/** * Tests running the setFeatureCompatibilityVersion command concurrently with a prepared * transaction. Specifically, runs the setFCV right before the TransactionCoordinator writes the * commit decision. * * @tags: [ * requires_sharding, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/fail_point_util.js"); const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2}); const shard0Primary = st.rs0.getPrimary(); // Set up a sharded collection with two chunks: // shard0: [MinKey, 0] // shard1: [0, MaxKey] const dbName = "testDb"; const collName = "testColl"; const ns = dbName + "." + collName; assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: dbName})); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: ns, key: {x: 1}})); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({split: ns, middle: {x: 0}})); assert.commandWorked( st.s.adminCommand({moveChunk: ns, find: {x: MinKey}, to: st.shard0.shardName})); assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({moveChunk: ns, find: {x: 1}, to: st.shard1.shardName})); function runTxn(mongosHost, dbName, collName) { const mongosConn = new Mongo(mongosHost); jsTest.log("Starting a cross-shard transaction with shard0 and shard1 as the participants " + "and shard0 as the coordinator shard"); const lsid = {id: UUID()}; const txnNumber = NumberLong(35); assert.commandWorked(mongosConn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({ insert: collName, documents: [{x: -1}], lsid, txnNumber, startTransaction: true, autocommit: false, })); assert.commandWorked(mongosConn.getDB(dbName).runCommand({ insert: collName, documents: [{x: 1}], lsid, txnNumber, autocommit: false, })); assert.commandWorked( mongosConn.adminCommand({commitTransaction: 1, lsid, txnNumber, autocommit: false})); jsTest.log("Committed the cross-shard transaction"); } function runSetFCV(primaryHost) { const primaryConn = new Mongo(primaryHost); jsTest.log("Starting a setFCV command on " + primaryHost); assert.commandWorked(primaryConn.adminCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: lastLTSFCV})); jsTest.log("Completed the setFCV command"); } // Run a cross-shard transaction that has shard0 as the coordinator. Make the TransactionCoordinator // thread hang right before the commit decision is written (i.e. after the transaction has entered // the "prepared" state). const writeDecisionFp = configureFailPoint(shard0Primary, "hangBeforeWritingDecision"); const txnThread = new Thread(runTxn, st.s.host, dbName, collName); txnThread.start(); writeDecisionFp.wait(); // Run a setFCV command against shard0 and wait for the setFCV thread to start waiting to acquire // the setFCV S lock (i.e. waiting for existing prepared transactions to commit or abort). const setFCVThread = new Thread(runSetFCV, shard0Primary.host); setFCVThread.start(); assert.soon(() => { return shard0Primary.getDB(dbName).currentOp().inprog.find( op => op.command && op.command.setFeatureCompatibilityVersion && op.locks && op.locks.FeatureCompatibilityVersion === "R" && op.waitingForLock === true); }); // Unpause the TransactionCoordinator. The transaction should be able to commit despite the fact // that the FCV S lock is enqueued. writeDecisionFp.off(); jsTest.log("Waiting for the cross-shard transaction to commit"); txnThread.join(); jsTest.log("Waiting for setFCV command to complete"); setFCVThread.join(); jsTest.log("Done"); st.stop(); })();