// @tags: [requires_profiling] (function() { "use strict"; const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod(); const uri = "mongodb://" + conn.host + "/test"; const tests = []; // Asserts that system.profile contains only entries // with application.name = appname (or undefined) function assertProfileOnlyContainsAppName(db, appname) { const res = db.system.profile.distinct("appName"); assert(res.length > 0, "system.profile does not contain any docs"); if (res.length > 1 || res.indexOf(appname) === -1) { // Dump collection. print("dumping db.system.profile"); db.system.profile.find().forEach((doc) => printjsononeline(doc)); doassert(`system.profile expected to only have appName=${appname}` + ` but found ${tojson(res)}`); } } tests.push(function testDefaultAppName() { const db = new Mongo(uri).getDB("test"); assert.commandWorked(db.coll.insert({})); assertProfileOnlyContainsAppName(db, "MongoDB Shell"); }); tests.push(function testAppName() { const db = new Mongo(uri + "?appName=TestAppName").getDB("test"); assert.commandWorked(db.coll.insert({})); assertProfileOnlyContainsAppName(db, "TestAppName"); }); tests.push(function testMultiWordAppName() { const db = new Mongo(uri + "?appName=Test%20App%20Name").getDB("test"); assert.commandWorked(db.coll.insert({})); assertProfileOnlyContainsAppName(db, "Test App Name"); }); tests.push(function testLongAppName() { // From MongoDB Handshake specification: // The client.application.name cannot exceed 128 bytes. MongoDB will return an error if // these limits are not adhered to, which will result in handshake failure. Drivers MUST // validate these values and truncate driver provided values if necessary. const longAppName = "a".repeat(129); assert.throws(() => new Mongo(uri + "?appName=" + longAppName)); // But a 128 character appname should connect without issue. const notTooLongAppName = "a".repeat(128); const db = new Mongo(uri + "?appName=" + notTooLongAppName).getDB("test"); assert.commandWorked(db.coll.insert({})); assertProfileOnlyContainsAppName(db, notTooLongAppName); }); tests.push(function testLongAppNameWithMultiByteUTF8() { // Each epsilon character is two bytes in UTF-8. const longAppName = "\u0190".repeat(65); assert.throws(() => new Mongo(uri + "?appName=" + longAppName)); // But a 128 character appname should connect without issue. const notTooLongAppName = "\u0190".repeat(64); const db = new Mongo(uri + "?appName=" + notTooLongAppName).getDB("test"); assert.commandWorked(db.coll.insert({})); assertProfileOnlyContainsAppName(db, notTooLongAppName); }); tests.forEach((test) => { const db = conn.getDB("test"); db.dropDatabase(); // Entries in db.system.profile have application name. db.setProfilingLevel(2); test(); }); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); })();