admin = db.getMongo().getDB( "admin" ); a = db.jstests_rename_a; b = db.jstests_rename_b; c = db.jstests_rename_c; a.drop(); b.drop(); c.drop(); {a: 1} ); {a: 2} ); a.ensureIndex( {a:1} ); a.ensureIndex( {b:1} ); {a: 100} ); assert.commandFailed( admin.runCommand( {renameCollection:"test.jstests_rename_a", to:"test.jstests_rename_c"} ) ); assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand( {renameCollection:"test.jstests_rename_a", to:"test.jstests_rename_b"} ) ); assert.eq( 0, a.find().count() ); assert.eq( 2, b.find().count() ); assert( db.system.namespaces.findOne( {name:"test.jstests_rename_b" } ) ); assert( !db.system.namespaces.findOne( {name:"test.jstests_rename_a" } ) ); assert.eq( 3, db.system.indexes.find( {ns:"test.jstests_rename_b"} ).count() ); assert.eq( 0, db.system.indexes.find( {ns:"test.jstests_rename_a"} ).count() ); assert( b.find( {a:1} ).explain().cursor.match( /^BtreeCursor/ ) ); // now try renaming a capped collection a.drop(); b.drop(); c.drop(); // TODO: too many numbers hard coded here // this test depends precisely on record size and hence may not be very reliable // note we use floats to make sure numbers are represented as doubles for both SM and v8, since test relies on record size db.createCollection( "jstests_rename_a", {capped:true,size:10000} ); for( i = 0.1; i < 10; ++i ) { { i: i } ); } assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand( {renameCollection:"test.jstests_rename_a", to:"test.jstests_rename_b"} ) ); assert.eq( 1, b.count( {i:9.1} ) ); for( i = 10.1; i < 250; ++i ) { { i: i } ); } //res = b.find().sort({i:1}); //while (res.hasNext()) printjson(; assert.eq( 0, b.count( {i:9.1} ) ); assert.eq( 1, b.count( {i:19.1} ) ); assert( db.system.namespaces.findOne( {name:"test.jstests_rename_b" } ) ); assert( !db.system.namespaces.findOne( {name:"test.jstests_rename_a" } ) ); assert.eq( true, db.system.namespaces.findOne( {name:"test.jstests_rename_b"} ).options.capped );