/** * Tests basic functionality of pushing $group into the find layer. */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); load("jstests/libs/sbe_util.js"); // For checkSBEEnabled. if (!checkSBEEnabled(db)) { jsTestLog("Skipping test because SBE is not enabled"); return; } // Ensure group pushdown is enabled and capture the original value of // 'internalQuerySlotBasedExecutionDisableGroupPushdown' to use at the end of the test. const originalValue = assert.commandWorked( db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQuerySlotBasedExecutionDisableGroupPushdown: false})); assert(originalValue.hasOwnProperty("was")); const oldValue = originalValue.was; const coll = db.group_pushdown; coll.drop(); const docs = [ {"_id": 1, "item": "a", "price": 10, "quantity": 2, "date": ISODate("2014-01-01T08:00:00Z")}, {"_id": 2, "item": "b", "price": 20, "quantity": 1, "date": ISODate("2014-02-03T09:00:00Z")}, {"_id": 3, "item": "a", "price": 5, "quantity": 5, "date": ISODate("2014-02-03T09:05:00Z")}, {"_id": 4, "item": "b", "price": 10, "quantity": 10, "date": ISODate("2014-02-15T08:00:00Z")}, {"_id": 5, "item": "c", "price": 5, "quantity": 10, "date": ISODate("2014-02-15T09:05:00Z")}, ]; assert.commandWorked(coll.insert(docs)); let assertGroupPushdown = function( coll, pipeline, expectedResults, expectedGroupCountInExplain, options = {}) { const explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline, options); // When $group is pushed down it will never be present as a stage in the 'winningPlan' of // $cursor. if (expectedGroupCountInExplain > 1) { assert.eq(expectedGroupCountInExplain, getAggPlanStages(explain, "GROUP").length, explain); } else { assert.neq(null, getAggPlanStage(explain, "GROUP"), explain); } let results = coll.aggregate(pipeline, options).toArray(); assert.sameMembers(results, expectedResults); }; let assertNoGroupPushdown = function(coll, pipeline, expectedResults, options = {}) { const explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline, options); assert.eq(null, getAggPlanStage(explain, "GROUP"), explain); let resultNoGroupPushdown = coll.aggregate(pipeline, options).toArray(); assert.sameMembers(resultNoGroupPushdown, expectedResults); }; let assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown = function( coll, pipeline, expectedResults, expectedGroupCountInExplain) { // Make sure the provided pipeline is eligible for pushdown. assertGroupPushdown(coll, pipeline, expectedResults, expectedGroupCountInExplain); // Turn sbe off. db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryFrameworkControl: "forceClassicEngine"}); // Sanity check the results when no pushdown happens. let resultNoGroupPushdown = coll.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(); assert.sameMembers(resultNoGroupPushdown, expectedResults); // Turn sbe on which will allow $group stages that contain supported accumulators to be pushed // down under certain conditions. db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryFrameworkControl: "trySbeEngine"}); let resultWithGroupPushdown = coll.aggregate(pipeline).toArray(); assert.sameMembers(resultNoGroupPushdown, resultWithGroupPushdown); }; let assertShardedGroupResultsMatch = function(coll, pipeline, expectedGroupCountInExplain = 1) { const originalFrameworkControl = assert .commandWorked(db.adminCommand( {setParameter: 1, internalQueryFrameworkControl: "forceClassicEngine"})) .was; const cmd = { aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: pipeline, needsMerge: true, fromMongos: true, cursor: {} }; const classicalRes = coll.runCommand(cmd).cursor.firstBatch; assert.commandWorked( db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryFrameworkControl: "trySbeEngine"})); const explainCmd = { aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: pipeline, needsMerge: true, fromMongos: true, explain: true, cursor: {} }; const explain = coll.runCommand(explainCmd); assert.eq(expectedGroupCountInExplain, getAggPlanStages(explain, "GROUP").length, explain); const sbeRes = coll.runCommand(cmd).cursor.firstBatch; assert.sameMembers(sbeRes, classicalRes); assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand( {setParameter: 1, internalQueryFrameworkControl: originalFrameworkControl})); }; // Try a pipeline with no group stage. assert.eq( coll.aggregate([{$match: {item: "c"}}]).toArray(), [{"_id": 5, "item": "c", "price": 5, "quantity": 10, "date": ISODate("2014-02-15T09:05:00Z")}]); // Run