// Some unsatisfiable constraint tests. t = db.jstests_queryoptimizer7; function assertPlanWasRecorded( query ) { var x = t.find( query ).explain( true ); assert.eq( 'BtreeCursor a_1', x.oldPlan.cursor , tojson(x) ); } function assertNoPlanWasRecorded( query ) { assert( !t.find( query ).explain( true ).oldPlan ); } // A query plan can be recorded and reused in the presence of a single key index // constraint that would be impossible for a single key index, but is unindexed. t.drop(); t.ensureIndex( {a:1} ); t.find( {a:1,b:1,c:{$gt:5,$lt:5}} ).itcount(); assertPlanWasRecorded( {a:1,b:1,c:{$gt:5,$lt:5}} ); // A query plan for an indexed unsatisfiable single key index constraint is not recorded. t.drop(); t.ensureIndex( {a:1} ); t.find( {a:{$gt:5,$lt:5},b:1} ).itcount(); assertNoPlanWasRecorded( {a:{$gt:5,$lt:5},b:1} ); // A query plan for an unsatisfiable multikey index constraint is not recorded. t.drop(); t.ensureIndex( {a:1} ); t.find( {a:{$in:[]},b:1} ).itcount(); assertNoPlanWasRecorded( {a:{$in:[]},b:1} );