/* * Test the usage and behavior of the 'filter' profiler option. * * @tags: [requires_sharding, requires_replication] */ (function() { load("jstests/libs/log.js"); // For findMatchingLogLine. load("jstests/libs/fixture_helpers.js"); // For FixtureHelpers. function runTest(conn) { const db = conn.getDB("test"); const coll = db.profile_filter; coll.drop(); // mongoS supports slow-query log lines but not profiling. So if we are talking to mongoS, we // will avoid enabling profiling, or making assertions about profiling. const isMongos = FixtureHelpers.isMongos(db); // When you set a filter it appears in getProfilingLevel. const exampleFilter = {millis: {$gt: 100, $lt: 300}}; const oldResponse = assert.commandWorked(db.setProfilingLevel(0, {filter: exampleFilter})); const response = assert.commandWorked(db.setProfilingLevel(0)); assert.eq(response.filter, {$and: [{millis: {$gt: 100}}, {millis: {$lt: 300}}]}); // But, slowms / sampleRate still appears in getProfilingLevel. assert.eq(response.slowms, oldResponse.slowms); assert.eq(response.sampleRate, oldResponse.sampleRate); // Since this may be confusing, a note also appears. assert.eq( oldResponse.note, 'When a filter expression is set, slowms and sampleRate are not used for profiling and slow-query log lines.'); assert.eq( response.note, 'When a filter expression is set, slowms and sampleRate are not used for profiling and slow-query log lines.'); // When you unset the filter it no longer appears in the response. assert.commandWorked(db.setProfilingLevel(0, {filter: 'unset'})); const response2 = assert.commandWorked(db.setProfilingLevel(0)); assert(!response2.hasOwnProperty('filter'), response2); // The note is also gone. assert(!response2.hasOwnProperty('note'), response2); // Setting the filter to null is an error: we don't want people to assume that {filter: null} // unsets the filter, and we don't want people to assume {filter: null} is equivalent to not // specifying a new filter. assert.throws(() => db.setProfilingLevel(level, {filter: null}), [], "Expected an object, or the string 'unset'."); // While the filter is set, slow-query log lines ignore slowms and sampleRate. // For example: // 1. An always-true filter of {} will always log. // This shows we don't AND all the settings together. assert.commandWorked( db.setProfilingLevel(isMongos ? 0 : 1, {filter: {}, slowms: 9999, sampleRate: 0})); const comment1 = 'profile_filter_example_1'; assert.eq(0, coll.find().comment(comment1).itcount()); let log = assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({getLog: "global"})).log; assert(findMatchingLogLine(log, {msg: "Slow query", comment: comment1}), `No log line for comment: ${comment1}`); if (!isMongos) { assert(db.system.profile.findOne({'command.comment': comment1}), `No profiler entry for comment: ${comment1}`); } // 2. An always-false filter of {$expr: false} will never log. // This shows we don't OR all the settings together. assert.commandWorked(db.setProfilingLevel(isMongos ? 0 : 1, {filter: {$expr: false}, slowms: -1, sampleRate: 1})); const comment2 = 'profile_filter_example_2'; assert.eq(0, coll.find().comment(comment2).itcount()); log = assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({getLog: "global"})).log; assert.eq(null, findMatchingLogLine(log, {msg: "Slow query", comment: comment2})); if (!isMongos) { assert.eq(null, db.system.profile.findOne({'command.comment': comment2})); } coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert(Array.from({length: 100}, (_, i) => ({a: i})))); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({a: 1})); if (!isMongos) { // The filter lets you express interesting predicates, such as SERVER-37308. assert.commandWorked(db.setProfilingLevel( isMongos ? 0 : 1, // This filter looks for queries with a high ratio of scanned to returned, // as an attempt to find query plans that aren't using indexes well. {filter: {$expr: {$lt: [10, {$divide: ["$docsExamined", "$nreturned"]}]}}})); const collscanComment = 'profile_filter_example_collscan'; coll.find({a: 42}).hint({$natural: 1}).comment(collscanComment).itcount(); const ixscanComment = 'profile_filter_example_ixscan'; coll.find({a: 42}).hint({a: 1}).comment(ixscanComment).itcount(); db.setProfilingLevel(0, {filter: 'unset'}); // Only the collscan plan should be logged and profiled. The ixscan plan has a low ratio of // docsExamined/nreturned, so the filter does not select it. log = assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({getLog: "global"})).log; assert(findMatchingLogLine(log, {msg: "Slow query", comment: collscanComment})); assert.eq(null, findMatchingLogLine(log, {msg: "Slow query", comment: ixscanComment})); assert(db.system.profile.findOne({'command.comment': collscanComment})); assert.eq(null, db.system.profile.findOne({'command.comment': ixscanComment})); } // The input to the filter has the same schema as system.profile, with a few exceptions. if (!isMongos) { const exampleProfileDoc = db.system.profile.findOne(); const profilerFields = Object.keys(exampleProfileDoc); const expectedMissingFields = [ "storage" // storage stats are set after filtering and cannot be used for filtering ]; for (const field of profilerFields) { if (expectedMissingFields.includes(field)) continue; // Set a filter that requires `field` to exist. assert.commandWorked( db.setProfilingLevel(isMongos ? 0 : 1, {filter: {[field]: {$exists: true}}})); const comment = 'profile_filter_input_has_field_' + field; assert.eq(1, coll.find().limit(1).comment(comment).itcount()); // If the profile filter's input didn't contain `field`, then this operation wouldn't be // profiled. assert(db.system.profile.findOne({'command.comment': comment}), `Profile filter doc was missing field: ${field}`); } } assert.commandWorked(db.setProfilingLevel(0, {filter: 'unset'})); assert.eq(0, db.getProfilingLevel()); // To catch mistakes, it's not allowed for the filter to reference fields that don't exist. // setProfilingLevel throws an error, and prevents you from setting an invalid filter like this. assert.throws(() => db.setProfilingLevel(isMongos ? 0 : 1, {filter: {no_such_field: 23}})); assert.eq(0, db.getProfilingLevel()); const response3 = db.setProfilingLevel(0); let expectedFields = ['was', 'slowms', 'sampleRate', 'ok']; if (isMongos) { expectedFields = [...expectedFields, '$clusterTime', 'operationTime']; } assert.eq(Object.keys(response3), expectedFields); // However, we can't catch every run-time error statically. For example, we make no attempt to // catch a type error statically. This kind of invalid filter will fail silently, because // logging the error would be too expensive, since the filter runs so frequently. assert.commandWorked(db.setProfilingLevel(isMongos ? 0 : 1, {filter: {$expr: {$add: [""]}}})); const invalidFilterComment = 'profile_filter_fails_at_runtime'; assert.eq(1, coll.find().limit(1).comment(invalidFilterComment).itcount()); if (!isMongos) { assert.eq(null, db.system.profile.findOne({'command.comment': invalidFilterComment})); } // It is allowed for the filter to depend on the entire document. assert.commandWorked(db.setProfilingLevel( isMongos ? 0 : 1, {filter: {$expr: {$gt: [3, {$size: {$objectToArray: "$$ROOT"}}]}}})); const entireDocFilterComment = 'profile_filter_depends_on_entire_document'; assert.eq(1, coll.find().limit(1).comment(entireDocFilterComment).itcount()); if (!isMongos) { assert.eq(null, db.system.profile.findOne({'command.comment': entireDocFilterComment})); } } { jsTest.log('Test standalone'); const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({}); runTest(conn); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); } { jsTest.log('Test mongos'); const st = ShardingTest({shards: 1, rs: {nodes: 1}, config: 1}); runTest(st); st.stop(); } })();