a simple $group with {$sum: 1} accumulator, and check if it gets pushed down. assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", c: {$sum: NumberInt(1)}}}], [{_id: "a", c: NumberInt(2)}, {_id: "b", c: NumberInt(2)}, {_id: "c", c: NumberInt(1)}], 1); assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", c: {$sum: NumberLong(1)}}}], [{_id: "a", c: NumberLong(2)}, {_id: "b", c: NumberLong(2)}, {_id: "c", c: NumberLong(1)}], 1); assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown(coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", c: {$sum: 1}}}], [{_id: "a", c: 2}, {_id: "b", c: 2}, {_id: "c", c: 1}], 1); // Run a simple $group with supported $sum accumulator, and check if it gets pushed down. assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown(coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$sum: "$price"}}}], [{_id: "a", s: 15}, {_id: "b", s: 30}, {_id: "c", s: 5}], 1); // The subexpression '$not' is not translated to $coerceToolBool and thus is SBE compatible. assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown(coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", c: {$sum: {$not: "$price"}}}}], [{_id: "a", c: 0}, {_id: "b", c: 0}, {_id: "c", c: 0}], 1); // Two group stages both get pushed down and the second $group stage refer to only a top-level field // which does not exist. assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$sum: "$price"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$quantity", c: {$count: {}}}}], [{_id: null, c: 3}], 2); // Two group stages both get pushed down and the second $group stage refers to only existing // top-level fields of the first $group. assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, [ {$group: {_id: "$item", qsum: {$sum: "$quantity"}, msum: {$sum: "$price"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$_id", ss: {$sum: {$add: ["$qsum", "$msum"]}}}} ], [{_id: "a", ss: 22}, {_id: "b", ss: 41}, {_id: "c", ss: 15}], 2); // The $group stage refers to the same top-level field twice. assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", ps1: {$sum: "$price"}, ps2: {$sum: "$price"}}}], [{_id: "a", ps1: 15, ps2: 15}, {_id: "b", ps1: 30, ps2: 30}, {_id: "c", ps1: 5, ps2: 5}], 1); // The $group stage refers to the same top-level field twice and another top-level field. assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, [{ $group: {_id: "$item", ps1: {$sum: "$price"}, ps2: {$sum: "$price"}, qs: {$sum: "$quantity"}} }], [ {_id: "a", ps1: 15, ps2: 15, qs: 7}, {_id: "b", ps1: 30, ps2: 30, qs: 11}, {_id: "c", ps1: 5, ps2: 5, qs: 10} ], 1); // The $group stage refers to two existing sub-fields. assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, [ {$project: {item: 1, price: 1, quantity: 1, dateParts: {$dateToParts: {date: "$date"}}}}, { $group: { _id: "$item", hs: {$sum: {$add: ["$dateParts.hour", "$dateParts.hour", "$dateParts.minute"]}} } }, ], [{"_id": "a", "hs": 39}, {"_id": "b", "hs": 34}, {"_id": "c", "hs": 23}], 1); // The $group stage refers to a non-existing sub-field twice. assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", hs: {$sum: {$add: ["$date.hour", "$date.hour"]}}}}], [{"_id": "a", "hs": 0}, {"_id": "b", "hs": 0}, {"_id": "c", "hs": 0}], 1); // Two group stages both get pushed down and the second $group stage refers to only existing // top-level fields of the first $group. The field name may be one of "result" / "recordId" / // "returnKey" / "snapshotId" / "indexId" / "indexKey" / "indexKeyPattern" which are reserved names // inside the SBE stage builder. These special names must not hide user-defined field names. [[ {$group: {_id: "$item", psum: {$sum: "$price"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$_id", ss: {$sum: {$add: ["$psum", "$psum"]}}}} ], [ {$group: {_id: "$item", result: {$sum: "$price"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$_id", ss: {$sum: {$add: ["$result", "$result"]}}}} ], [ {$group: {_id: "$item", recordId: {$sum: "$price"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$_id", ss: {$sum: {$add: ["$recordId", "$recordId"]}}}} ], [ {$group: {_id: "$item", returnKey: {$sum: "$price"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$_id", ss: {$sum: {$add: ["$returnKey", "$returnKey"]}}}} ], [ {$group: {_id: "$item", snapshotId: {$sum: "$price"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$_id", ss: {$sum: {$add: ["$snapshotId", "$snapshotId"]}}}} ], [ {$group: {_id: "$item", indexId: {$sum: "$price"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$_id", ss: {$sum: {$add: ["$indexId", "$indexId"]}}}} ], [ {$group: {_id: "$item", indexKey: {$sum: "$price"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$_id", ss: {$sum: {$add: ["$indexKey", "$indexKey"]}}}} ], [ {$group: {_id: "$item", indexKeyPattern: {$sum: "$price"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$_id", ss: {$sum: {$add: ["$indexKeyPattern", "$indexKeyPattern"]}}}} ], ].forEach(pipeline => assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, pipeline, [{_id: "a", ss: 30}, {_id: "b", ss: 60}, {_id: "c", ss: 10}], 2)); // The second $group stage refers to a top-field below a $switch assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown(coll, [ {$group: {_id: {$divide: ["$price", 5]}}}, { $group: { _id: null, lowp: { $sum: { $switch: { branches: [{ case: {$lte: ["$_id", 3]}, then: 1 }], default: 0 } } }, highp: { $sum: { $switch: { branches: [{ case: {$gt: ["$_id", 3]}, then: 1 }], default: 0 } } } } } ], [{"_id": null, "lowp": 2, "highp": 1}], 2); // The second $group stage refers to a top-field below a $cond assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, [ {$group: {_id: {$divide: ["$price", 5]}}}, { $group: { _id: null, lowp: {$sum: {$cond: [{$lte: ["$_id", 3]}, 1, 0]}}, highp: {$sum: {$cond: [{$gt: ["$_id", 3]}, 1, 0]}} } } ], [{"_id": null, "lowp": 2, "highp": 1}], 2); // The second $group stage refers to a top-field below a nested $cond / $ifNull assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown(coll, [ {$group: {_id: {$divide: ["$price", 5]}}}, { $group: { _id: null, lowp: { $sum: { $cond: [ { $lte: [{$ifNull: ["$_id", 0]}, 3] }, 1, 0 ] } }, highp: { $sum: { $cond: [ {$gt: [{$ifNull: ["$_id", 0]}, 3]}, 1, 0 ] } } } } ], [{"_id": null, "lowp": 2, "highp": 1}], 2); // The second $group stage refers to top-fields below a $let assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, [ {$group: { _id: "$item", maxp: {$max: "$price"}, minp: {$min: "$price"}, count: {$count: {}} }}, {$group: {_id: "$_id", o: {$sum: { $let: { vars: { minPlusMax: {$add: ["$maxp", "$minp"]}, count: "$count" }, in: {$multiply: ["$$minPlusMax", "$$count"]} } }}}} ], [{ "_id" : "a", "o" : 30 }, { "_id" : "c", "o" : 10 }, { "_id" : "b", "o" : 60 }], 2); // The second $group stage refers to top-fields below a $and assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown(coll, [ { $group: { _id: "$item", maxp: {$max: "$price"}, minp: {$min: "$price"} } }, { $group: { _id: "$_id", o: { $sum: { $and: [ {$gt: ["$maxp", 15]}, {$lt: ["$minp", 10]} ] } } } } ], [ {"_id": "a", "o": 0}, {"_id": "c", "o": 0}, {"_id": "b", "o": 0} ], 2); // The second $group stage refers to top-fields below a $or assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown(coll, [ { $group: { _id: "$item", maxp: {$max: "$price"}, minp: {$min: "$price"} } }, { $group: { _id: "$_id", o: { $sum: { $or: [ {$gt: ["$maxp", 15]}, {$lt: ["$minp", 10]} ] } } } } ], [ {"_id": "a", "o": 0}, {"_id": "c", "o": 0}, {"_id": "b", "o": 0} ], 2); // The second $group stage refers to both a top-level field and a sub-field twice which does not // exist. assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, [ {$group: {_id: "$item", ps: {$sum: "$price"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$_id", s1: {$sum: "$ps"}, s2: {$sum: {$add: ["$p.a", "$p.a"]}}}} ], [ {"_id": "a", "s1": 15, "s2": 0}, {"_id": "b", "s1": 30, "s2": 0}, {"_id": "c", "s1": 5, "s2": 0} ], 2); // The second $group stage refers to a sub-field which does exist. assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, [ {$group: {_id: {i: "$item", p: {$divide: ["$price", 5]}}}}, {$group: {_id: "$_id.p", s: {$sum: 1}}} ], [{"_id": 1, "s": 2}, {"_id": 2, "s": 2}, {"_id": 4, "s": 1}], 2); // Verifies that an optimized expression can be pushed down. assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, // {"$ifNull": [1, 2]} will be optimized into just the constant 1. [{$group: {_id: {"$ifNull": [1, 2]}, o: {$min: "$quantity"}}}], [{"_id": 1, o: 1}], 1); // Run a group with a supported $stdDevSamp accumultor and check that it gets pushed down. assertGroupPushdown(coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$stdDevSamp: "$quantity"}}}], [ {"_id": "a", "s": 2.1213203435596424}, {"_id": "b", "s": 6.363961030678928}, {"_id": "c", "s": null} ], 1); // Run a simple