// Test resync command: // 1. Start master/slave deployment. // 2. Insert a document to seed the oplog. // 3. Assert that the resync command fails when the slave is caught up to the master. // 4. Stop the slave. // 5. Insert enough documents to rotate the oplog. // 6. Restart the slave. // 7. Assert the resync command now works on the slave. // 8. Assert the slave eventually has the same data. // 9. Assert the slave now rejects the resync command. // // This test cannot be run on ephemeral storage engines, because after restarting, at step 6, the // slave will not have any data and will start an initial sync, rejecting the resync command. // @tags: [requires_persistence] soonCount = function(count) { assert.soon(function() { // print( "check count" ); // print( "count: " + s.getDB( baseName ).z.find().count() ); return s.getDB("foo").a.find().count() == count; }); }; doTest = function(signal, extraOpts) { print("signal: " + signal); var rt = new ReplTest("repl2tests"); // implicit small oplog makes slave get out of sync m = rt.start(true, {oplogSize: "1"}); s = rt.start(false, extraOpts); am = m.getDB("foo").a; am.save({_id: new ObjectId()}); soonCount(1); assert.eq(0, s.getDB("admin").runCommand({"resync": 1}).ok); rt.stop(false, signal); big = new Array(2000).toString(); for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) am.save({_id: new ObjectId(), i: i, b: big}); s = rt.start(false, extraOpts, true); print("earliest op in master: " + tojson(m.getDB("local").oplog.$main.find().sort({$natural: 1}).limit(1).next())); print("latest op on slave: " + tojson(s.getDB("local").sources.findOne())); assert.soon(function() { var result = s.getDB("admin").runCommand({"resync": 1}); print("resync says: " + tojson(result)); return result.ok == 1; }); soonCount(1001); assert.automsg("m.getDB( 'local' ).getCollection( 'oplog.$main' ).stats().size > 0"); as = s.getDB("foo").a; assert.eq(1, as.find({i: 0}).count()); assert.eq(1, as.find({i: 999}).count()); assert.eq(0, s.getDB("admin").runCommand({"resync": 1}).ok); rt.stop(); }; doTest(15, {"vv": null}); // SIGTERM doTest(9, {"vv": null, journal: null}); // SIGKILL