/** Test TTL collections with replication * Part 1: Initiate replica set. Insert some docs and create a TTL index. * Check that the correct # of docs age out. * Part 2: Add a new member to the set. Check that it also gets the correct # of docs. * Part 3: Change the TTL expireAfterSeconds field and check successful propogation to secondary. */ load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); var rt = new ReplSetTest({name: "ttl_repl", nodes: 2}); /******** Part 1 ***************/ // setup set var nodes = rt.startSet(); rt.initiate(); var master = rt.getPrimary(); rt.awaitSecondaryNodes(); var slave1 = rt.liveNodes.slaves[0]; // shortcuts var masterdb = master.getDB('d'); var slave1db = slave1.getDB('d'); var mastercol = masterdb['c']; var slave1col = slave1db['c']; // turn off usePowerOf2Sizes as this tests the flag is set automatically mastercol.drop(); masterdb.createCollection(mastercol.getName(), {usePowerOf2Sizes: false}); // create new collection. insert 24 docs, aged at one-hour intervalss now = (new Date()).getTime(); var bulk = mastercol.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) { bulk.insert({x: new Date(now - (3600 * 1000 * i))}); } assert.writeOK(bulk.execute()); rt.awaitReplication(); assert.eq(24, mastercol.count(), "docs not inserted on primary"); assert.eq(24, slave1col.count(), "docs not inserted on secondary"); print("Initial Stats:"); print("Master:"); printjson(mastercol.stats()); print("Slave1:"); printjson(slave1col.stats()); // create TTL index, wait for TTL monitor to kick in, then check that // the correct number of docs age out assert.commandWorked(mastercol.ensureIndex({x: 1}, {expireAfterSeconds: 20000})); rt.awaitReplication(); sleep(70 * 1000); // TTL monitor runs every 60 seconds, so wait 70 print("Stats after waiting for TTL Monitor:"); print("Master:"); printjson(mastercol.stats()); print("Slave1:"); printjson(slave1col.stats()); assert.eq(6, mastercol.count(), "docs not deleted on primary"); assert.eq(6, slave1col.count(), "docs not deleted on secondary"); /******** Part 2 ***************/ // add a new secondary, wait for it to fully join var slave = rt.add(); var config = rt.getReplSetConfig(); config.version = 2; reconfig(rt, config); var slave2col = slave.getDB('d')['c']; // check that the new secondary has the correct number of docs print("New Slave stats:"); printjson(slave2col.stats()); assert.eq(6, slave2col.count(), "wrong number of docs on new secondary"); /******* Part 3 *****************/ // Check that the collMod command successfully updates the expireAfterSeconds field masterdb.runCommand({collMod: "c", index: {keyPattern: {x: 1}, expireAfterSeconds: 10000}}); rt.awaitReplication(); function getTTLTime(theCollection, theKey) { var indexes = theCollection.getIndexes(); for (var i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) { if (friendlyEqual(theKey, indexes[i].key)) return indexes[i].expireAfterSeconds; } throw "not found"; } printjson(masterdb.c.getIndexes()); assert.eq(10000, getTTLTime(masterdb.c, {x: 1})); assert.eq(10000, getTTLTime(slave1db.c, {x: 1})); // finish up rt.stopSet();