// Check --port= edge behaviors. (function() { 'use strict'; jsTest.log("Setting port=0 is okay unless binding to multiple IP interfaces."); function runTest(bindIP, expectOk) { jsTest.log("".concat("Testing with bindIP=[", bindIP, "], expectOk=[", expectOk, "]")); clearRawMongoProgramOutput(); let pid = startMongoProgramNoConnect( "mongod", "--ipv6", "--dbpath", MongoRunner.dataDir, "--bind_ip", bindIP, "--port", 0); jsTest.log("".concat("pid=[", pid, "]")); if (expectOk) { let port; // We use assert.soonNoExcept() here because the mongod may not be logging yet. assert.soonNoExcept(() => { const logContents = rawMongoProgramOutput(); const found = logContents.match( /"id":23016,\s*"ctx":"listener","msg":"Waiting for connections","attr":{"port":(\d+)/); if (found !== null) { print("Found message from mongod with port it is listening on: " + found[0]); port = found[1]; return true; } }); const connStr = `${port}`; print("Attempting to connect to " + connStr); let conn; assert.soonNoExcept(() => { conn = new Mongo(connStr); return true; }); assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand({ping: 1})); stopMongoProgramByPid(pid); } else { const ec = waitProgram(pid); assert.eq(ec, MongoRunner.EXIT_NET_ERROR); assert.soonNoExcept(() => { const logContents = rawMongoProgramOutput(); const found = logContents.match( /Port 0 \(ephemeral port\) is not allowed when listening on multiple IP interfaces/); return (found !== null); }, "No warning issued for invalid port=0 usage"); } } runTest("", true); runTest(",::1", false); }());