// Test handling of clock skew and optimes across mongod instances // // There is no automatic fail-over in a master/slave deployment, so if the master goes down, no new // master will be elected. Therefore if the master is using an ephemeral storage engine, it cannot // be restarted without losing all data. This test expects that restarting the master will maintain // the node's data, so cannot be run with ephemeral storage engines. // @tags: [requires_persistence] var baseName = "jstests_repl_master1test"; oplog = function() { return m.getDB("local").oplog.$main; }; lastop = function() { return oplog().find().sort({$natural: -1}).next(); }; am = function() { return m.getDB(baseName).a; }; rt = new ReplTest(baseName); m = rt.start(true); am().save({}); assert.eq("i", lastop().op); op = lastop(); printjson(op); op.ts.t = op.ts.t + 600000; // 10 minutes assert.commandWorked(m.getDB("local").runCommand({godinsert: "oplog.$main", obj: op})); rt.stop(true); m = rt.start(true, null, true); assert.eq(op.ts.t, lastop().ts.t); am().save({}); assert.eq(op.ts.t, lastop().ts.t); assert.eq(op.ts.i + 1, lastop().ts.i); op = lastop(); printjson(op); op.ts.i = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1; printjson(op); assert.commandWorked(m.getDB("local").runCommand({godinsert: "oplog.$main", obj: op})); rt.stop(true); m = rt.start(true, null, true); assert.eq(op.ts.i, lastop().ts.i); assert.throws(function() { am().save({}); // triggers fassert because ofclock skew }); assert.neq(0, rt.stop(true)); // fasserted