// Test --host. (function() { // This "inner_mode" method of spawning a mongod and re-running was copied from // ipv6_connection_string_validation.js if ("undefined" == typeof inner_mode) { // Start a mongod with --ipv6 jsTest.log("Outer mode test starting mongod with --ipv6"); // NOTE: bind_ip arg is present to test if it can parse ipv6 addresses (::1 in this case). // Unfortunately, having bind_ip = ::1 won't work in the test framework (But does work when // tested manually), so is also present so the test mongo shell can connect // with that address. var mongod = MongoRunner.runMongod({ipv6: "", bind_ip: "::1,"}); if (mongod == null) { jsTest.log("Unable to run test because ipv6 is not on machine, see BF-10990"); return; } var args = [ "mongo", "--nodb", "--ipv6", "--host", "::1", "--port", mongod.port, "--eval", "inner_mode=true;port=" + mongod.port + ";", "jstests/noPassthroughWithMongod/host_connection_string_validation.js" ]; var exitCode = _runMongoProgram.apply(null, args); jsTest.log("Inner mode test finished, exit code was " + exitCode); MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongod); // Pass the inner test's exit code back as the outer test's exit code if (exitCode != 0) { doassert("inner test failed with exit code " + exitCode); } return; } var testHost = function(host, shouldSucceed) { var exitCode = runMongoProgram('mongo', '--ipv6', '--eval', ';', '--host', host); if (shouldSucceed) { if (exitCode !== 0) { doassert("failed to connect with `--host " + host + "`, but expected success. Exit code: " + exitCode); } } else { if (exitCode === 0) { doassert("successfully connected with `--host " + host + "`, but expected to fail."); } } }; var goodStrings = [ "[::1]:27999", "localhost:27999", "", "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:27999", "[0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001]:27999", ]; var goodSocketStrings = [ "/tmp/mongodb-27999.sock", ]; var badStrings = [ "::1:27999", "::1:65536", "::1]:27999", ":", ":27999", "[::1:]27999", "[::1:27999", "[::1]:", "[::1]:123456", "[::1]:1cat", "[::1]:65536", "[::1]:cat", "0:0::0:0:1:27999", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001:27999", "", "", "", "", "", "a[::1:]27999", "a[]:27999", "localhost:", ]; function runUriTestFor(i, connectionString, isGood) { connectionString = connectionString.replace("27999", "" + port); print("Testing " + (isGood ? "good" : "bad") + " connection string " + i + "..."); print(" * testing " + connectionString); testHost(connectionString, isGood); print(" * testing mongodb://" + encodeURIComponent(connectionString)); testHost("mongodb://" + encodeURIComponent(connectionString), isGood); } var i; jsTest.log("TESTING " + goodStrings.length + " good uri strings"); for (i = 0; i < goodStrings.length; ++i) { runUriTestFor(i, goodStrings[i], true); } if (!_isWindows()) { jsTest.log("TESTING " + goodSocketStrings.length + " good uri socket strings"); for (i = 0; i < goodSocketStrings.length; ++i) { runUriTestFor(i, goodSocketStrings[i], true); } } jsTest.log("TESTING " + badStrings.length + " bad uri strings"); for (i = 0; i < badStrings.length; ++i) { runUriTestFor(i, badStrings[i], false); } jsTest.log("SUCCESSFUL test completion"); })();