load('jstests/readonly/lib/read_only_test.js'); runReadOnlyTest(function() { 'use strict'; return { name: 'aggregate_readonly', load: function(writableCollection) { assert.doesNotThrow(() => { writableCollection.insertMany([ { award: "Best Picture", nominations: [ {title: "The Big Short"}, {title: "Bridge of Spies"}, {title: "Brooklyn"}, {title: "Max Max: Fury Road"}, {title: "The Martian"}, {title: "The Revenant"}, {title: "Room"}, {title: "Spotlight"} ] }, { award: "Best Actor", nominations: [ {title: "Trumbo", person: "Bryan Cranston"}, {title: "The Martian", person: "Matt Damon"}, {title: "The Revenant", person: "Leonardo DiCaprio"}, {title: "Steve Jobs", person: "Michael Fassbender"}, {title: "The Danish Girl", person: "Eddie Redmayne"} ] }, { award: "Best Actress", nominations: [ {title: "Carol", person: "Cate Blanchett"}, {title: "Room", person: "Brie Larson"}, {title: "Joy", person: "Jennifer Lawrence"}, {title: "45 Years", person: "Charlotte Rampling"}, {title: "Brooklyn", person: "Saoirse Ronan"} ] }, { award: "Best Supporting Actor", nominations: [ {title: "The Big Short", person: "Christian Bale"}, {title: "The Revenant", person: "Tom Hardy"}, {title: "Spotlight", person: "Mark Ruffalo"}, {title: "Bridge Of Spies", person: "Mark Rylance"}, {title: "Creed", person: "Sylvester Stallone"} ] }, { award: "Best Supporting Actress", nominations: [ {title: "The Hateful Eight", person: "Jennifer Jason Leigh"}, {title: "Carol", person: "Rooney Mara"}, {title: "Spotlight", person: "Rachel McAdams"}, {title: "The Danish Girl", person: "Alicia Vikander"}, {title: "Steve Jobs", person: "Kate Winslet"} ] } ]); }); }, exec: function(readableCollection) { // Find titles nominated for the most awards. var mostAwardsPipeline = [ {$unwind: "$nominations"}, {$group: {_id: "$nominations.title", count: {$sum: 1}}}, {$sort: {count: -1, _id: 1}}, {$limit: 2}, ]; assert.docEq(readableCollection.aggregate(mostAwardsPipeline).toArray(), [{_id: "Spotlight", count: 3}, {_id: "The Revenant", count: 3}]); // Check that pipelines fail with allowDiskUse true. We use runCommand manually because // the helper has conflicting error handling logic. var allowDiskUseCmd = { aggregate: readableCollection.getName(), pipeline: [], cursor: {}, allowDiskUse: true }; assert.commandFailedWithCode(readableCollection.runCommand(allowDiskUseCmd), ErrorCodes.IllegalOperation, "'allowDiskUse' is not allowed in read-only mode"); } }; }());