// @tags: [does_not_support_stepdowns, requires_profiling] // Confirms that profiled aggregation execution contains expected values for usedDisk. (function() { "use strict"; // For getLatestProfilerEntry and getProfilerProtocolStringForCommand load("jstests/libs/profiler.js"); const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({setParameter: "maxBSONDepth=8"}); const testDB = conn.getDB("profile_agg"); const coll = testDB.getCollection("test"); testDB.setProfilingLevel(2); function resetCollection() { coll.drop(); for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { assert.writeOK(coll.insert({a: i})); } } function resetForeignCollection() { testDB.foreign.drop(); const forColl = testDB.getCollection("foreign"); for (var i = 4; i < 18; i += 2) assert.writeOK(forColl.insert({b: i})); } // // Confirm hasSortStage with in-memory sort. // resetCollection(); // // Confirm 'usedDisk' is not set if 'allowDiskUse' is set but no stages need to use disk. // coll.aggregate([{$match: {a: {$gte: 2}}}], {allowDiskUse: true}); var profileObj = getLatestProfilerEntry(testDB); assert(!profileObj.hasOwnProperty("usedDisk"), tojson(profileObj)); resetCollection(); coll.aggregate([{$match: {a: {$gte: 2}}}, {$sort: {a: 1}}], {allowDiskUse: true}); profileObj = getLatestProfilerEntry(testDB); assert(!profileObj.hasOwnProperty("usedDisk"), tojson(profileObj)); assert.eq(profileObj.hasSortStage, true, tojson(profileObj)); assert.commandWorked( testDB.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryExecMaxBlockingSortBytes: 10})); assert.eq( 8, coll.aggregate([{$match: {a: {$gte: 2}}}, {$sort: {a: 1}}], {allowDiskUse: true}).itcount()); profileObj = getLatestProfilerEntry(testDB); assert.eq(profileObj.usedDisk, true, tojson(profileObj)); assert.eq(profileObj.hasSortStage, true, tojson(profileObj)); // // Confirm that disk use is correctly detected for the $facet stage. // resetCollection(); coll.aggregate([{$facet: {"aSort": [{$sortByCount: "$a"}]}}], {allowDiskUse: true}); profileObj = getLatestProfilerEntry(testDB); assert.eq(profileObj.usedDisk, true, tojson(profileObj)); // // Confirm that usedDisk is correctly detected for the $group stage. // resetCollection(); coll.aggregate([{$group: {"_id": {$avg: "$a"}}}], {allowDiskUse: true}); profileObj = getLatestProfilerEntry(testDB); assert(!profileObj.hasOwnProperty("usedDisk"), tojson(profileObj)); assert.commandWorked( testDB.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalDocumentSourceGroupMaxMemoryBytes: 10})); resetCollection(); coll.aggregate([{$group: {"_id": {$avg: "$a"}}}], {allowDiskUse: true}); profileObj = getLatestProfilerEntry(testDB); assert.eq(profileObj.usedDisk, true, tojson(profileObj)); // // Confirm that usedDisk is correctly detected for the $lookup stage with a subsequent $unwind. // resetCollection(); resetForeignCollection(); coll.aggregate( [ {$lookup: {let : {var1: "$a"}, pipeline: [{$sort: {a: 1}}], from: "foreign", as: "same"}}, {$unwind: "$same"} ], {allowDiskUse: true}); profileObj = getLatestProfilerEntry(testDB); assert.eq(profileObj.usedDisk, true, tojson(profileObj)); // // Confirm that usedDisk is correctly detected for the $lookup stage without a subsequent // $unwind. // resetCollection(); resetForeignCollection(); coll.aggregate( [{$lookup: {let : {var1: "$a"}, pipeline: [{$sort: {a: 1}}], from: "foreign", as: "same"}}], {allowDiskUse: true}); profileObj = getLatestProfilerEntry(testDB); assert.eq(profileObj.usedDisk, true, tojson(profileObj)); // // Confirm that usedDisk is correctly detected when $limit is set after the $lookup stage. // resetCollection(); resetForeignCollection(); coll.aggregate( [ {$lookup: {let : {var1: "$a"}, pipeline: [{$sort: {a: 1}}], from: "foreign", as: "same"}}, {$unwind: "$same"}, {$limit: 3} ], {allowDiskUse: true}); profileObj = getLatestProfilerEntry(testDB); assert.eq(profileObj.usedDisk, true, tojson(profileObj)); // // Confirm that usedDisk is correctly detected when $limit is set before the $lookup stage. // resetCollection(); resetForeignCollection(); coll.aggregate( [ {$limit: 1}, {$lookup: {let : {var1: "$a"}, pipeline: [{$sort: {a: 1}}], from: "foreign", as: "same"}}, {$unwind: "$same"} ], {allowDiskUse: true}); profileObj = getLatestProfilerEntry(testDB); assert.eq(profileObj.usedDisk, true, tojson(profileObj)); // // Test that usedDisk is not set for a $lookup with a pipeline that does not use disk. // assert.commandWorked(testDB.adminCommand( {setParameter: 1, internalQueryExecMaxBlockingSortBytes: 100 * 1024 * 1024})); resetCollection(); resetForeignCollection(); coll.aggregate( [{$lookup: {let : {var1: "$a"}, pipeline: [{$sort: {a: 1}}], from: "otherTest", as: "same"}}], {allowDiskUse: true}); profileObj = getLatestProfilerEntry(testDB); assert(!profileObj.hasOwnProperty("usedDisk"), tojson(profileObj)); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); })();