/** * Verifies that the validate hook is able to upgrade the feature compatibility version of the * server regardless of what state any previous upgrades or downgrades have left it in. */ load("jstests/libs/logv2_helpers.js"); // The global 'db' variable is used by the data consistency hooks. var db; (function() { "use strict"; // We skip doing the data consistency checks while terminating the cluster because they conflict // with the counts of the number of times the "validate" command is run. TestData.skipCollectionAndIndexValidation = true; function makePatternForValidate(dbName, collName) { if (isJsonLogNoConn()) { return new RegExp( `Slow query.*"ns":"${ dbName}\\.\\$cmd","appName":"MongoDB Shell","command":{"validate":"${collName}"`, "g"); } return new RegExp("COMMAND.*command " + dbName + "\\.\\$cmd appName: \"MongoDB Shell\" command: validate { validate: \"" + collName + "\"", "g"); } function makePatternForSetFCV(targetVersion) { if (isJsonLogNoConn()) { return new RegExp( `Slow query.*"appName":"MongoDB Shell","command":{"setFeatureCompatibilityVersion":"${ targetVersion}"`, "g"); } return new RegExp( "COMMAND.*command.*appName: \"MongoDB Shell\" command: setFeatureCompatibilityVersion" + " { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: \"" + targetVersion + "\"", "g"); } function makePatternForSetParameter(paramName) { if (isJsonLogNoConn()) { return new RegExp( `Slow query.*"appName":"MongoDB Shell","command":{"setParameter":1,"${paramName}":`, "g"); } return new RegExp("COMMAND.*command.*appName: \"MongoDB Shell\" command: setParameter" + " { setParameter: 1\\.0, " + paramName + ":", "g"); } function countMatches(pattern, output) { assert(pattern.global, "the 'g' flag must be used to find all matches"); let numMatches = 0; while (pattern.exec(output) !== null) { ++numMatches; } return numMatches; } function runValidateHook(testCase) { db = testCase.conn.getDB("test"); TestData.forceValidationWithFeatureCompatibilityVersion = latestFCV; try { clearRawMongoProgramOutput(); load("jstests/hooks/run_validate_collections.js"); // We terminate the processes to ensure that the next call to rawMongoProgramOutput() // will return all of their output. testCase.teardown(); return rawMongoProgramOutput(); } finally { db = undefined; TestData.forceValidationWithFeatureCompatibilityVersion = undefined; } } function testStandalone(additionalSetupFn, { expectedAtTeardownFCV, expectedSetLastLTSFCV: expectedSetLastLTSFCV = 0, expectedSetLatestFCV: expectedSetLatestFCV = 0 } = {}) { const conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({setParameter: {logComponentVerbosity: tojson({command: 1})}}); assert.neq(conn, "mongod was unable to start up"); // Insert a document so the "validate" command has some actual work to do. assert.commandWorked(conn.getDB("test").mycoll.insert({})); // Run the additional setup function to put the server into the desired state. additionalSetupFn(conn); const output = runValidateHook({ conn: conn, teardown: () => { // The validate hook should leave the server with a feature compatibility version of // 'expectedAtTeardownFCV' and no targetVersion. checkFCV(conn.getDB("admin"), expectedAtTeardownFCV); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); } }); let pattern = makePatternForValidate("test", "mycoll"); assert.eq(1, countMatches(pattern, output), "expected to find " + tojson(pattern) + " from mongod in the log output"); for (let [targetVersion, expectedCount] of [[lastLTSFCV, expectedSetLastLTSFCV], [latestFCV, expectedSetLatestFCV]]) { // Since the additionalSetupFn() function may run the setFeatureCompatibilityVersion // command and we don't have a guarantee those log messages were cleared when // clearRawMongoProgramOutput() was called, we assert 'expectedSetLastLTSFCV' and // 'expectedSetLatestFCV' as lower bounds. const pattern = makePatternForSetFCV(targetVersion); assert.lte(expectedCount, countMatches(pattern, output), "expected to find " + tojson(pattern) + " from mongod in the log output"); } pattern = makePatternForSetParameter("transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds"); assert.eq(2, countMatches(pattern, output), "expected to find " + tojson(pattern) + " from mongod in the log output twice"); } function forceInterruptedUpgradeOrDowngrade(conn, targetVersion) { // We create a separate connection to the server exclusively for running the // setFeatureCompatibilityVersion command so only that operation is ever interrupted by // the checkForInterruptFail failpoint. const setFCVConn = new Mongo(conn.host); const myUriRes = assert.commandWorked(setFCVConn.adminCommand({whatsmyuri: 1})); const myUri = myUriRes.you; const curOpRes = assert.commandWorked(setFCVConn.adminCommand({currentOp: 1, client: myUri})); const threadName = curOpRes.inprog[0].desc; assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand({ configureFailPoint: "checkForInterruptFail", mode: "alwaysOn", data: {threadName, chance: 0.05}, })); let attempts = 0; assert.soon( function() { let res = setFCVConn.adminCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: targetVersion}); if (res.ok === 1) { assert.commandWorked(res); } else { assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, ErrorCodes.Interrupted); } ++attempts; res = assert.commandWorked( conn.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, featureCompatibilityVersion: 1})); if (res.featureCompatibilityVersion.hasOwnProperty("targetVersion")) { checkFCV(conn.getDB("admin"), lastLTSFCV, targetVersion); jsTest.log(`Reached partially downgraded state after ${attempts} attempts`); return true; } // Either upgrade the feature compatibility version so we can try downgrading again, // or downgrade the feature compatibility version so we can try upgrading again. // Note that we're using 'conn' rather than 'setFCVConn' to avoid the upgrade being // interrupted. assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand({ setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: targetVersion === lastLTSFCV ? latestFCV : lastLTSFCV })); }, "failed to get featureCompatibilityVersion document into a partially downgraded" + " state"); assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand({ configureFailPoint: "checkForInterruptFail", mode: "off", })); } (function testStandaloneInLatestFCV() { testStandalone(conn => { checkFCV(conn.getDB("admin"), latestFCV); }, {expectedAtTeardownFCV: latestFCV}); })(); (function testStandaloneInLastLTSFCV() { testStandalone(conn => { assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: lastLTSFCV})); checkFCV(conn.getDB("admin"), lastLTSFCV); }, {expectedAtTeardownFCV: lastLTSFCV, expectedSetLastLTSFCV: 1, expectedSetLatestFCV: 1}); })(); (function testStandaloneWithInterruptedFCVDowngrade() { testStandalone(conn => { forceInterruptedUpgradeOrDowngrade(conn, lastLTSFCV); }, {expectedAtTeardownFCV: lastLTSFCV, expectedSetLastLTSFCV: 2, expectedSetLatestFCV: 1}); })(); (function testStandaloneWithInterruptedFCVUpgrade() { testStandalone(conn => { assert.commandWorked(conn.adminCommand({setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: lastLTSFCV})); forceInterruptedUpgradeOrDowngrade(conn, latestFCV); }, {expectedAtTeardownFCV: lastLTSFCV, expectedSetLastLTSFCV: 1, expectedSetLatestFCV: 1}); })(); })();