/** * Tests for the $$NOW and $$CLUSTER_TIME system variable. */ (function() { "use strict"; const coll = db[jsTest.name()]; const otherColl = db[coll.getName() + "_other"]; otherColl.drop(); coll.drop(); db["viewWithNow"].drop(); db["viewWithClusterTime"].drop(); // Insert simple documents into the main test collection. Aggregation and view pipelines will // augment these docs with time-based fields. const numdocs = 1000; let bulk = coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (let i = 0; i < numdocs; ++i) { bulk.insert({_id: i}); } assert.commandWorked(bulk.execute()); // Insert into another collection with pre-made fields for testing the find() command. bulk = otherColl.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); const timeFieldValue = new Date(); for (let i = 0; i < numdocs; ++i) { bulk.insert({_id: i, timeField: timeFieldValue, clusterTimeField: new Timestamp(0, 1)}); } assert.commandWorked(bulk.execute()); assert.commandWorked( db.createView("viewWithNow", coll.getName(), [{$addFields: {timeField: "$$NOW"}}])); const viewWithNow = db["viewWithNow"]; assert.commandWorked(db.createView( "viewWithClusterTime", coll.getName(), [{$addFields: {timeField: "$$CLUSTER_TIME"}}])); const viewWithClusterTime = db["viewWithClusterTime"]; function runTests(query) { const results = query().toArray(); assert.eq(results.length, numdocs); // Make sure the values are the same for all documents for (let i = 0; i < numdocs; ++i) { assert.eq(results[0].timeField, results[i].timeField); } // Sleep for a while and then rerun. sleep(3000); const resultsLater = query().toArray(); assert.eq(resultsLater.length, numdocs); // Later results should be later in time. assert.lte(results[0].timeField, resultsLater[0].timeField); } function runTestsExpectFailure(query) { const results = query(); // Expect to see "Builtin variable '$$CLUSTER_TIME' is not available" error. assert.commandFailedWithCode(results, 51144); } function baseCollectionNowFind() { return otherColl.find({$expr: {$lte: ["$timeField", "$$NOW"]}}); } function baseCollectionClusterTimeFind() { return db.runCommand({ find: otherColl.getName(), filter: {$expr: {$lt: ["$clusterTimeField", "$$CLUSTER_TIME"]}} }); } function baseCollectionNowAgg() { return coll.aggregate([{$addFields: {timeField: "$$NOW"}}]); } function baseCollectionClusterTimeAgg() { return db.runCommand({ aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: [{$addFields: {timeField: "$$CLUSTER_TIME"}}], cursor: {} }); } function fromViewWithNow() { return viewWithNow.find(); } function fromViewWithClusterTime() { return db.runCommand({find: viewWithClusterTime.getName()}); } function withExprNow() { return viewWithNow.find({$expr: {$eq: ["$timeField", "$$NOW"]}}); } function withExprClusterTime() { return db.runCommand({ find: viewWithClusterTime.getName(), filter: {$expr: {$eq: ["$timeField", "$$CLUSTER_TIME"]}} }); } // Test that $$NOW is usable in all contexts. runTests(baseCollectionNowFind); runTests(baseCollectionNowAgg); runTests(fromViewWithNow); runTests(withExprNow); // Test that $$NOW can be used in explain for both find and aggregate. assert.commandWorked(coll.explain().find({$expr: {$lte: ["$timeField", "$$NOW"]}}).finish()); assert.commandWorked(viewWithNow.explain().find({$expr: {$eq: ["$timeField", "$$NOW"]}}).finish()); assert.commandWorked(coll.explain().aggregate([{$addFields: {timeField: "$$NOW"}}])); // $$CLUSTER_TIME is not available on a standalone mongod. runTestsExpectFailure(baseCollectionClusterTimeFind); runTestsExpectFailure(baseCollectionClusterTimeAgg); runTestsExpectFailure(fromViewWithClusterTime); runTestsExpectFailure(withExprClusterTime); }());