// Check that a new plan will be selected if a recorded plan performs poorly. t = db.jstests_queryoptimizer4; function reset( matches, filler ) { t.drop(); t.ensureIndex({a:1}); t.ensureIndex({b:1}); // {a:1} index best for query {a:1,b:1} t.save({a:1,b:1}); t.save({a:2,b:1}); // {b:1} index best for query {a:100,b:100} for( i = 0; i < matches; ++i ) { t.save({a:100,b:100}); } for( i = 0; i < filler; ++i ) { t.save({a:100,b:5}); } } function checkCursor( query, cursor ) { t.find(query).itcount(); // Check that index on 'cursor' was chosen in the above query. var x = t.find(query).explain(true); assert.eq( 'BtreeCursor ' + cursor, x.oldPlan.cursor , tojson(x) ); } // Check {b:1} takes over when {a:1} is much worse for query {a:100,b:100}. reset( 1, 50 ); checkCursor( {a:1,b:1}, 'a_1' ); checkCursor( {a:100,b:100}, 'b_1' ); // Check smallest filler for which {b:1} will take over. reset( 2, 12 ); checkCursor( {a:1,b:1}, 'a_1' ); checkCursor( {a:100,b:100}, 'b_1' ); // Check largest filler for which {b:1} will not take over - demonstrating that new plans run alongside the old plan. reset( 2, 11 ); checkCursor( {a:1,b:1}, 'a_1' ); checkCursor( {a:100,b:100}, 'a_1' );