// Validate rotate certificates works with ocsp // @tags: [live_record_incompatible] (function() { "use strict"; load('jstests/ssl/libs/ssl_helpers.js'); load('jstests/ocsp/lib/mock_ocsp.js'); if (determineSSLProvider() !== "openssl") { return; } let mongod; // Returns whether a rotation works with the given mockOCSP server. function tryRotate(fault) { const ocspServer = new MockOCSPServer(fault); ocspServer.start(); const success = mongod.adminCommand({rotateCertificates: 1}).ok; ocspServer.stop(); return success; } mongod = MongoRunner.runMongod( {sslMode: "requireSSL", sslPEMKeyFile: OCSP_SERVER_CERT, sslCAFile: OCSP_CA_PEM}); // Positive: test with positive OCSP response assert(tryRotate()); // Negative: test with revoked OCSP response assert(!tryRotate(FAULT_REVOKED)); // Positive: test with positive OCSP response assert(tryRotate()); }());