// Check debug information recorded for a query. // special db so that it can be run in parallel tests var stddb = db; var db = db.getSisterDB("profile4"); db.removeAllUsers(); t = db.profile4; t.drop(); function profileCursor() { return db.system.profile.find( { user:username + "@" + db.getName() } ); } function lastOp() { p = profileCursor().sort( { $natural:-1 } ).next(); // printjson( p ); return p; } function checkLastOp( spec ) { p = lastOp(); for( i in spec ) { s = spec[ i ]; assert.eq( s[ 1 ], p[ s[ 0 ] ], s[ 0 ] ); } } try { username = "jstests_profile4_user"; db.addUser( username, "password", jsTest.basicUserRoles, 1 ); db.auth( username, "password" ); db.setProfilingLevel(0); db.system.profile.drop(); assert.eq( 0 , profileCursor().count() ) db.setProfilingLevel(2); t.find().itcount(); checkLastOp( [ [ "op", "query" ], [ "ns", "profile4.profile4" ], [ "query", {} ], [ "ntoreturn", 0 ], [ "ntoskip", 0 ], [ "nscanned", 0 ], [ "keyUpdates", 0 ], [ "nreturned", 0 ], [ "responseLength", 20 ] ] ); t.save( {} ); // check write lock stats are set o = lastOp(); assert.eq('insert', o.op); assert.eq( 0, o.lockStats.timeLockedMicros.r ); assert.lt( 0, o.lockStats.timeLockedMicros.w ); assert.eq( 0, o.lockStats.timeAcquiringMicros.r ); //assert.lt( 0, o.lockStats.timeAcquiringMicros.w ); // Removed due to SERVER-8331 // check read lock stats are set t.find(); o = lastOp(); assert.eq('query', o.op); assert.lt( 0, o.lockStats.timeLockedMicros.r ); assert.eq( 0, o.lockStats.timeLockedMicros.w ); //assert.lt( 0, o.lockStats.timeAcquiringMicros.r ); // Removed due to SERVER-8331 //assert.lt( 0, o.lockStats.timeAcquiringMicros.w ); // Removed due to SERVER-8331 t.save( {} ); t.save( {} ); t.find().skip( 1 ).limit( 4 ).itcount(); checkLastOp( [ [ "ntoreturn", 4 ], [ "ntoskip", 1 ], [ "nscanned", 3 ], [ "nreturned", 2 ] ] ); t.find().batchSize( 2 ).next(); o = lastOp(); assert.lt( 0, o.cursorid ); t.find( {a:1} ).itcount(); checkLastOp( [ [ "query", {a:1} ] ] ); t.find( {_id:0} ).itcount(); checkLastOp( [ [ "idhack", true ] ] ); t.find().sort( {a:1} ).itcount(); checkLastOp( [ [ "scanAndOrder", true ] ] ); db.setProfilingLevel(0); db.system.profile.drop(); } finally { db.setProfilingLevel(0); db = stddb; }