/* * Verify behavior of retryable write commands on a standalone mongod. */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/retryable_writes_util.js"); if (!RetryableWritesUtil.storageEngineSupportsRetryableWrites(jsTest.options().storageEngine)) { jsTestLog("Retryable writes are not supported, skipping test"); return; } const standalone = MongoRunner.runMongod(); const testDB = standalone.getDB("test"); // Commands sent to standalone nodes are not allowed to have transaction numbers. assert.commandFailedWithCode( testDB.runCommand( {insert: "foo", documents: [{x: 1}], txnNumber: NumberLong(1), lsid: {id: UUID()}}), ErrorCodes.IllegalOperation, "expected command with transaction number to fail on standalone mongod"); MongoRunner.stopMongod(standalone); }());