/** * Tests the behavior of TTL _id on time-series collections. Ensures that data is only expired when * it is guaranteed to be past the maximum time range of a bucket. * * @tags: [ * assumes_no_implicit_collection_creation_after_drop, * does_not_support_stepdowns, * requires_getmore, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/clustered_collections/clustered_collection_util.js"); load("jstests/libs/ttl_util.js"); // Run TTL monitor constantly to speed up this test. const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({setParameter: 'ttlMonitorSleepSecs=1'}); const dbName = jsTestName(); const testDB = conn.getDB(dbName); const timeFieldName = 'time'; const metaFieldName = 'host'; const expireAfterSeconds = 5; // Default maximum range of time for a bucket. const defaultBucketMaxRange = 3600; const testCase = (testFn) => { const coll = testDB.getCollection('ts'); const bucketsColl = testDB.getCollection('system.buckets.' + coll.getName()); assert.commandWorked(testDB.createCollection(coll.getName(), { timeseries: { timeField: timeFieldName, metaField: metaFieldName, }, expireAfterSeconds: expireAfterSeconds, })); testFn(coll, bucketsColl); assert(coll.drop()); }; testCase((coll, bucketsColl) => { // Insert two measurements that end up in the same bucket, but where the minimum is 5 minutes // earlier. Expect that the TTL monitor does not delete the data even though the bucket minimum // is past the expiry. const maxTime = new Date(); const minTime = new Date(maxTime.getTime() - (1000 * 5 * 60)); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({[timeFieldName]: minTime, [metaFieldName]: "localhost"})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({[timeFieldName]: maxTime, [metaFieldName]: "localhost"})); assert.eq(2, coll.find().itcount()); assert.eq(1, bucketsColl.find().itcount()); TTLUtil.waitForPass(coll.getDB("test")); assert.eq(2, coll.find().itcount()); assert.eq(1, bucketsColl.find().itcount()); }); testCase((coll, bucketsColl) => { // Insert two measurements 5 minutes apart that end up in the same bucket and both are older // than the TTL expiry. Expect that the TTL monitor does not delete the data even though the // bucket minimum is past the expiry because it is waiting for the maximum bucket range to // elapse. const maxTime = new Date((new Date()).getTime() - (1000 * expireAfterSeconds)); const minTime = new Date(maxTime.getTime() - (1000 * 5 * 60)); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({[timeFieldName]: minTime, [metaFieldName]: "localhost"})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({[timeFieldName]: maxTime, [metaFieldName]: "localhost"})); assert.eq(2, coll.find().itcount()); assert.eq(1, bucketsColl.find().itcount()); TTLUtil.waitForPass(coll.getDB("test")); assert.eq(2, coll.find().itcount()); assert.eq(1, bucketsColl.find().itcount()); }); testCase((coll, bucketsColl) => { // Insert two measurements 5 minutes apart that end up in the same bucket and both are older // than the TTL expiry and the maximum bucket range. Expect that the TTL monitor deletes the // data because the bucket minimum is past the expiry plus the maximum bucket range. const maxTime = new Date((new Date()).getTime() - (1000 * defaultBucketMaxRange)); const minTime = new Date(maxTime.getTime() - (1000 * 5 * 60)); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({[timeFieldName]: minTime, [metaFieldName]: "localhost"})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({[timeFieldName]: maxTime, [metaFieldName]: "localhost"})); TTLUtil.waitForPass(coll.getDB("test")); assert.eq(0, coll.find().itcount()); assert.eq(0, bucketsColl.find().itcount()); }); testCase((coll, bucketsColl) => { // Insert two measurements using insertMany that end up in the same bucket, but where the // minimum is 5 minutes earlier. Expect that the TTL monitor does not delete the data even // though the bucket minimum is past the expiry. const maxTime = new Date(); const minTime = new Date(maxTime.getTime() - (1000 * 5 * 60)); assert.commandWorked(coll.insertMany([ {[timeFieldName]: minTime, [metaFieldName]: "localhost"}, {[timeFieldName]: maxTime, [metaFieldName]: "localhost"} ])); assert.eq(2, coll.find().itcount()); assert.eq(1, bucketsColl.find().itcount()); TTLUtil.waitForPass(coll.getDB("test")); assert.eq(2, coll.find().itcount()); assert.eq(1, bucketsColl.find().itcount()); }); testCase((coll, bucketsColl) => { // Insert two measurements with insertMany 5 minutes apart that end up in the same bucket and // both are older than the TTL expiry and the maximum bucket range. Expect that the TTL monitor // deletes the data because the bucket minimum is past the expiry plus the maximum bucket range. const maxTime = new Date((new Date()).getTime() - (1000 * defaultBucketMaxRange)); const minTime = new Date(maxTime.getTime() - (1000 * 5 * 60)); assert.commandWorked(coll.insertMany([ {[timeFieldName]: minTime, [metaFieldName]: "localhost"}, {[timeFieldName]: maxTime, [metaFieldName]: "localhost"} ])); TTLUtil.waitForPass(coll.getDB("test")); assert.eq(0, coll.find().itcount()); assert.eq(0, bucketsColl.find().itcount()); }); // Make a collection TTL using collMod. Ensure data expires correctly. (function newlyTTLWithCollMod() { const coll = testDB.getCollection('ts'); const bucketsColl = testDB.getCollection('system.buckets.' + coll.getName()); assert.commandWorked(testDB.createCollection(coll.getName(), { timeseries: { timeField: timeFieldName, metaField: metaFieldName, } })); // Insert two measurements 5 minutes apart that end up in the same bucket and both are older // than the TTL expiry and the maximum bucket range. const maxTime = new Date((new Date()).getTime() - (1000 * defaultBucketMaxRange)); const minTime = new Date(maxTime.getTime() - (1000 * 5 * 60)); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({[timeFieldName]: minTime, [metaFieldName]: "localhost"})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({[timeFieldName]: maxTime, [metaFieldName]: "localhost"})); assert.eq(2, coll.find().itcount()); assert.eq(1, bucketsColl.find().itcount()); // Make the collection TTL and expect the data to be deleted because the bucket minimum is past // the expiry plus the maximum bucket range. assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand({ collMod: 'ts', expireAfterSeconds: expireAfterSeconds, })); TTLUtil.waitForPass(coll.getDB("test")); assert.eq(0, coll.find().itcount()); assert.eq(0, bucketsColl.find().itcount()); })(); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); })();