashJoin: initialMaxNoOfDocuments })); } testReplanningAndCacheInvalidationOnForeignCollSizeIncrease(true /* singleSolution */); testReplanningAndCacheInvalidationOnForeignCollSizeIncrease(false /* singleSolution */); // Disable $lookup pushdown. This should not invalidate the cache entry, but it should prevent // $lookup from being pushed down. assert.commandWorked( db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQuerySlotBasedExecutionDisableLookupPushdown: true})); // Verify via explain that $lookup was NOT lowered. let explain = coll.explain().aggregate(avoidReplanLookupPipeline); const eqLookupNodes = getAggPlanStages(explain, "EQ_LOOKUP"); assert.eq(eqLookupNodes.length, 0, "expected no EQ_LOOKUP nodes; got " + tojson(explain)); if (sbeFullEnabled) { runLookupQuery(); const profileObj = getLatestProfilerEntry(db, {op: "command", ns: coll.getFullName()}); const matchingCacheEntries = coll.getPlanCache().list([{$match: {queryHash: profileObj.queryHash}}]); assert.eq(1, matchingCacheEntries.length); } else { // When the SBE plan cache is disabled, we will be able to reuse the same cache entry. runLookupQuery(); assertCacheUsage(false /*multiPlanning*/, 1 /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanLookupPipeline); runLookupQuery(); assertCacheUsage(false /*multiPlanning*/, 1 /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanLookupPipeline); } // Verify that disabling $group pushdown into SBE does not trigger a replan, and uses the // correct engine to execute results. coll.getPlanCache().clear(); // Verify that $group gets pushed down, provided that SBE is enabled. let groupNodes; if (checkSBEEnabled(db)) { explain = coll.explain().aggregate(avoidReplanGroupPipeline); let groupNodes = getAggPlanStages(explain, "GROUP"); assert.eq(groupNodes.length, 1); } // Set up an active cache entry. runGroupQuery(); assertCacheUsage(true /*multiPlanning*/, expectedVersion /* cacheEntryVersion */, false /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanGroupPipeline); runGroupQuery(); assertCacheUsage(true /*multiPlanning*/, expectedVersion /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanGroupPipeline); runGroupQuery(); assertCacheUsage(false /*multiPlanning*/, expectedVersion /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanGroupPipeline); runGroupQuery(); assertCacheUsage(false /*multiPlanning*/, expectedVersion /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanGroupPipeline); // Disable $group pushdown. This should not invalidate the cache entry, but it should prevent $group // from being pushed down. assert.commandWorked( db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQuerySlotBasedExecutionDisableGroupPushdown: true})); explain = coll.explain().aggregate(avoidReplanLookupPipeline); groupNodes = getAggPlanStages(explain, "GROUP"); assert.eq(groupNodes.length, 0); if (sbeFullEnabled) { runGroupQuery(); const profileObj = getLatestProfilerEntry(db, {op: "command", ns: coll.getFullName()}); const matchingCacheEntries = coll.getPlanCache().list([{$match: {queryHash: profileObj.queryHash}}]); assert.eq(1, matchingCacheEntries.length); } else { // When the SBE plan cache is disabled, we will be able to reuse the same cache entry. runGroupQuery(); assertCacheUsage(false /*multiPlanning*/, 1 /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanGroupPipeline); runGroupQuery(); assertCacheUsage(false /*multiPlanning*/, 1 /* cacheEntryVersion */, true /*activeCacheEntry*/, "b_1" /*cachedIndexName*/, avoidReplanGroupPipeline); } MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); }());