/** * Tests inserting sample data into the time-series buckets collection. This test is for the * exercising the optimized $sample implementation for $_internalUnpackBucket. * @tags: [ * requires_wiredtiger, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); let conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({setParameter: {timeseriesBucketMaxCount: 100}}); // Although this test is tagged with 'requires_wiredtiger', this is not sufficient for ensuring // that the parallel suite runs this test only on WT configurations. if (jsTest.options().storageEngine && jsTest.options().storageEngine !== "wiredTiger") { jsTest.log("Skipping test on non-WT storage engine: " + jsTest.options().storageEngine); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); return; } const dbName = jsTestName(); let testDB = conn.getDB(dbName); assert.commandWorked(testDB.dropDatabase()); const nBuckets = 40; const timeFieldName = "time"; const metaFieldName = "m"; let assertUniqueDocuments = function(docs) { let seen = new Set(); docs.forEach(doc => { assert.eq(seen.has(doc._id), false); seen.add(doc._id); }); }; let assertPlanForSample = (explainRes, backupPlanSelected) => { // The trial stage should always appear in the output, regardless of which plan won. assert(aggPlanHasStage(explainRes, "TRIAL"), explainRes); if (backupPlanSelected) { assert(aggPlanHasStage(explainRes, "UNPACK_BUCKET"), explainRes); assert(!aggPlanHasStage(explainRes, "$_internalUnpackBucket")); assert(aggPlanHasStage(explainRes, "$sample")); // Verify that execution stats are reported correctly for the UNPACK_BUCKET stage in // explain. const unpackBucketStage = getAggPlanStage(explainRes, "UNPACK_BUCKET"); assert.neq(unpackBucketStage, null, explainRes); assert(unpackBucketStage.hasOwnProperty("nBucketsUnpacked")); // In the top-k plan, all of the buckets need to be unpacked. assert.eq(unpackBucketStage.nBucketsUnpacked, nBuckets, unpackBucketStage); } else { // When the trial plan succeeds, any data produced during the trial period will be queued // and returned via the QUEUED_DATA stage. If the trial plan being assessed reached EOF, // then we expect only a QUEUED_DATA stage to appear in explain because all of the necessary // data has already been produced. If the plan is not EOF, then we expect OR // (QUEUED_DATA, ). Either way, the presence of the QUEUED_DATA stage indicates // that the trial plan was selected over the backup plan. assert(aggPlanHasStage(explainRes, "QUEUED_DATA"), explainRes); assert(!aggPlanHasStage(explainRes, "$_internalUnpackBucket")); assert(!aggPlanHasStage(explainRes, "$sample")); } }; /** * Creates the collection 'coll' as a time-series collection, and inserts data such that there are * the given number of measurementsPerBucket (assuming there are 'nBuckets'). Returns the total * number of measurement documents inserted into the collection. */ function fillBuckets(coll, measurementsPerBucket) { assert.commandWorked(testDB.createCollection( coll.getName(), {timeseries: {timeField: timeFieldName, metaField: metaFieldName}})); const bucketsColl = testDB.getCollection("system.buckets." + coll.getName()); assert.contains(bucketsColl.getName(), testDB.getCollectionNames()); let numDocs = nBuckets * measurementsPerBucket; const bulk = coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (let i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) { bulk.insert( {_id: ObjectId(), [timeFieldName]: ISODate(), [metaFieldName]: i % nBuckets, x: i}); } assert.commandWorked(bulk.execute()); let buckets = bucketsColl.find().toArray(); assert.eq(nBuckets, buckets.length, buckets); return numDocs; } let runSampleTests = (measurementsPerBucket, backupPlanSelected) => { const coll = testDB.getCollection("timeseries_sample"); coll.drop(); let numDocs = fillBuckets(coll, measurementsPerBucket); // Check the time-series view to make sure we have the correct number of docs and that there are // no duplicates after sampling. const viewDocs = coll.find({}, {x: 1}).toArray(); assert.eq(numDocs, viewDocs.length, viewDocs); let sampleSize = 20; let result = coll.aggregate([{$sample: {size: sampleSize}}]).toArray(); assert.eq(sampleSize, result.length, result); assertUniqueDocuments(result); // Check that we have executed the correct branch of the TrialStage. const optimizedSamplePlan = coll.explain("executionStats").aggregate([{$sample: {size: sampleSize}}]); assertPlanForSample(optimizedSamplePlan, backupPlanSelected); // Run an agg pipeline with optimization disabled. result = coll.aggregate([{$_internalInhibitOptimization: {}}, {$sample: {size: 1}}]).toArray(); assert.eq(1, result.length, result); // Check that $sample hasn't been absorbed by $_internalUnpackBucket when the // sample size is sufficiently large. The server will never try to use random cursor-based // sampling for timeseries collections when the requested sample exceeds 1% of the maximum // measurement count. Since the maximum number of measurements per bucket is 100, this means // that we expect to use a top-k plan (without using 'TrialStage') when the sample size exceeds // 'nBuckets'. sampleSize = nBuckets + 10; const unoptimizedSamplePlan = coll.explain().aggregate([{$sample: {size: sampleSize}}]); let bucketStage = getAggPlanStage(unoptimizedSamplePlan, "$_internalUnpackBucket"); assert.neq(bucketStage, null, unoptimizedSamplePlan); assert.eq(bucketStage["$_internalUnpackBucket"]["sample"], undefined); assert(aggPlanHasStage(unoptimizedSamplePlan, "$sample")); assert(!aggPlanHasStage(unoptimizedSamplePlan, "TRIAL")); const unoptimizedResult = coll.aggregate([{$sample: {size: sampleSize}}]).toArray(); assert.eq(Math.min(sampleSize, numDocs), unoptimizedResult.length, unoptimizedResult); assertUniqueDocuments(unoptimizedResult); // Check that a sampleSize greater than the number of measurements doesn't cause an infinte // loop. result = coll.aggregate([{$sample: {size: numDocs + 1}}]).toArray(); assert.eq(numDocs, result.length, result); // Check that $lookup against a time-series collection doesn't cache inner pipeline results if // it contains a $sample stage. result = coll.aggregate( {$lookup: {from: coll.getName(), as: "docs", pipeline: [{$sample: {size: 1}}]}}) .toArray(); // Each subquery should be an independent sample by checking that we didn't sample the same // document repeatedly. It's sufficient for now to make sure that the seen set contains at least // two distinct samples. let seen = new Set(); result.forEach(r => { assert.eq(r.docs.length, 1); seen.add(r.docs[0]._id); }); assert.gte(seen.size, 2); }; // Test the case where the buckets are only 1% full. Due to the mostly empty buckets, we expect to // fall back to the non-optimized top-k algorithm for sampling from a time-series collection. runSampleTests(1, true); // Test the case where the buckets are 95% full. Here we expect the optimized // SAMPLE_FROM_TIMESERIES_BUCKET plan to be used. runSampleTests(95, false); // Restart the mongod in order to raise the maximum bucket size to 1000. MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({setParameter: {timeseriesBucketMaxCount: 1000}}); testDB = conn.getDB(dbName); const coll = testDB.getCollection("timeseries_sample"); // Create a timeseries collection that has 40 buckets, each with 900 documents. const measurementsPerBucket = 900; let numDocs = fillBuckets(coll, measurementsPerBucket); assert.eq(numDocs, measurementsPerBucket * nBuckets); // Run a sample query where the sample size is large enough to merit multiple batches. assert.eq(150, coll.aggregate([{$sample: {size: 150}}]).itcount()); // Explain the $sample. Given that the buckets are mostly full, we expect the trial to succeed. We // should see a TRIAL stage, and it should have selected the SAMPLE_FROM_TIMESERIES_BUCKET plan. The // initial batch of data collected during the trial period will be returned via a QUEUED_DATA_STAGE. const explainRes = coll.explain("executionStats").aggregate([{$sample: {size: 150}}]); const trialStage = getAggPlanStage(explainRes, "TRIAL"); assert.neq(trialStage, null, explainRes); const orStage = getPlanStage(trialStage, "OR"); assert.neq(orStage, null, explainRes); const queuedDataStage = getPlanStage(orStage, "QUEUED_DATA"); assert.neq(queuedDataStage, null, explainRes); // Verify that the SAMPLE_FROM_TIMESERIES_BUCKET stage exists in the plan and has reasonable // runtime stats. const sampleFromBucketStage = getPlanStage(orStage, "SAMPLE_FROM_TIMESERIES_BUCKET"); assert.neq(sampleFromBucketStage, null, explainRes); assert(sampleFromBucketStage.hasOwnProperty("nBucketsDiscarded"), sampleFromBucketStage); assert.gte(sampleFromBucketStage.nBucketsDiscarded, 0, sampleFromBucketStage); assert(sampleFromBucketStage.hasOwnProperty("dupsDropped"), sampleFromBucketStage); assert.gte(sampleFromBucketStage.dupsDropped, 0, sampleFromBucketStage); // Since we are returning a sample size of 150, we expect to test at least that many dups. assert(sampleFromBucketStage.hasOwnProperty("dupsTested")); assert.gte(sampleFromBucketStage.dupsTested, 150, sampleFromBucketStage); // The SAMPLE_FROM_TIMESERIES_BUCKET stage reads from a MULTI_ITERATOR stage, which in turn reads // from a storage-provided random cursor. const multiIteratorStage = getPlanStage(sampleFromBucketStage, "MULTI_ITERATOR"); assert.neq(multiIteratorStage, null, explainRes); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); })();