/** * This test confirms that telemetry store key fields are properly nested and none are missing. * @tags: [featureFlagTelemetry] */ load("jstests/libs/telemetry_utils.js"); (function() { "use strict"; function confirmAllFieldsPresent(queryStatsEntries) { const kApplicationName = "MongoDB Shell"; const queryShapeFindFields = [ "cmdNs", "command", "filter", "sort", "projection", "hint", "skip", "limit", "singleBatch", "max", "min", "returnKey", "showRecordId", "tailable", "oplogReplay", "awaitData", "collation", "allowDiskUse", "let" ]; // The outer fields not nested inside queryShape. const queryStatsKeyFields = [ "queryShape", "batchSize", "comment", "maxTimeMS", "noCursorTimeout", "readConcern", "allowPartialResults", "applicationName" ]; for (const entry of queryStatsEntries) { let fieldCounter = 0; assert.eq(entry.key.queryShape.command, "find"); assert.eq(entry.key.applicationName, kApplicationName); for (const field in entry.key.queryShape) { assert(queryShapeFindFields.includes(field)); fieldCounter++; } assert.eq(fieldCounter, queryShapeFindFields.length); fieldCounter = 0; for (const field in entry.key) { assert(queryStatsKeyFields.includes(field)); fieldCounter++; } assert.eq(fieldCounter, queryStatsKeyFields.length); } } // Turn on the collecting of telemetry metrics. let options = { setParameter: {internalQueryConfigureTelemetrySamplingRate: -1}, }; const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod(options); const testDB = conn.getDB('test'); var coll = testDB[jsTestName()]; coll.drop(); // Have to create an index for hint not to fail. assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({v: 1})); let commandObj = { find: coll.getName(), filter: {v: {$eq: 2}}, oplogReplay: true, comment: "this is a test!!", min: {"v": 0}, max: {"v": 4}, hint: {"v": 1}, sort: {a: -1}, returnKey: false, noCursorTimeout: true, showRecordId: false, tailable: false, awaitData: false, allowPartialResults: true, skip: 1, limit: 2, maxTimeMS: 500, collation: {locale: "en_US", strength: 2}, allowDiskUse: true, readConcern: {level: "local"}, batchSize: 2, singleBatch: true, let : {}, projection: {_id: 0}, }; assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand(commandObj)); let telemetry = getTelemetry(conn); assert.eq(1, telemetry.length); confirmAllFieldsPresent(telemetry); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); }());