/* * Similar to rename.js however this is requires profiling in order to assert that the failpoint * operated as it should which didn't work in rename7.js per SERVER-36717. */ // @tags: [requires_profiling] (function() { // Set up namespaces a and b. var admin = db.getMongo().getDB("admin"); var db_a = db.getMongo().getDB("db_a"); var db_b = db.getMongo().getDB("db_b"); var a = db_a.rename7; var b = db_b.rename7; // Ensure that the databases are created db_a.coll.insert({}); db_b.coll.insert({}); a.drop(); b.drop(); // Put some documents and indexes in a. a.save({a: 1}); a.save({a: 2}); a.save({a: 3}); a.ensureIndex({a: 1}); a.ensureIndex({b: 1}); assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({renameCollection: "db_a.rename7", to: "db_b.rename7"})); assert.eq(0, a.find().count()); assert(db_a.getCollectionNames().indexOf("rename7") < 0); assert.eq(3, b.find().count()); assert(db_b.getCollectionNames().indexOf("rename7") >= 0); a.drop(); b.drop(); // Test that the dropTarget option works when renaming across databases. a.save({}); b.save({}); assert.commandFailed(admin.runCommand({renameCollection: "db_a.rename7", to: "db_b.rename7"})); // Ensure that a WCE during renaming doesn't cause a failure. assert.commandWorked(db_a.setProfilingLevel(2)); // So we can check WCE happens. assert.commandWorked(db_a.adminCommand( {"configureFailPoint": 'writeConflictInRenameCollCopyToTmp', "mode": {times: 1}})); assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({renameCollection: "db_a.rename7", to: "db_b.rename7", dropTarget: true})); assert.gte(db_a.system.profile.findOne().writeConflicts, 1); // Make sure that our WCE happened assert.commandWorked(db_a.setProfilingLevel(0)); a.drop(); b.drop(); })();