// test repl basics // data on master/slave is the same var rt = new ReplTest( "mod_move" ); m = rt.start( true , { oplogSize : 50 } ); function block(){ am.runCommand( { getlasterror : 1 , w : 2 , wtimeout : 3000 } ) } am = m.getDB( "foo" ); function check( note ){ var start = new Date(); var x,y; while ( (new Date()).getTime() - start.getTime() < 5 * 60 * 1000 ){ x = am.runCommand( "dbhash" ); y = as.runCommand( "dbhash" ); if ( x.md5 == y.md5 ) return; sleep( 200 ); } assert.eq( x.md5 , y.md5 , note ); } // insert a lot of 'big' docs // so when we delete them the small docs move here BIG = 100000; N = BIG * 2; s : "asdasdasdasdasdasdasdadasdadasdadasdasdas" for ( i=0; i=BIG; i-- ) { am.a.update( { _id : i } , { $set : { x : 1 } } ) if ( i == N ) { am.getLastError() assert.lt( as.a.count() , BIG , "B1" ) print( "NOW : " + as.a.count() ) } } check( "B" ) rt.stop();