(function() { "use strict"; var t = db.create_indexes_shell_helper; t.drop(); var mongo = db.getMongo(); try { var commandsRan = []; var insertsRan = []; var mockMongo = { forceWriteMode: function(mode) { this._writeMode = mode; }, writeMode: function() { return this._writeMode; }, getSlaveOk: function() { return true; }, runCommand: function(db, cmd, opts) { commandsRan.push({db: db, cmd: cmd, opts: opts}); return {ok: 1.0}; }, insert: function(db, indexSpecs, opts) { insertsRan.push({db: db, indexSpecs: indexSpecs, opts: opts}); return {ok: 1.0}; }, getWriteConcern: function() { return null; }, useWriteCommands: function() { return true; }, hasWriteCommands: function() { return true; }, getMinWireVersion: function() { return mongo.getMinWireVersion(); }, getMaxWireVersion: function() { return mongo.getMaxWireVersion(); }, isReplicaSetMember: function() { return mongo.isReplicaSetMember(); }, isMongos: function() { return mongo.isMongos(); }, isCausalConsistency: function() { return false; }, getClusterTime: function() { return null; }, }; db._mongo = mockMongo; db._session = new _DummyDriverSession(mockMongo); mockMongo.forceWriteMode("commands"); t.createIndexes([{x: 1}]); assert.eq(commandsRan.length, 1); assert(commandsRan[0].cmd.hasOwnProperty("createIndexes")); assert.eq(commandsRan[0].cmd["indexes"][0], {key: {x: 1}, name: "x_1"}); commandsRan = []; t.createIndexes([{y: 1}, {z: -1}]); assert.eq(commandsRan.length, 1); assert(commandsRan[0].cmd.hasOwnProperty("createIndexes")); assert.eq(commandsRan[0].cmd["indexes"][0], {key: {y: 1}, name: "y_1"}); assert.eq(commandsRan[0].cmd["indexes"][1], {key: {z: -1}, name: "z_-1"}); commandsRan = []; t.createIndex({a: 1}); assert.eq(commandsRan.length, 1); assert(commandsRan[0].cmd.hasOwnProperty("createIndexes")); assert.eq(commandsRan[0].cmd["indexes"][0], {key: {a: 1}, name: "a_1"}); db.getMongo().forceWriteMode("compatibility"); commandsRan = []; assert.eq(commandsRan.length, 0); t.createIndex({b: 1}); assert.eq(insertsRan.length, 1); assert.eq(insertsRan[0]["indexSpecs"]["ns"], "test.create_indexes_shell_helper"); assert.eq(insertsRan[0]["indexSpecs"]["key"], {b: 1}); assert.eq(insertsRan[0]["indexSpecs"]["name"], "b_1"); // getLastError is called in the course of the bulk insert assert.eq(commandsRan.length, 1); assert(commandsRan[0].cmd.hasOwnProperty("getlasterror")); } finally { db._mongo = mongo; db._session = new _DummyDriverSession(mongo); } }());