// Test update modifier uassert during initial sync. SERVER-4781 var debuggingEnabled = false; function debug( x ) { if ( debuggingEnabled ) { printjson( x ); } } rt = new ReplTest( "repl13tests" ); m = rt.start( true ); mc = m.getDB( 'd' )[ 'c' ]; // Insert some documents with a:{} fields. var bulk = mc.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for(var i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) { bulk.insert({ _id: i, a: {}}); } assert.writeOK(bulk.execute()); s = rt.start( false ); sc = s.getDB( 'd' )[ 'c' ]; // Wait for the initial clone to begin. assert.soon( function() { debug( sc.count() ); return sc.count() > 0; } ); // Update documents that will be cloned last with the intent that an updated version will be cloned. // This may cause an assertion when an update that was successfully applied to the original version // of a document is replayed against an updated version of the same document. bulk = mc.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for( i = 99999; i >= 90000; --i ) { // If the document is cloned as {a:1}, the {$set:{'a.b':1}} modifier will uassert. bulk.find({ _id: i }).update({ $set: { 'a.b': 1 }}); bulk.find({ _id: i }).update({ $set: { a: 1 }}); } assert.writeOK(bulk.execute()); // The initial sync completes and subsequent writes succeed, in spite of any assertions that occur // when the update operations above are replicated. mc.save( {} ); assert.eq( 100001 , mc.count() ); assert.soon( function() { return sc.count() == 100001; } ); mc.save( {} ); assert.eq( 100002 , mc.count() ); assert.soon( function() { return sc.count() == 100002; } ); debug( sc.findOne( {_id:99999} ) ); debug( sc.findOne( {_id:90000} ) ); assert.eq( 1, sc.findOne( {_id:99999} ).a ); assert.eq( 1, sc.findOne( {_id:90000} ).a ); m_hash = m.getDB( "d" ).runCommand( "dbhash" ); s_hash = s.getDB( "d" ).runCommand( "dbhash" ); assert.eq( m_hash.collections.c , s_hash.collections.c , "sad " + tojson( m_hash ) + " " + tojson( s_hash ) );