assert.eq.automsg( "0", "new NumberInt()" ); n = new NumberInt( 4 ); assert.eq.automsg( "4", "n" ); assert.eq.automsg( "4", "n.toNumber()" ); assert.eq.automsg( "8", "n + 4" ); assert.eq.automsg( "'NumberInt(4)'", "n.toString()" ); assert.eq.automsg( "'NumberInt(4)'", "tojson( n )" ); a = {} a.a = n; p = tojson( a ); assert.eq.automsg( "'{ \"a\" : NumberInt(4) }'", "p" ); assert.eq.automsg( "NumberInt(4 )", "eval( tojson( NumberInt( 4 ) ) )" ); assert.eq.automsg( "a", "eval( tojson( a ) )" ); n = new NumberInt( -4 ); assert.eq.automsg( "-4", "n" ); assert.eq.automsg( "-4", "n.toNumber()" ); assert.eq.automsg( "0", "n + 4" ); assert.eq.automsg( "'NumberInt(-4)'", "n.toString()" ); assert.eq.automsg( "'NumberInt(-4)'", "tojson( n )" ); a = {} a.a = n; p = tojson( a ); assert.eq.automsg( "'{ \"a\" : NumberInt(-4) }'", "p" ); n = new NumberInt( "11111" ); assert.eq.automsg( "'NumberInt(11111)'", "n.toString()" ); assert.eq.automsg( "'NumberInt(11111)'", "tojson( n )" ); a = {} a.a = n; p = tojson( a ); assert.eq.automsg( "'{ \"a\" : NumberInt(11111) }'", "p" ); assert.eq.automsg( "NumberInt('11111' )", "eval( tojson( NumberInt( '11111' ) ) )" ); assert.eq.automsg( "a", "eval( tojson( a ) )" ); n = new NumberInt( "-11111" ); assert.eq.automsg( "-11111", "n.toNumber()" ); assert.eq.automsg( "-11107", "n + 4" ); assert.eq.automsg( "'NumberInt(-11111)'", "n.toString()" ); assert.eq.automsg( "'NumberInt(-11111)'", "tojson( n )" ); a = {} a.a = n; p = tojson( a ); assert.eq.automsg( "'{ \"a\" : NumberInt(-11111) }'", "p" ); // parsing: v8 evaluates not numbers to 0 which is not bad //assert.throws.automsg( function() { new NumberInt( "" ); } ); //assert.throws.automsg( function() { new NumberInt( "y" ); } ); // eq assert.eq( { x : 5 } , { x : new NumberInt( "5" ) } ); assert( 5 == NumberInt( 5 ) , "eq" ); assert( 5 < NumberInt( 6 ) , "lt" ); assert( 5 > NumberInt( 4 ) , "lt" ); assert( NumberInt( 1 ) , "to bool a" ); // objects are always considered thruthy //assert( ! NumberInt( 0 ) , "to bool b" ); // create doc with int value in db t = db.getCollection( "numberint" ); t.drop(); o = { a : NumberInt(42) }; o ); assert.eq( 42 , t.findOne().a , "save doc 1" ); assert.eq( 1 , t.find({a: {$type: 16}}).count() , "save doc 2" ); assert.eq( 0 , t.find({a: {$type: 1}}).count() , "save doc 3" ); // roundtripping mod = t.findOne({a: 42}); mod.a += 10; mod.b = "foo"; delete mod._id;; assert.eq( 2 , t.find({a: {$type: 16}}).count() , "roundtrip 1" ); assert.eq( 0 , t.find({a: {$type: 1}}).count() , "roundtrip 2" ); assert.eq( 1 , t.find({a: 52}).count() , "roundtrip 3" ); // save regular number{a: 42}); assert.eq( 2 , t.find({a: {$type: 16}}).count() , "normal 1" ); assert.eq( 1 , t.find({a: {$type: 1}}).count() , "normal 2" ); assert.eq( 2 , t.find({a: 42}).count() , "normal 3" );