print("profile1.js BEGIN"); try { function getProfileAString() { var s = "\n"; db.system.profile.find().forEach( function(z){ s += tojson( z ) + " ,\n" ; } ); return s; } /* With pre-created system.profile (capped) */ db.runCommand({profile: 0}); db.getCollection("system.profile").drop(); assert(!db.getLastError(), "Z"); assert.eq(0, db.runCommand({profile: -1}).was, "A"); db.createCollection("system.profile", {capped: true, size: 10000}); db.runCommand({profile: 2}); assert.eq(2, db.runCommand({profile: -1}).was, "B"); assert.eq(1, db.system.profile.stats().capped, "C"); var capped_size = db.system.profile.storageSize();, 9999, "D");, 20000, "E"); assert.eq( 4 , db.system.profile.find().count() , "E2" ); /* Make sure we can't drop if profiling is still on */ assert.throws( function(z){ db.getCollection("system.profile").drop(); } ) /* With pre-created system.profile (un-capped) */ db.runCommand({profile: 0}); db.getCollection("system.profile").drop(); assert.eq(0, db.runCommand({profile: -1}).was, "F"); db.createCollection("system.profile"); db.runCommand({profile: 2}); assert.eq(2, db.runCommand({profile: -1}).was, "G"); assert.eq(null, db.system.profile.stats().capped, "G1"); /* With no system.profile collection */ db.runCommand({profile: 0}); db.getCollection("system.profile").drop(); assert.eq(0, db.runCommand({profile: -1}).was, "H"); db.runCommand({profile: 2}); assert.eq(2, db.runCommand({profile: -1}).was, "I"); assert.eq(1, db.system.profile.stats().capped, "J"); var auto_size = db.system.profile.storageSize();, capped_size, "K"); db.eval("sleep(1)") // pre-load system.js db.setProfilingLevel(2); before = db.system.profile.count(); db.eval( "sleep(25)" ) db.eval( "sleep(120)" ) after = db.system.profile.count() assert.eq( before + 3 , after , "X1" ) /* sleep() could be inaccurate on certain platforms. let's check */ print("\nsleep 2 time actual:"); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { print(db.eval("var x = new Date(); sleep(2); return new Date() - x;")); } print(); print("\nsleep 20 times actual:"); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { print(db.eval("var x = new Date(); sleep(20); return new Date() - x;")); } print(); print("\nsleep 120 times actual:"); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { print(db.eval("var x = new Date(); sleep(120); return new Date() - x;")); } print(); function evalSleepMoreThan(millis,max){ var start = new Date(); db.eval("sleep("+millis+")"); var end = new Date(); var actual = end.getTime() - start.getTime(); if ( actual > ( millis + 5 ) ) { print( "warning wanted to sleep for: " + millis + " but took: " + actual ); } return actual >= max ? 1 : 0; } db.setProfilingLevel(1,100); before = db.system.profile.count(); var delta = 0; delta += evalSleepMoreThan( 15 , 100 ); delta += evalSleepMoreThan( 120 , 100 ); after = db.system.profile.count() assert.eq( before + delta , after , "X2 : " + getProfileAString() ) db.setProfilingLevel(1,20); before = db.system.profile.count(); delta = 0; delta += evalSleepMoreThan( 5 , 20 ); delta += evalSleepMoreThan( 120 , 20 ); after = db.system.profile.count() assert.eq( before + delta , after , "X3 : " + getProfileAString() ) db.profile.drop(); db.setProfilingLevel(2) var q = { _id : 5 }; var u = { $inc : { x : 1 } }; db.profile1.update( q , u ); var r = db.system.profile.find().sort( { $natural : -1 } )[0] assert.eq( q , r.query , "Y1" ); assert.eq( u , r.updateobj , "Y2" ); assert.eq( "update" , r.op , "Y3" ); assert.eq("test.profile1", r.ns, "Y4"); print("profile1.js SUCCESS OK"); } finally { // disable profiling for subsequent tests assert.commandWorked( db.runCommand( {profile:0} ) ); }