/** * Tests the 'reconfigForPSASet()' shell function and makes sure that reconfig will succeed while * preserving majority reads. * * @tags: [requires_journaling] */ (function() { 'use strict'; load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); // Start up a PSA set with the secondary having 'votes: 0' and 'priority: 0'. const rst = new ReplSetTest({ name: jsTestName(), nodes: [{}, {rsConfig: {votes: 0, priority: 0}}, {rsConfig: {arbiterOnly: true}}], }); rst.startSet(); rst.initiateWithHighElectionTimeout(); const primary = rst.getPrimary(); assert.eq(primary, rst.nodes[0], "the primary should be the node at index 0"); // Store the old config so that we can reset to it after every successful reconfig. const originalConfig = rst.getReplSetConfigFromNode(); // Verify that directly calling the standard 'rs.reconfig()' function to give the secondary 'votes: // 1' and 'priority: 1' will fail. let config = rst.getReplSetConfigFromNode(); config.members[1].votes = 1; config.members[1].priority = 1; jsTestLog("Testing standard rs.reconfig() function"); const reconfigScript = `assert.commandFailedWithCode(rs.reconfig(${ tojson(config)}), ErrorCodes.NewReplicaSetConfigurationIncompatible)`; const result = runMongoProgram('mongo', '--port', primary.port, '--eval', reconfigScript); assert.eq(0, result, `reconfig did not fail with expected error code`); const runReconfigForPSASet = (memberIndex, config, shouldSucceed, endPriority = 1) => { jsTestLog(`Testing with memberIndex ${memberIndex} and config ${tojson(config)}`); const reconfigScript = `assert.commandWorked(rs.reconfigForPSASet(${memberIndex}, ${tojson(config)}))`; const result = runMongoProgram('mongo', '--port', primary.port, '--eval', reconfigScript); if (shouldSucceed) { assert.eq(0, result, 'expected reconfigToPSASet to succeed, but it failed'); // Wait for all 'newlyAdded' fields to be removed and for the new config to be committed. rst.waitForAllNewlyAddedRemovals(); assert.soonNoExcept(() => isConfigCommitted(primary)); const replSetGetConfig = assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand({replSetGetConfig: 1})).config; assert.eq(1, replSetGetConfig.members[1].votes); assert.eq(endPriority, replSetGetConfig.members[1].priority); // Reset the config back to the original config. originalConfig.members[memberIndex].votes = 0; originalConfig.members[memberIndex].priority = 0; const reconfigToOriginalConfig = `assert.commandWorked(rs.reconfig(${tojson(originalConfig)}))`; assert.eq( 0, runMongoProgram('mongo', '--port', primary.port, '--eval', reconfigToOriginalConfig)); assert.soonNoExcept(() => isConfigCommitted(primary)); } else { assert.neq(0, result, 'expected reconfigToPSASet to fail, but it succeeded'); } }; // Succeed with a reconfig to a standard PSA set, where the secondary has 'votes: 1' and 'priority: // 1'. jsTestLog("Testing reconfigForPSASet() succeeded: standard PSA set"); runReconfigForPSASet(1, config, true /* shouldSucceed */); // Fail when 'memberIndex' does not refer to a node in the new config. jsTestLog("Testing reconfigForPSASet() failed: memberIndex out of bounds"); runReconfigForPSASet(3, config, false /* shouldSucceed */); // Fail when the node in the new config at 'memberIndex' is not a voter. jsTestLog("Testing reconfigForPSASet() failed: node at memberIndex is not a voter"); config.members[1].votes = 0; config.members[1].priority = 0; runReconfigForPSASet(1, config, false /* shouldSucceed */); // Test that reconfigToPSASet() will succeed when we are adding a new node at a specific // 'memberIndex'. jsTestLog("Testing reconfigForPSASet() succeeded: adding new node"); // First remove the node at index 1 to simulate a two-node replica set. config = rst.getReplSetConfigFromNode(); const filteredMembers = config.members.filter(member => member._id !== 1); config.members = filteredMembers; config.version += 1; assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand({replSetReconfig: config})); // Attempt to add a node and assert that the reconfigToPSASet() call is successful. config.members = originalConfig.members; config.members[1].votes = 1; config.members[1].priority = 1; config.version += 1; runReconfigForPSASet(1, config, true /* shouldSucceed */); // Test that reconfigToPSASet() will succeed even if the priority of the node is 0 in the final // config. jsTestLog("Testing reconfigForPSASet() succeeded: priority of node is 0 in final config"); config = rst.getReplSetConfigFromNode(); config.members[1].votes = 1; config.members[1].priority = 0; runReconfigForPSASet(1, config, true /* shouldSucceed */, 0 /* endPriority */); // Test that reconfigToPSASet() will fail if the node at 'memberIndex' exists in the old config but // was a voter. It should fail because this is not the use case of the helper function. jsTestLog("Testing reconfigForPSASet() failed: node at memberIndex was a voter in old config"); // First turn the secondary into a voting node but with priority 0. config = rst.getReplSetConfigFromNode(); config.members[1].votes = 1; config.members[1].priority = 0; config.version += 1; assert.commandWorked(primary.adminCommand({replSetReconfig: config})); // Now attempt a reconfig to give the secondary priority 1 via the reconfigForPSASet() function. // This should fail because this function should not be used if the secondary is a voter in the old // config. config.members[1].priority = 1; config.version += 1; runReconfigForPSASet(1, config, false /* shouldSucceed */); rst.stopSet(); })();