group with $sum and object _id, check if it gets pushed down. assertGroupPushdown(coll, [{$group: {_id: {"i": "$item"}, s: {$sum: "$price"}}}], [{_id: {i: "a"}, s: 15}, {_id: {i: "b"}, s: 30}, {_id: {i: "c"}, s: 5}]); // Test that we can push down a $group and a projection. assertGroupPushdown( coll, [{$project: {_id: 0, item: 1, price: 1}}, {$group: {_id: {i: "$item"}, s: {$sum: "$price"}}}], [{_id: {i: "a"}, s: 15}, {_id: {i: "b"}, s: 30}, {_id: {i: "c"}, s: 5}]); // Test that the results are as expected if the projection comes first and removes a field that the // $group stage needs. assertGroupPushdown( coll, [{$project: {_id: 0, item: 1}}, {$group: {_id: {i: "$item"}, s: {$sum: "$price"}}}], [{_id: {i: "a"}, s: 0}, {_id: {i: "b"}, s: 0}, {_id: {i: "c"}, s: 0}]); // Run a group with spilling on and check that $group is pushed down. assertGroupPushdown(coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$sum: "$price"}}}], [{"_id": "b", "s": 30}, {"_id": "a", "s": 15}, {"_id": "c", "s": 5}], 1, {allowDiskUse: true, cursor: {batchSize: 1}}); // Run a pipeline with match, sort, group to check if the whole pipeline gets pushed down. assertGroupPushdown(coll, [{$match: {item: "a"}}, {$sort: {price: 1}}, {$group: {_id: "$item"}}], [{"_id": "a"}], 1); // Make sure the DISTINCT_SCAN case where the sort is provided by an index still works and is not // executed in SBE. assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({item: 1})); let explain = coll.explain().aggregate([{$sort: {item: 1}}, {$group: {_id: "$item"}}]); assert.neq(null, getAggPlanStage(explain, "DISTINCT_SCAN"), explain); assert.eq(null, getAggPlanStage(explain, "SORT"), explain); assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndex({item: 1})); // Time to check that indexes don't prevent pushdown. // The $match stage should trigger usage of indexed plans if there is an index for it. Indexes on // the fields involved in $group stage should make no difference. // data schema: {"_id": 1, "item": "a", "price": 10, "quantity": 2, "date": ISODate()} // The existing index is irrelevant. assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({quantity: 1})); assertGroupPushdown(coll, [{$match: {price: {$gt: 0}}}, {$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$sum: "$price"}}}], [{"_id": "b", "s": 30}, {"_id": "a", "s": 15}, {"_id": "c", "s": 5}], 1 /* expectedGroupCountInExplain */); // Index on the group by field but the accumulator prevents distinct scan. assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({item: 1})); assertGroupPushdown(coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$sum: "$price"}}}], [{"_id": "b", "s": 30}, {"_id": "a", "s": 15}, {"_id": "c", "s": 5}], 1 /* expectedGroupCountInExplain */); // Multiple relevant indexes. assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({price: 1})); assertGroupPushdown(coll, [{$match: {price: {$gt: 0}}}, {$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$sum: "$price"}}}], [{"_id": "b", "s": 30}, {"_id": "a", "s": 15}, {"_id": "c", "s": 5}], 1 /* expectedGroupCountInExplain */); // Index on the accumulator field only. assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndex({item: 1})); assertGroupPushdown(coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$sum: "$price"}}}], [{"_id": "b", "s": 30}, {"_id": "a", "s": 15}, {"_id": "c", "s": 5}], 1 /* expectedGroupCountInExplain */); assertGroupPushdown(coll, [{$match: {price: {$gt: 0}}}, {$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$sum: "$price"}}}], [{"_id": "b", "s": 30}, {"_id": "a", "s": 15}, {"_id": "c", "s": 5}], 1 /* expectedGroupCountInExplain */); assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndex({price: 1})); assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndex({quantity: 1})); // Supported group and then a group with unsupported accumulators. JS accumulators are not // currently pushed down. explain = coll.explain().aggregate([ {$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$sum: "$price"}}}, { $group: { _id: "$quantity", c: {$_internalJsReduce: {data: {k: "$word", v: "$val"}, eval: "null"}} } } ]); assert.neq(null, getAggPlanStage(explain, "GROUP"), explain); assert(explain.stages[1].hasOwnProperty("$group")); // Another case of supported group and then a group with no supported accumulators. A boolean // expression may be translated to an internal expression $coerceToBool which is not