/** * Part 1: Simple test of TTL. Create a new collection with 24 docs, with timestamps at one hour * intervals, from now-minus-23 hours ago until now. Also add some docs with non-date * values. Then create a TTL index that expires all docs older than a string. Wait 70 * seconds (TTL monitor runs every 60) and check that no documents were deleted. * Part 2: Add a second TTL index that expires all docs older than ~5.5 hours (20000 * seconds). Wait 70 seconds and check that 18 docs deleted. * Part 3: Add a third TTL index on an identical field. The second index expires docs older than * ~2.8 hours (10000 seconds). Wait 70 seconds and check that 3 more docs deleted. */ // Part 1 var t = db.ttl1; t.drop(); t.runCommand("create", {flags: 0}); var now = (new Date()).getTime(); for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) { var past = new Date(now - (3600 * 1000 * i)); t.insert({x: past, y: past, z: past}); } t.insert({a: 1}); // no x value t.insert({x: null}); // non-date value t.insert({x: true}); // non-date value t.insert({x: "yo"}); // non-date value t.insert({x: 3}); // non-date value t.insert({x: /foo/}); // non-date value assert.eq(30, t.count()); sleep(70 * 1000); assert.eq(t.count(), 30); // Part 2 t.createIndex({x: 1}, {expireAfterSeconds: 20000}); assert.soon(function() { return t.count() < 30; }, "TTL index on x didn't delete", 70 * 1000); // We know the TTL thread has started deleting. Wait a few seconds to give it a chance to finish. assert.soon(function() { return t.find({x: {$lt: new Date(now - (20000 * 1000))}}).count() === 0; }, "TTL index on x didn't finish deleting", 5 * 1000); assert.eq(12, t.count()); assert.lte(18, db.serverStatus().metrics.ttl.deletedDocuments); assert.lte(1, db.serverStatus().metrics.ttl.passes); // Part 3 t.createIndex({y: 1}, {expireAfterSeconds: 10000}); assert.soon(function() { return t.count() < 12; }, "TTL index on y didn't delete", 70 * 1000); assert.soon(function() { return t.find({y: {$lt: new Date(now - (10000 * 1000))}}).count() === 0; }, "TTL index on y didn't finish deleting", 5 * 1000); assert.eq(9, t.count());