// Test validation of IPv6 connection strings passed to the JavaScript "connect()" function. // Related to SERVER-8030. // This file runs in two modes: outer and inner. This is to enable testing with --ipv6. // The outer mode test starts a mongod with --ipv6 and then starts a mongo shell with --ipv6 // and a command line to run the test in inner_mode. The inner mode test is the actual test. (function() { if ("undefined" == typeof inner_mode) { // Start a mongod with --ipv6 jsTest.log("Outer mode test starting mongod with --ipv6"); // NOTE: bind_ip arg is present to test if it can parse ipv6 addresses (::1 in this case). // Unfortunately, having bind_ip = ::1 won't work in the test framework (But does work when // tested manually), so is also present so the test mongo shell can connect // with that address. var mongod = MongoRunner.runMongod({ipv6: "", bind_ip: "::1,"}); if (mongod == null) { jsTest.log("Unable to run test because ipv6 is not on machine, see BF-10990"); return; } var args = [ "mongo", "--nodb", "--ipv6", "--host", "::1", "--port", mongod.port, "--eval", "inner_mode=true;port=" + mongod.port + ";", "jstests/noPassthroughWithMongod/ipv6_connection_string_validation.js" ]; var exitCode = _runMongoProgram.apply(null, args); jsTest.log("Inner mode test finished, exit code was " + exitCode); // Pass the inner test's exit code back as the outer test's exit code if (exitCode != 0) { doassert("inner test failed with exit code " + exitCode); } MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongod); return; } var goodStrings = [ "localhost:27999/test", "[::1]:27999/test", "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:27999/test", "[0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001]:27999/test", "localhost:27999", "[::1]:27999", "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:27999", "[0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001]:27999", ]; var missingConnString = /^Missing connection string$/; var incorrectType = /^Incorrect type/; var emptyConnString = /^Empty connection string$/; var badHost = /^Failed to parse mongodb/; var emptyHost = /^Empty host component/; var noPort = /^No digits/; var invalidPort = /^Port number \d+ out of range/; var moreThanOneColon = /^More than one ':' detected/; var charBeforeSquareBracket = /^'\[' present, but not first character/; var noCloseBracket = /^ipv6 address is missing closing '\]'/; var noOpenBracket = /^'\]' present without '\['/; var noColonPrePort = /^missing colon after '\]' before the port/; var badStrings = [ {s: undefined, r: missingConnString}, {s: 7, r: incorrectType}, {s: null, r: incorrectType}, {s: "", r: emptyConnString}, {s: " ", r: emptyConnString}, {s: ":", r: emptyHost}, {s: "/", r: badHost}, {s: ":/", r: emptyHost}, {s: ":/test", r: emptyHost}, {s: ":27999/", r: emptyHost}, {s: ":27999/test", r: emptyHost}, {s: "/test", r: badHost}, {s: "localhost:/test", r: noPort}, {s: "[::1]:/test", r: noPort}, {s: "[::1]:cat/test", c: ErrorCodes.FailedToParse}, {s: "[::1]:1cat/test", c: ErrorCodes.FailedToParse}, {s: "[::1]:123456/test", r: invalidPort}, {s: "[::1]:65536/test", r: invalidPort}, {s: "", r: invalidPort}, {s: "::1:27999/test", r: moreThanOneColon}, {s: "0:0::0:0:1:27999/test", r: moreThanOneColon}, {s: "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001:27999/test", r: moreThanOneColon}, {s: "a[]:27999/", r: charBeforeSquareBracket}, {s: "a[::1:]27999/", r: charBeforeSquareBracket}, {s: "[::1:27999/", r: noCloseBracket}, {s: "[::1:]27999/", r: noColonPrePort}, {s: "::1]:27999/", r: noOpenBracket}, ]; var substitutePort = function(connectionString) { // This will be called with non-strings as well as strings, so we need to catch exceptions try { return connectionString.replace("27999", "" + port); } catch (e) { return connectionString; } }; var testGood = function(i, connectionString) { print("\n---\nTesting good connection string " + i + " (\"" + connectionString + "\") ..."); var gotException = false; var exception; try { var connectDB = connect(connectionString); connectDB = null; } catch (e) { gotException = true; exception = e; } if (!gotException) { print("Good connection string " + i + " (\"" + connectionString + "\") correctly validated"); return; } var message = "FAILED to correctly validate goodString " + i + " (\"" + connectionString + "\"): exception was \"" + tojson(exception) + "\""; doassert(message); }; var testBad = function(i, connectionString, errorRegex, errorCode) { print("\n---\nTesting bad connection string " + i + " (\"" + connectionString + "\") ..."); var gotException = false; var gotCorrectErrorText = false; var gotCorrectErrorCode = false; var exception; try { var connectDB = connect(connectionString); connectDB = null; } catch (e) { gotException = true; exception = e; if (errorRegex && errorRegex.test(e.message)) { gotCorrectErrorText = true; } if (errorCode == e.code) { gotCorrectErrorCode = true; } } if (gotCorrectErrorText || gotCorrectErrorCode) { print("Bad connection string " + i + " (\"" + connectionString + "\") correctly rejected:\n" + tojson(exception)); return; } var message = "FAILED to generate correct exception for badString " + i + " (\"" + connectionString + "\"): "; if (gotException) { message += "exception was \"" + tojson(exception) + "\", it should have matched \"" + errorRegex.toString() + "\""; } else { message += "no exception was thrown"; } doassert(message); }; var i; jsTest.log("TESTING " + goodStrings.length + " good connection strings"); for (i = 0; i < goodStrings.length; ++i) { testGood(i, substitutePort(goodStrings[i])); } jsTest.log("TESTING " + badStrings.length + " bad connection strings"); for (i = 0; i < badStrings.length; ++i) { testBad(i, substitutePort(badStrings[i].s), badStrings[i].r, badStrings[i].c); } jsTest.log("SUCCESSFUL test completion"); })();