supported by // SBE. explain = coll.explain().aggregate([ {$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$sum: "$price"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$quantity", c: {$sum: {$and: ["$a", true]}}}} ]); assert.neq(null, getAggPlanStage(explain, "GROUP"), explain); assert(explain.stages[1].hasOwnProperty("$group")); // A group with one supported and one unsupported accumulators. explain = coll.explain().aggregate( [{$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$sum: "$price"}, stdev: {$stdDevPop: "$price"}}}]); assert.neq(null, getAggPlanStage(explain, "GROUP", true), explain); // $group can be pushed down to SBE when subplanning is involved. Note that the top $or expression // triggers subplanning. (function() { // Use another collection to not interfere with other test cases even when a test case fails since // we create indexes to verify group pushdown when subplanning is involed. const coll = db.group_pushdown_subplanning; coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert(docs)); const verifyGroupPushdownWhenSubplanning = () => { const matchWithOr = {$match: {$or: [{"item": "a"}, {"price": 10}]}}; const groupPushedDown = {$group: {_id: "$item", quantity: {$sum: "$quantity"}}}; assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown(coll, [matchWithOr, groupPushedDown], [{_id: "a", quantity: 7}, {_id: "b", quantity: 10}], 1); // A trival $and with only one $or will be optimized away and thus $or will be the top // expression. const matchWithTrivialAndOr = {$match: {$and: [{$or: [{"item": "a"}, {"price": 10}]}]}}; assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown(coll, [matchWithTrivialAndOr, groupPushedDown], [{_id: "a", quantity: 7}, {_id: "b", quantity: 10}], 1); }; // Verify that $group can be pushed down when subplanning is involved. With this test case, // subplanning code path is involved but "Subplanning" does not actually happen and instead, // it falls back to planning a whole query. verifyGroupPushdownWhenSubplanning(); // Create indexes on 'item' and 'price' fields to cover all sub-expressions of $match. coll.createIndex({item: 1}); coll.createIndex({price: 1}); // Verify that $group can be pushed down when there are indexes that cover all sub-expressions // and "Subplanning" actually happens. verifyGroupPushdownWhenSubplanning(); }()); // $bucketAuto is a group-like stage that is not compatible with SBE HashAggStage. // TODO SERVER-62401: Supporting a $bucketAuto will require a range-based group-aggregate // implementation that will chose _ids based on the collection of values rather than a hash-based // group-aggregate that requires _id to be computable by looking just at the current document. assertNoGroupPushdown( coll, [{$bucketAuto: {groupBy: "$price", buckets: 5, output: {quantity: {$sum: "$quantity"}}}}], [ {"_id": {"min": 5, "max": 10}, "quantity": 15}, {"_id": {"min": 10, "max": 20}, "quantity": 12}, {"_id": {"min": 20, "max": 20}, "quantity": 1} ]); // Verify that $bucket is pushed down to SBE and returns correct results. assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, [{ $bucket: {groupBy: "$price", boundaries: [1, 10, 50], output: {quantity: {$sum: "$quantity"}}} }], [{"_id": 1, "quantity": 15}, {"_id": 10, "quantity": 13}]); assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, [{ $bucket: { groupBy: "$price", boundaries: [1, 50], output: {count: {$count: {}}, quantity: {$sum: "$quantity"}} } }], [{"_id": 1, "count": 5, "quantity": 28}]); // Verify that $sortByCount is pushed down to SBE and returns correct results. assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, [{$sortByCount: "$item"}], [{"_id": "a", "count": 2}, {"_id": "b", "count": 2}, {"_id": "c", "count": 1}]); assertResultsMatchWithAndWithoutPushdown( coll, [{$sortByCount: {$cond: [{$eq: ["$item", {$const: "a"}]}, "$price", "$quantity"]}}], [{_id: 10, count: 3}, {_id: 1, count: 1}, {_id: 5, count: 1}]); // When at the mongos-side in a sharded environment or we are spilling $doingMerge is set to true. // We should bail out and not push down $group stages and the suffix of the pipeline when we // encounter a $group stage with this flag set. explain = coll.explain().aggregate([ {$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$sum: "$price"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$a", s: {$sum: "$b"}, $doingMerge: true}} ]); assert.neq(null, getAggPlanStage(explain, "GROUP"), explain); assert(explain.stages[1].hasOwnProperty("$group")); // In