// Axis aligned circles - hard-to-find precision errors possible with exact distances here t = db.axisaligned; t.drop(); scale = [1, 10, 1000, 10000]; bits = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; radius = [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1]; center = [[5, 52], [6, 53], [7, 54], [8, 55], [9, 56]]; bound = []; for (var j = 0; j < center.length; j++) bound.push([-180, 180]); // Scale all our values to test different sizes radii = []; centers = []; bounds = []; for (var s = 0; s < scale.length; s++) { for (var i = 0; i < radius.length; i++) { radii.push(radius[i] * scale[s]); } for (var j = 0; j < center.length; j++) { centers.push([center[j][0] * scale[s], center[j][1] * scale[s]]); bounds.push([bound[j][0] * scale[s], bound[j][1] * scale[s]]); } } radius = radii; center = centers; bound = bounds; for (var b = 0; b < bits.length; b++) { printjson(radius); printjson(centers); for (var i = 0; i < radius.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < center.length; j++) { printjson({center: center[j], radius: radius[i], bits: bits[b]}); t.drop(); // Make sure our numbers are precise enough for this test if ((center[j][0] - radius[i] == center[j][0]) || (center[j][1] - radius[i] == center[j][1])) continue; t.save({"_id": 1, "loc": {"x": center[j][0] - radius[i], "y": center[j][1]}}); t.save({"_id": 2, "loc": {"x": center[j][0], "y": center[j][1]}}); t.save({"_id": 3, "loc": {"x": center[j][0] + radius[i], "y": center[j][1]}}); t.save({"_id": 4, "loc": {"x": center[j][0], "y": center[j][1] + radius[i]}}); t.save({"_id": 5, "loc": {"x": center[j][0], "y": center[j][1] - radius[i]}}); t.save( {"_id": 6, "loc": {"x": center[j][0] - radius[i], "y": center[j][1] + radius[i]}}); t.save( {"_id": 7, "loc": {"x": center[j][0] + radius[i], "y": center[j][1] + radius[i]}}); t.save( {"_id": 8, "loc": {"x": center[j][0] - radius[i], "y": center[j][1] - radius[i]}}); t.save( {"_id": 9, "loc": {"x": center[j][0] + radius[i], "y": center[j][1] - radius[i]}}); var res = t.ensureIndex({loc: "2d"}, {max: bound[j][1], min: bound[j][0], bits: bits[b]}); // ensureIndex fails when this iteration inserted coordinates that are out of bounds. // These are invalid cases, so we skip them. if (!res.ok) continue; print("DOING WITHIN QUERY "); r = t.find({"loc": {"$within": {"$center": [center[j], radius[i]]}}}); assert.eq(5, r.count()); // FIXME: surely code like this belongs in utils.js. a = r.toArray(); x = []; for (k in a) x.push(a[k]["_id"]); x.sort(); assert.eq([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], x); print(" DOING NEAR QUERY "); // printjson( center[j] ) r = t.find({loc: {$near: center[j], $maxDistance: radius[i]}}, {_id: 1}); assert.eq(5, r.count()); print(" DOING DIST QUERY "); a = t.aggregate({ $geoNear: { near: center[j], distanceField: "dis", maxDistance: radius[i], } }).toArray(); assert.eq(5, a.length, tojson(a)); var distance = 0; for (var k = 0; k < a.length; k++) { assert.gte(a[k].dis, distance); } r = t.find({ loc: { $within: { $box: [ [center[j][0] - radius[i], center[j][1] - radius[i]], [center[j][0] + radius[i], center[j][1] + radius[i]] ] } } }, {_id: 1}); assert.eq(9, r.count()); } } }