/** * This tests ensures that when a stand-alone server is started with something in * local.system.replset, it doesn't start the TTL monitor (SERVER-6609). The test creates a * dummy replset config & TTL collection, then restarts the member and ensures that it doesn't * time out the docs in the TTL collection. Then it removes the "config" and * restarts, ensuring that the TTL monitor deletes the docs. */ var runner; var conn; var primeSystemReplset = function() { conn = MongoRunner.runMongod(); var localDB = conn.getDB("local"); localDB.system.replset.insert({x: 1}); print("create a TTL collection"); var testDB = conn.getDB("test"); assert.commandWorked(testDB.foo.ensureIndex({x: 1}, {expireAfterSeconds: 2})); }; var restartWithConfig = function() { MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({restart: true, cleanData: false, dbpath: conn.dbpath}); testDB = conn.getDB("test"); var n = 100; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { testDB.foo.insert({x: new Date()}); } print("sleeping 65 seconds"); sleep(65000); assert.eq(testDB.foo.count(), n); }; var restartWithoutConfig = function() { var localDB = conn.getDB("local"); assert.commandWorked(localDB.system.replset.remove({})); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({restart: true, cleanData: false, dbpath: conn.dbpath}); assert.soon(function() { return conn.getDB("test").foo.count() < 100; }, "never deleted", 75000); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); }; print("Create a TTL collection and put doc in local.system.replset"); primeSystemReplset(); print("make sure TTL doesn't work when member is started with system.replset doc"); restartWithConfig(); print("remove system.replset entry & restart"); restartWithoutConfig();