a sharded environment, the mongos splits a $group stage into two different stages. One is a // merge $group stage at the mongos-side which does the global aggregation and the other is a $group // stage at the shard-side which does the partial aggregation. The shard-side $group stage is // requested with 'needsMerge' and 'fromMongos' flags set to true from the mongos, which we should // verify that is also pushed down and produces the correct results. explain = coll.runCommand({ aggregate: coll.getName(), explain: true, pipeline: [{$group: {_id: "$item"}}], needsMerge: true, fromMongos: true, cursor: {} }); assert.neq(null, getAggPlanStage(explain, "GROUP"), explain); // Verifies that a basic sharded $sum accumulator works. assertShardedGroupResultsMatch(coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$sum: "$quantity"}}}]); // Verifies that a sharded count-like accumulator works assertShardedGroupResultsMatch(coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$sum: NumberInt(1)}}}]); assertShardedGroupResultsMatch(coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$sum: NumberLong(1)}}}]); assertShardedGroupResultsMatch(coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$sum: 1}}}]); assertShardedGroupResultsMatch(coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$count: {}}}}]); // When there's overflow for 'NumberLong', the mongod sends back the partial sum as a doc with // 'subTotal' and 'subTotalError' fields. So, we need an overflow case to verify such behavior. const tcoll = db.group_pushdown1; assert.commandWorked(tcoll.insert([{a: NumberLong("9223372036854775807")}, {a: NumberLong("10")}])); assertShardedGroupResultsMatch(tcoll, [{$group: {_id: null, s: {$sum: "$a"}}}]); // Verifies that the shard-side $stdDevPop and $stdDevSamp work. assertShardedGroupResultsMatch(coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$stdDevPop: "$price"}}}]); assertShardedGroupResultsMatch(coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", s: {$stdDevSamp: "$price"}}}]); // Verifies that a sharded $avg works when there's no numeric data. assertShardedGroupResultsMatch(coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", a: {$avg: "$missing"}}}]); // When sum of numeric data is a non-decimal, shard(s) should return data in the form of {subTotal: // val1, count: val2, subTotalError: val3}. assertShardedGroupResultsMatch(coll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", a: {$avg: "$quantity"}}}]); // When sum of numeric data is a decimal, shard(s) should return data in the form of {subTotal: // val1, count: val2}. tcoll.drop(); // Prices for group "a" are all decimals. assert.commandWorked(tcoll.insert( [{item: "a", price: NumberDecimal("10.7")}, {item: "a", price: NumberDecimal("20.3")}])); // Prices for group "b" are one decimal and one non-decimal. assert.commandWorked( tcoll.insert([{item: "b", price: NumberDecimal("3.7")}, {item: "b", price: 2.3}])); assertShardedGroupResultsMatch(tcoll, [{$group: {_id: "$item", a: {$avg: "$price"}}}]); // Verify that $group pushdown can be disabled with the // 'internalQuerySlotBasedExecutionDisableGroupPushdown' flag. const basicGroup = [{$group: {_id: "$item", out: {$sum: 1}}}]; const basicGroupResults = [{_id: "a", out: 2}, {_id: "b", out: 2}, {_id: "c", out: 1}]; // $group pushdown should work as expected before setting // 'internalQuerySlotBasedExecutionDisableGroupPushdown' to true. assertGroupPushdown(coll, basicGroup, basicGroupResults, /* expectedGroupCountInExplain */ 1); // Turn group pushdown off. assert.commandWorked( db.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQuerySlotBasedExecutionDisableGroupPushdown: true})); assertNoGroupPushdown(coll, basicGroup, basicGroupResults); // Reset 'internalQuerySlotBasedExecutionDisableGroupPushdown' to its original value. assert.commandWorked(db.adminCommand( {setParameter: 1, internalQuerySlotBasedExecutionDisableGroupPushdown: oldValue})); (function testConstNothingForIdMappedToNull() { // Prepare a collection. const coll = db.nothing_id; coll.drop(); coll.insert({_id: 0}); // $$REMOVE produce Nothing constant and it should be converted to Null. Without an accumulator // $group is not pushed down and we need an accumulator. assert.eq( coll.aggregate([{$group: {_id: "$$REMOVE", o: {$first: "$non_existent_field"}}}]).toArray(), [{_id: null, o: null}]); })(); })();