// Validate that generic index scan is used in SBE once max limit for statically generated intervals // is reached. // // We issue 'setParameter' command which is not compatible with stepdowns. // @tags: [does_not_support_stepdowns] (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); // For explain helpers. load("jstests/libs/sbe_util.js"); // For checkSBEEnabled. const isSBEEnabled = checkSBEEnabled(db); if (!isSBEEnabled) { // This test is only relevant when SBE is enabled. return; } const coll = db.index_bounds_static_limit; coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({a: 1, b: 1, c: 1, d: 1, e: 1})); // Save the old limit so it can be restored once the tests completes. const staticLimit = db.adminCommand({ getParameter: 1, internalQuerySlotBasedExecutionMaxStaticIndexScanIntervals: 1 }).internalQuerySlotBasedExecutionMaxStaticIndexScanIntervals; const setStaticLimit = function(limit) { return db.adminCommand( {setParameter: 1, internalQuerySlotBasedExecutionMaxStaticIndexScanIntervals: limit}); }; /** * Takes and output of explain("executionStats") command and verifieies whether generic or optimized * index scan plan used. * @param {*} explain - output of explain("executionStats") command. * @param {*} isGeneric - true if generic plan expected and false if an optimized plan expected. */ function assertIndexScanPlan(explain, isGeneric) { const stages = explain.executionStats.executionStages; // Asserts whether this plan is generic or optimized. const branchStage = getPlanStage(stages, "branch"); const filterSlot = branchStage.filter.trim(); const isGenericSlotValue = `${filterSlot} = ${isGeneric}`; const slotValues = explain.queryPlanner.winningPlan.slotBasedPlan.slots; assert(slotValues.search(isGenericSlotValue) != -1, explain); // Asserts that this plan contains ixseek stage. const ixseekStages = getPlanStages(stages, "ixseek"); assert.neq(0, ixseekStages.length, explain); } try { const isSBEPlanCacheEnabled = checkSBEEnabled(db, ["featureFlagSbePlanCache"]); // Verify that when the number of statically generated single interval bounds is less than the // static limit, the optimized plan is used. const optimized = coll.find({a: {$in: [1, 2, 3]}, b: {$in: [10, 11, 12]}, c: {$in: [42]}, d: {$lt: 3}}) .explain("executionStats"); if (isSBEPlanCacheEnabled) { assertIndexScanPlan(optimized, /*isGeneric*/ false); } else { const optimiziedStages = optimized.executionStats.executionStages; assert(planHasStage(db, optimiziedStages, "ixseek"), optimiziedStages); assert(!planHasStage(db, optimiziedStages, "chkbounds"), optimiziedStages); } // Verify that when the number of statically generated single interval bounds is greater than // the static limit, the generic plan is used. setStaticLimit(2); const generic = coll.find({a: {$in: [1, 2, 3]}, b: {$in: [10, 11, 12]}, c: {$in: [42]}, d: {$lt: 3}}) .explain("executionStats"); if (isSBEPlanCacheEnabled) { assertIndexScanPlan(generic, /*isGeneric*/ true); } else { const genericStages = generic.executionStats.executionStages; assert(planHasStage(db, genericStages, "chkbounds"), genericStages); assert(planHasStage(db, genericStages, "ixseek"), genericStages); } } finally { setStaticLimit(staticLimit); } })();