/** * Confirms that the SBE and classic engines use the correct format to report 'queryHash' and * 'planCacheKey' values across a variety of commands and outputs. * * @tags: [ * requires_profiling * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); load("jstests/libs/log.js"); load("jstests/libs/profiler.js"); load("jstests/libs/sbe_util.js"); const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({}); assert.neq(conn, null, "mongod failed to start"); const db = conn.getDB("plan_cache_key_reporting"); const coll = db.coll; if (!checkSBEEnabled(db)) { jsTest.log("Skipping test because SBE is not enabled"); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); return; } assert.commandWorked(db.createCollection(coll.getName())); // Drop and recreates a test collection along with two indexes: {a: 1} and {a: 1, b: 1}. function setupCollection() { assert(coll.drop()); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndexes([{a: 1}, {a: 1, b: 1}])); } // Runs the given 'testToRun' twice using the SBE and classic engine and returns the result of each // run as an array with two elements: first for SBE, second for classic. // // Calls 'setupCollection' before each run. function runTestAgainstSbeAndClassicEngines(testToRun) { return ["trySbeEngine", "forceClassicEngine"].map((engine) => { setupCollection(); assert.commandWorked( db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryFrameworkControl: engine})); return testToRun(engine); }); } // Verifies and asserts that the two objects 'sbe' and 'classic', which represent the result of // execution of some command agains the SBE and classic engine respectively, contain the 'queryHash' // and 'planCacheKey' attributes, and the values of those attribuets are different. // // The purpose of this assertion is to ensure that the SBE and classic engines use the correct // 'queryHash' and 'planCacheKey' formats, which are different between the two engines. function assertQueryHashAndPlanCacheKey(sbe, classic) { assert.eq(typeof sbe.queryHash, "string", sbe); assert.gt(sbe.queryHash.length, 0, sbe); assert.eq(typeof sbe.planCacheKey, "string", sbe); assert.gt(sbe.planCacheKey.length, 0, sbe); assert.eq(typeof classic.queryHash, "string", classic); assert.gt(classic.queryHash.length, 0, classic); assert.eq(typeof classic.planCacheKey, "string", classic); assert.gt(classic.planCacheKey.length, 0, classic); assert.neq(sbe.queryHash, classic.queryHash, `sbe=${tojson(sbe)}, classic=${tojson(classic)}`); assert.neq( sbe.planCacheKey, classic.planCacheKey, `sbe=${tojson(sbe)}, classic=${tojson(classic)}`); } // Validate the the 'queryHash' and 'planCacheKey' are correctly reported in the system.profile // collection. (function validateProfilerOutput() { const [sbe, classic] = runTestAgainstSbeAndClassicEngines(function(engine) { // Set db profiling level to collect data for all operations. db.setProfilingLevel(2); const comment = "validateProfilerOutput-${engine}"; // We need to run the query twice in order to recover the plan from the cache and report // the 'planCacheKey'. [...Array(2)].forEach( () => assert.eq(0, coll.aggregate([{$match: {a: 1}}], {comment}).itcount())); // Disable profiling and find the matching profiler entry for the command above. db.setProfilingLevel(0); return getLatestProfilerEntry(db, {"command.comment": comment}); }); assert.neq(sbe, null); assert.neq(classic, null); assert.eq(sbe.queryFramework, "sbe", sbe); assert.eq(classic.queryFramework, "classic", classic); assertQueryHashAndPlanCacheKey(sbe, classic); })(); // Validate the the 'queryHash' and 'planCacheKey' are correctly reported in explain output. (function validateExplainOutput() { const [sbe, classic] = runTestAgainstSbeAndClassicEngines(function(engine) { return coll.explain().aggregate([{$match: {a: 1}}]); }); assert.neq(sbe, null); assert.neq(classic, null); assert.eq(sbe.explainVersion, "2", sbe); assert.eq(classic.explainVersion, "1", classic); assertQueryHashAndPlanCacheKey(sbe.queryPlanner, classic.queryPlanner); })(); // Validate the the 'queryHash' and 'planCacheKey' are correctly reported in $planCacheStats // output. (function validatePlanCacheStatsOutput() { const [sbe, classic] = runTestAgainstSbeAndClassicEngines(function(engine) { const query = {a: 1}; // Run the test command once. We're not interested whether the cached entry is active or // not, but rather if it's present in the cache. assert.eq(0, coll.aggregate([{$match: query}]).itcount()); const planCacheKey = getPlanCacheKeyFromShape({query, collection: coll, db}); const allPlanCacheEntries = coll.aggregate([{$planCacheStats: {}}, {$match: {planCacheKey}}]).toArray(); assert.eq(allPlanCacheEntries.length, 1, allPlanCacheEntries); return allPlanCacheEntries[0]; }); assert.neq(sbe, null); assert.neq(classic, null); assert.eq(sbe.version, "2", sbe); assert.eq(classic.version, "1", classic); assertQueryHashAndPlanCacheKey(sbe, classic); })(); // Validate the the 'queryHash' and 'planCacheKey' are correctly reported in log output for slow // queries. (function validateSlowQueryLogOutput() { const [sbe, classic] = runTestAgainstSbeAndClassicEngines(function(engine) { // Set all logging parameters: disable profiling and log all operations at the default // logLevel. assert.commandWorked(db.setProfilingLevel(0, {slowms: -1})); assert.commandWorked(db.setLogLevel(0, "command")); // Clear the log before running the test, to guarantee that we do not match against any // similar tests which may have run previously. assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({clearLog: "global"})); // Run an aggregate command in order to generate a log line. const pipeline = [{$match: {a: 10}}]; const comment = `validateSlowQueryLogOutput-${engine}`; assert.eq(0, coll.aggregate(pipeline, {comment}).itcount()); // Confirm whether the operation was logged or not. const logFields = {command: "aggregate", aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline, comment}; const globalLog = assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand({getLog: "global"})); return JSON.parse(findMatchingLogLine(globalLog.log, logFields)); }); assert.neq(sbe, null); assert.neq(classic, null); assert.eq(sbe.attr.queryFramework, "sbe", sbe); assert.eq(classic.attr.queryFramework, "classic", classic); assertQueryHashAndPlanCacheKey(sbe.attr, classic.attr); })(); // Validate that a query with pushed down $lookup stage uses classic plan cache key encoding. (function validateLookupQueryHashMap() { const lookupColl = db.lookupColl; lookupColl.drop(); assert.commandWorked(lookupColl.createIndex({b: 1})); const [sbe, classic] = runTestAgainstSbeAndClassicEngines( function(engine) { const pipeline = [ { $lookup: { from: lookupColl.getName(), localField: "a", foreignField: "b", as: "whatever" } } ]; return coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline); }); assert.neq(sbe, null); assert.neq(classic, null); assert.eq(sbe.explainVersion, "2", sbe); assert.eq(classic.explainVersion, "1", classic); // The query hashes and the plan cache keys ('the keys') are different now because // 'internalQueryFrameworkControl' flag is encoded into query shape, once this // flag is removed from the query shape encoding the keys will be different. assertQueryHashAndPlanCacheKey(sbe.queryPlanner, classic.stages[0]["$cursor"].queryPlanner); })(); // Validate that a query with pushed down $group stage uses classic plan cache key encoding. (function validateGroupQueryHashMap() { const groupColl = db.groupColl; groupColl.drop(); assert.commandWorked(groupColl.insertOne({b: 1})); const [sbe, classic] = runTestAgainstSbeAndClassicEngines(function(engine) { const pipeline = [{ $group: { _id: "$b", } }]; return groupColl.explain().aggregate(pipeline); }); assert.neq(sbe, null); assert.neq(classic, null); assert.eq(sbe.explainVersion, "2", sbe); assert.eq(classic.explainVersion, "1", classic); // The query hashes and the plan cache keys ('the keys') are different now because // 'internalQueryFrameworkControl' flag is encoded into query shape, once this // flag is removed from the query shape encoding the keys will be different. assertQueryHashAndPlanCacheKey(sbe.queryPlanner, classic.stages[0]["$cursor"].queryPlanner); })(); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); }());