/** * Validates multikey index in a collection after retrying a 2dsphere insert. * The scenario tested here involves stepping down the node so that the first insert attempt fails. * The insert is retried after the node becomes primary again. At this point, we will validate the * collection after restarting the node. * @tags: [ * requires_replication, * requires_persistence, * ] */ (function() { 'use strict'; load('jstests/libs/fail_point_util.js'); load('jstests/libs/parallel_shell_helpers.js'); const rst = new ReplSetTest({nodes: 1}); rst.startSet(); rst.initiate(); let primary = rst.getPrimary(); let testColl = primary.getCollection('test.validate_multikey_stepdown'); assert.commandWorked(testColl.getDB().createCollection(testColl.getName())); assert.commandWorked(testColl.createIndex({geo: '2dsphere'})); // Sample polygon and point from geo_s2dedupnear.js const polygon = { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0], ]], }; const point = { type: 'Point', coordinates: [31, 41], }; const geoDocToInsert = { _id: 1, geo: polygon, }; const geoQuery = { geo: {$geoNear: point} }; const failPoint = configureFailPoint( primary, 'hangAfterCollectionInserts', {collectionNS: testColl.getFullName()}); let awaitInsert; try { const args = [testColl.getDB().getName(), testColl.getName(), geoDocToInsert]; let func = function(args) { const [dbName, collName, geoDocToInsert] = args; jsTestLog("Insert a document that will hang before the insert completes."); const testColl = db.getSiblingDB(dbName)[collName]; // This should fail with ErrorCodes.InterruptedDueToReplStateChange. const result = testColl.insert(geoDocToInsert); jsTestLog('Async insert result = ' + tojson(result)); assert.commandFailedWithCode(result, ErrorCodes.InterruptedDueToReplStateChange); }; awaitInsert = startParallelShell(funWithArgs(func, args), primary.port); jsTest.log("Wait for async insert to hit the failpoint."); failPoint.wait(); // Step down the primary. This will interrupt the async insert. // Since there is no other electable node, the replSetStepDown command will time out and the // node will be re-elected. jsTest.log("Step down primary temporarily to interrupt async insert."); assert.commandFailedWithCode(primary.adminCommand({replSetStepDown: 10}), ErrorCodes.ExceededTimeLimit); } finally { // Turn off the failpoint before allowing the test to end, so nothing hangs while the server // shuts down or in post-test hooks. failPoint.off(); } // Wait until the async insert is completed. jsTest.log("Wait for async insert to complete."); awaitInsert(); jsTest.log("Retrying insert after stepping up."); assert.commandWorked(testColl.insert(geoDocToInsert)); jsTestLog('Checking documents in collection before restart'); let docs = testColl.find(geoQuery).sort({_id: 1}).toArray(); assert.eq(1, docs.length, 'too many docs in collection: ' + tojson(docs)); assert.eq( geoDocToInsert._id, docs[0]._id, 'unexpected document content in collection: ' + tojson(docs)); // For the purpose of reproducing the validation error in geo_2dsphere, it is important to skip // validation when restarting the primary node. Enabling validation here has an effect on the // validate command's behavior after restarting. primary = rst.restart(primary, {skipValidation: true}, /*signal=*/ undefined, /*wait=*/ true); testColl = primary.getCollection(testColl.getFullName()); jsTestLog('Checking documents in collection after restart'); rst.awaitReplication(); docs = testColl.find(geoQuery).sort({_id: 1}).toArray(); assert.eq(1, docs.length, 'too many docs in collection: ' + tojson(docs)); assert.eq( geoDocToInsert._id, docs[0]._id, 'unexpected document content in collection: ' + tojson(docs)); jsTestLog('Validating collection after restart'); const result = assert.commandWorked(testColl.validate({full: true})); jsTestLog('Validation result: ' + tojson(result)); assert.eq(testColl.getFullName(), result.ns, tojson(result)); assert.eq(0, result.nInvalidDocuments, tojson(result)); assert.eq(1, result.nrecords, tojson(result)); assert.eq(2, result.nIndexes, tojson(result)); // Check non-geo indexes. assert.eq(1, result.keysPerIndex._id_, tojson(result)); assert(result.indexDetails._id_.valid, tojson(result)); // Check geo index. assert.lt(1, result.keysPerIndex.geo_2dsphere, tojson(result)); assert(result.indexDetails.geo_2dsphere.valid, tojson(result)); assert(result.valid, tojson(result)); rst.stopSet(); })();