// this is to make sure that temp collections get cleaned up on restart. // // This test requires persistence beacuase it assumes data will survive a restart. // @tags: [requires_persistence, requires_replication] testname = 'temp_namespace_sw'; var conn = MongoRunner.runMongod(); d = conn.getDB('test'); assert.commandWorked(d.runCommand({ applyOps: [{op: "c", ns: d.getName() + ".$cmd", o: {create: testname + 'temp1', temp: true}}] })); d[testname + 'temp1'].ensureIndex({x: 1}); assert.commandWorked(d.runCommand( {applyOps: [{op: "c", ns: d.getName() + ".$cmd", o: {create: testname + 'temp2', temp: 1}}]})); d[testname + 'temp2'].ensureIndex({x: 1}); assert.commandWorked(d.runCommand({ applyOps: [{op: "c", ns: d.getName() + ".$cmd", o: {create: testname + 'keep1', temp: false}}] })); assert.commandWorked(d.runCommand( {applyOps: [{op: "c", ns: d.getName() + ".$cmd", o: {create: testname + 'keep2', temp: 0}}]})); d.runCommand({create: testname + 'keep3'}); d[testname + 'keep4'].insert({}); function countCollectionNames(theDB, regex) { return theDB.getCollectionNames() .filter(function(z) { return z.match(regex); }) .length; } assert.eq(countCollectionNames(d, /temp\d$/), 2); assert.eq(countCollectionNames(d, /keep\d$/), 4); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({ restart: true, cleanData: false, dbpath: conn.dbpath, }); d = conn.getDB('test'); assert.eq(countCollectionNames(d, /temp\d$/), 0); assert.eq(countCollectionNames(d, /keep\d$/), 4); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn);