(function() { "use strict"; // This test makes assertions about the number of sessions, which are not compatible with // implicit sessions. TestData.disableImplicitSessions = true; var conn; var admin; var result; var startSession = {startSession: 1}; // Run initial tests without auth. conn = MongoRunner.runMongod(); admin = conn.getDB("admin"); result = admin.runCommand(startSession); assert.commandWorked(result, "failed to startSession"); var lsid = result.id; // Test that we can run refreshSessions unauthenticated if --auth is off. result = admin.runCommand({refreshSessions: [lsid]}); assert.commandWorked(result, "could not run refreshSessions unauthenticated without --auth"); // Test that we can run refreshSessions authenticated if --auth is off. admin.createUser({user: 'admin', pwd: 'admin', roles: ['readAnyDatabase', 'userAdminAnyDatabase']}); admin.auth("admin", "admin"); result = admin.runCommand(startSession); var lsid2 = result.id; result = admin.runCommand({refreshSessions: [lsid2]}); assert.commandWorked(result, "could not run refreshSessions logged in with --auth off"); // Turn on auth for further testing. MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: "", setParameter: {maxSessions: 3}}); admin = conn.getDB("admin"); admin.createUser({user: 'admin', pwd: 'admin', roles: ['readAnyDatabase', 'userAdminAnyDatabase']}); admin.auth("admin", "admin"); result = admin.runCommand({ createRole: 'readSessionsCollection', privileges: [{resource: {db: 'config', collection: 'system.sessions'}, actions: ['find']}], roles: [] }); assert.commandWorked(result, "couldn't make readSessionsCollection role"); admin.createUser({user: 'readSessionsCollection', pwd: 'pwd', roles: ['readSessionsCollection']}); admin.logout(); // Test that we cannot run refreshSessions unauthenticated if --auth is on. result = admin.runCommand({refreshSessions: [lsid]}); assert.commandFailed(result, "able to run refreshSessions without authenticating"); // Test that we can run refreshSessions on our own sessions authenticated if --auth is on. admin.auth("admin", "admin"); result = admin.runCommand(startSession); var lsid3 = result.id; result = admin.runCommand({refreshSessions: [lsid3]}); assert.commandWorked(result, "unable to run refreshSessions while logged in"); // Test that we can refresh "others'" sessions (new ones) when authenticated with --auth. result = admin.runCommand({refreshSessions: [lsid]}); assert.commandWorked(result, "unable to refresh novel lsids"); // Test that sending a mix of known and new sessions is fine result = admin.runCommand({refreshSessions: [lsid, lsid2, lsid3]}); assert.commandWorked(result, "unable to refresh mix of known and unknown lsids"); // Test that sending a set of sessions with duplicates is fine result = admin.runCommand({refreshSessions: [lsid, lsid, lsid, lsid]}); assert.commandWorked(result, "unable to refresh with duplicate lsids in the set"); // Test that we can run refreshSessions with an empty set of sessions. result = admin.runCommand({refreshSessions: []}); assert.commandWorked(result, "unable to refresh empty set of lsids"); // Test that we cannot run refreshSessions when the cache is full. var lsid4 = {"id": UUID()}; result = admin.runCommand({refreshSessions: [lsid4]}); assert.commandFailed(result, "able to run refreshSessions when the cache is full"); // Test that once we force a refresh, all of these sessions are in the sessions collection. admin.logout(); admin.auth("readSessionsCollection", "pwd"); result = admin.runCommand({refreshLogicalSessionCacheNow: 1}); assert.commandWorked(result, "could not force refresh"); var config = conn.getDB("config"); assert.eq(config.system.sessions.count(), 3, "should have refreshed all session records"); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); })();