// Test collection rename during initial sync. // SERVER-4941 if (0) { // SERVER-4941 rt = new ReplTest("repl17tests"); master = rt.start(true); md = master.getDB('d'); for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { md['' + i].save({}); } slave = rt.start(false); sd = slave.getDB('d'); function checkSlaveCount(collection, expectedCount) { var count = sd[collection].count(); var debug = false; if (debug) { print(collection + ': ' + count); } return count == expectedCount; } // Wait for the slave to start cloning assert.soon(function() { return checkSlaveCount('0', 1); }); assert.commandWorked(md['999'].renameCollection('renamed')); // Check for renamed collection on slave. assert.soon(function() { return checkSlaveCount('999', 0) && checkSlaveCount('renamed', 1); }); rt.stop(); }