/** * Tests that different values for the same configuration string key have the following order of * preference: * 1. index-specific options specified to createIndex(). * 2. collection-wide options specified as "indexOptionDefaults" to createCollection(). * 3. system-wide options specified by --wiredTigerIndexConfigString or by * inMemoryIndexConfigString. */ (function() { 'use strict'; var engine = 'wiredTiger'; if (jsTest.options().storageEngine) { engine = jsTest.options().storageEngine; } // Skip this test if not running with the right storage engine. if (engine !== 'wiredTiger' && engine !== 'inMemory') { jsTest.log('Skipping test because storageEngine is not "wiredTiger" or "inMemory"'); return; } // Skip this test when 'xxxIndexConfigString' is already set in TestData. // TODO: This test can be enabled when MongoRunner supports combining WT config strings with // commas. if (jsTest.options()[engine + 'IndexConfigString']) { jsTest.log('Skipping test because system-wide defaults for index options are already set'); return; } // Use different values for the same configuration string key to test that index-specific // options override collection-wide options, and that collection-wide options override // system-wide options. var systemWideConfigString = 'split_pct=70,'; var collectionWideConfigString = 'split_pct=75,'; var indexSpecificConfigString = 'split_pct=80,'; // Start up a mongod with system-wide defaults for index options and create a collection without // any additional options. Tests than an index without any additional options should take on the // system-wide defaults, whereas an index with additional options should override the // system-wide defaults. runTest({}); // Start up a mongod with system-wide defaults for index options and create a collection with // additional options. Tests than an index without any additional options should take on the // collection-wide defaults, whereas an index with additional options should override the // collection-wide defaults. runTest({indexOptionDefaults: collectionWideConfigString}); function runTest(collOptions) { var hasIndexOptionDefaults = collOptions.hasOwnProperty('indexOptionDefaults'); var dbpath = MongoRunner.dataPath + 'wt_index_option_defaults'; resetDbpath(dbpath); // Start a mongod with system-wide defaults for engine-specific index options. var conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({ dbpath: dbpath, noCleanData: true, [engine + 'IndexConfigString']: systemWideConfigString, }); assert.neq(null, conn, 'mongod was unable to start up'); var testDB = conn.getDB('test'); var cmdObj = {create: 'coll'}; // Apply collection-wide defaults for engine-specific index options if any were // specified. if (hasIndexOptionDefaults) { cmdObj.indexOptionDefaults = { storageEngine: {[engine]: {configString: collOptions.indexOptionDefaults}} }; } assert.commandWorked(testDB.runCommand(cmdObj)); // Create an index that does not specify any engine-specific options. assert.commandWorked(testDB.coll.createIndex({a: 1}, {name: 'without_options'})); // Create an index that specifies engine-specific index options. assert.commandWorked(testDB.coll.createIndex({b: 1}, { name: 'with_options', storageEngine: {[engine]: {configString: indexSpecificConfigString}} })); var collStats = testDB.runCommand({collStats: 'coll'}); assert.commandWorked(collStats); checkIndexWithoutOptions(collStats.indexDetails); checkIndexWithOptions(collStats.indexDetails); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); function checkIndexWithoutOptions(indexDetails) { var indexSpec = getIndexSpecByName(testDB.coll, 'without_options'); assert(!indexSpec.hasOwnProperty('storageEngine'), 'no storage engine options should have been set in the index spec: ' + tojson(indexSpec)); var creationString = indexDetails.without_options.creationString; if (hasIndexOptionDefaults) { assert.eq(-1, creationString.indexOf(systemWideConfigString), 'system-wide index option present in the creation string even though a ' + 'collection-wide option was specified: ' + creationString); assert.lte(0, creationString.indexOf(collectionWideConfigString), 'collection-wide index option not present in the creation string: ' + creationString); } else { assert.lte( 0, creationString.indexOf(systemWideConfigString), 'system-wide index option not present in the creation string: ' + creationString); assert.eq(-1, creationString.indexOf(collectionWideConfigString), 'collection-wide index option present in creation string even though ' + 'it was not specified: ' + creationString); } assert.eq(-1, creationString.indexOf(indexSpecificConfigString), 'index-specific option present in creation string even though it was not' + ' specified: ' + creationString); } function checkIndexWithOptions(indexDetails) { var indexSpec = getIndexSpecByName(testDB.coll, 'with_options'); assert( indexSpec.hasOwnProperty('storageEngine'), 'storage engine options should have been set in the index spec: ' + tojson(indexSpec)); assert.docEq({[engine]: {configString: indexSpecificConfigString}}, indexSpec.storageEngine, engine + ' index options not present in the index spec'); var creationString = indexDetails.with_options.creationString; assert.eq(-1, creationString.indexOf(systemWideConfigString), 'system-wide index option present in the creation string even though an ' + 'index-specific option was specified: ' + creationString); assert.eq(-1, creationString.indexOf(collectionWideConfigString), 'system-wide index option present in the creation string even though an ' + 'index-specific option was specified: ' + creationString); assert.lte(0, creationString.indexOf(indexSpecificConfigString), 'index-specific option not present in the creation string: ' + creationString); } } function getIndexSpecByName(coll, indexName) { var indexes = coll.getIndexes().filter(function(spec) { return spec.name === indexName; }); assert.eq(1, indexes.length, 'index "' + indexName + '" not found'); return indexes[0]; } })();