/** * This test is only for the WiredTiger storageEngine * Test nojournal option with wiredTiger replset. This test will fail with mmap because * unclean shutdowns are not safe. If running without a journal, WT starts up from last * valid checkpoint, so should recover. * * Start a set. * Insert data into collection foo * fsync secondary member 1 * Kill -9 secondary member 1 * Add some more data in a new collection. * Restart member 1. * Check that it syncs from the last checkpoint and data is there. */ // used to parse RAM log file var contains = function(logLines, func) { var i = logLines.length; while (i--) { printjson(logLines[i]); if (func(logLines[i])) { return true; } } return false; }; // This test can only be run if the storageEngine is wiredTiger if (jsTest.options().storageEngine && jsTest.options().storageEngine !== "wiredTiger") { jsTestLog("Skipping test because storageEngine is not wiredTiger"); } else { var name = "wt_nojournal_repl"; var replTest = new ReplSetTest({ name: name, nodes: 3, oplogSize: 2, nodeOptions: { nojournal: "", storageEngine: "wiredTiger", } }); var nodes = replTest.startSet(); // make sure node 0 becomes primary initially var config = replTest.getReplSetConfig(); config.members[0].priority = 1; replTest.initiate(config); var masterDB = replTest.getPrimary().getDB("test"); var secondary1 = replTest.liveNodes.slaves[0]; jsTestLog("add some data to collection foo"); for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { masterDB.foo.insert({x: i}); } replTest.awaitReplication(); assert.eq(secondary1.getDB("test").foo.count(), 100); jsTestLog("run fsync on the secondary to ensure it remains after restart"); assert.commandWorked(secondary1.getDB("admin").runCommand({fsync: 1})); jsTestLog("kill -9 secondary 1"); MongoRunner.stopMongod(secondary1.port, /*signal*/ 9); jsTestLog("add some data to a new collection bar"); for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { masterDB.bar.insert({x: i}); } jsTestLog("restart secondary 1 and let it catch up"); secondary1 = replTest.restart(1); replTest.awaitReplication(); // Test that the restarted secondary did NOT do an initial sync by checking the log var res = secondary1.adminCommand({getLog: "global"}); assert(!contains(res.log, function(v) { return v.indexOf("initial sync") != -1; })); jsTestLog("check data is in both collections"); assert.eq(secondary1.getDB("test").foo.count(), 100); assert.eq(secondary1.getDB("test").bar.count(), 100); jsTestLog("Success!"); replTest.stopSet(); }