(function() { "use strict"; // perform inserts in parallel from a large number of clients load('jstests/libs/parallelTester.js'); const f = db.jstests_parallel_manyclients; f.drop(); f.createIndex({who: 1}); Random.setRandomSeed(); const t = new ParallelTester(); // Reducing the number of threads to 100 because of WT-1989 let numThreads = 100; const buildInfo = db.adminCommand("buildInfo"); if (buildInfo.bits < 64 || buildInfo.buildEnvironment.target_os != "linux" || buildInfo.debug) { numThreads = 50; } numThreads = Math.min(numThreads, db.serverStatus().connections.available / 3); print("numThreads: " + numThreads); for (let id = 0; id < numThreads; ++id) { var g = new EventGenerator(id, "jstests_parallel_manyclients", Random.randInt(20)); for (let j = 0; j < 1000; ++j) { if (j % 50 == 0) { g.addCheckCount(j, {who: id}, false); } g.addInsert({i: j, who: id}); } t.add(EventGenerator.dispatch, g.getEvents()); } print("done preparing test"); t.run("one or more tests failed"); assert(f.validate().valid); })();